Tarzan Kay – The Copy Kit
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- Last Updated Date: 07-25-2021
- Course Size: 1.1 GB
Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)
Tarzan Kay - The Copy Kit
01-Start Here
02-Launch Copy Trello Board
03-22 Essential Questions (Sales Page Prep Sheet)
04-The 6-Figure Sales Page Template
05-The Promo Sequence Cheat Sheet
06-Email Promo Sequence Swipes
07-The Pattern-Interrupt Cart Close Email
08-BONUS How To Set Up Your Promo Emails for Easy Uploading By Your VA
09-BONUS- Plan Your Launch Calendar
10-BONUS The Perfect Bonus Stack
11-BONUS How To Use Myers-Briggs Types To Write Copy, with Jessica Butts
01-Start Here
- 01-Not-So-Hidden Gems and Where To Find Them.mp4
- 01-Welcome_to_CLCK_The_Course_Launch_Copy_Kit_.pdf
- 01-Welcome to CLCK- The Course Launch Copy Kit.mp4
02-Launch Copy Trello Board
- 01-Launch Copy Trello Board.mp4
- 01-Launch_Copy_Trello_Board.pdf
03-22 Essential Questions (Sales Page Prep Sheet)
- 01-22 Essential Questions- A Prep Sheet For Writing Sales Page Copy.mp4
- 01-22_Essential_Questions.pdf
- 01-22_Essential_Questions_A_Prep_Sheet_For_Writing_Sales_Page_Copy.pdf
04-The 6-Figure Sales Page Template
- 01 - Tarzan Kay - Launch Strategist & Copywriter -.pdf
- 01-Email_Empire_Sales_Page_Example_.pdf
- 01-Six_Figure_Sales_Page_Template_Only.pdf
- 01-The 6-Figure Sales Page Template in action. FYI- this video has no sound.mp4
05-The Promo Sequence Cheat Sheet
- 01 - Tarzan Kay - Launch Strategist & Copywriter -.pdf
- 01-Email_Sequence_Cheatsheet.pdf
- 01-The Promo Sequence Cheat Sheet.mp4
- 01-The_Promo_Sequence_Cheat_Sheet.pdf
06-Email Promo Sequence Swipes
01-Email Promo Sequence Swipes
- 01 - Tarzan Kay - Launch Strategist & Copywriter .pdf
- 01-Email_Promo_Sequence_Swipe.pdf
- 01-Watch This Mini-Training First.mp4
- 01-Watch_This_Mini-Training_First.pdf
02-Sequence 1 Short Promo (10 Emails over 6 Days)
- 01-Email 1- Day 1 (No-Shows on Webinar).pdf
- 02-Email 2 - Day 1 (Webinar Attendees).pdf
- 03-Email 3 - Day 2 (Morning).pdf
- 04- Email 4 - Day 3 .pdf
- 05-Email 5 - Day 4.pdf
- 06-Email 6 - Day 5 (Morning).pdf
- 07-Email 7 -Day 5 (Afternoon).pdf
- 08-Email 8 - Day 6 (Morning).pdf
- 09-Email 9 - Day 6 (Afternoon).pdf
- 10-Email 10 - Day 6 (Evening).pdf
03-Sequence 2 Extended Promo (19 Emails over 7 Days)
- 01-Email 1 Day 1 (Morning).pdf
- 02-Email 2 Day 1 (Afternoon).pdf
- 03-Email 3 Day 2 (Webinar Registered Only).pdf
- 04-Email 4 Day 2 (Copywriters Only).pdf
- 05-Email 5 Day 2 (Non-Copywriters Only).pdf
- 06-Email 6 Day 3 (Morning).pdf
- 07-Email 6.5 Day 3 (Noon).pdf
- 08-Email 7 Day 4.pdf
- 09-Email 8 Day 5 (Morning).pdf
- 10-Email 9 Day 5 (Evening).pdf
- 11-Email 10 Day 6 (Morning).pdf
- 12-Email 11 Day 6 (Afternoon).pdf
- 13-Email 11.5 Day 6 (Evening).pdf
- 14-Email 12 Day 7 (Morning - Launch List).pdf
- 15-Email 13 Day 7 (Morning - Full List).pdf
- 16-Email 14 Day 7 (Afternoon - Freelancers Only).pdf
- 17-Email 15 Day 7 (Afternoon - Freelancers Only).pdf
- 18-Email 16 Day 7 (Evening).pdf
- 19-Email 17 Day 7 (Late Evening - Launch List).pdf
07-The Pattern-Interrupt Cart Close Email
- 01-Pattern_Interrupt_Cart_Close_Emails.pdf
- 01-The Pattern-Interrupt Cart Close Email.mp4
- 01-he_Pattern-Interrupt_Cart_Close_Email.pdf
- 02-Example Email 1 - The Money Vault.pdf
- 03-Example Email 2 - Talia Wolf's Emotion Sells.pdf
- 04-Example Email 3 - Email Stars.pdf
08-BONUS How To Set Up Your Promo Emails for Easy Uploading By Your VA
- 01-How To Set Up Your Promo Emails for Easy Uploading By Your VA.mp4
- 01-How_To_Set_Up_Your_Promo_Emails_for_Easy_Uploading_By_Your_VA.pdf
09-BONUS- Plan Your Launch Calendar
- 01-LARGE_FORMAT_Plan_Your_Launch_Calendar_Template_17_x_11_-_CLCK.pdf
- 01-Plan Your Launch Calendar.mp4
- 01-Plan_Your_Launch_Calendar.pdf
- 01-Plan_Your_Launch_Calendar_Template_-_CLCK.pdf
10-BONUS The Perfect Bonus Stack
- 01-How_To_Choose_Your_Bonuses_CLCK_2020.pdf
- 01-The Perfect Bonus Stack.mp4
- 01-The_Perfect_Bonus_Stack.pdf
11-BONUS How To Use Myers-Briggs Types To Write Copy, with Jessica Butts
- 01-How To use Myers-Briggs Personality Type To Connect With Your Subscribers, with Jessica Butts.mp4
- 01-How_To_use_Myers-Briggs_Personality_Type_To_Connect_With_Your_Subscribers_with_Jessica_Butts.pdf
You understand the importance of copy and copywriting for your business. You know that there’s an outrageous amount of writing that you need to do now that you have a course to sell to the world.
It can feel really overwhelming. Like standing in the middle of a crowded indoor concert venue and not knowing how you’re going to make it to the bathroom through the sea of people surrounding you, overwhelming.
I’ve pulled together my favourite copy swipes, mini-training videos and more to help you become the BEST copywriter for your business.
If you find yourself ready to launch a course but overwhelmed by the content and copy bits and pieces of it all. You’re in luck:
A Jetpack For Your Next Launch, including the Copy Swipe Library, Video Masterclass, & Launch Planning Trello Board
6-Figure Sales Page Template & Prep Workbook: You can (and are!) committed to your course launch and you’re ready to rip off the band-aid. You know what you need to do, you just need the detailed plan to do it.
Email Sequence Cheat Sheet: It IS possible to write snappy copy from swipes. Copy that represents YOU and helps you feel confident and really proud of what you’re offering to your audience.
Promo Email Swipe File:I know, I know. Everyone wants to hire a copywriter but here’s the what of the WHUT: no copywriter is going to be able to find your voice for you! You find your voice by actually writing. These swipes will get you started!
The Cart Close Email Training + Template: Ever find yourself totally just done with someone else’s launch because it’s all just too much to even consume? I’ll share what to do at the END of your launch, to keep prospects engaged.
Launch Planning Trello Board: It’s the roadmap! Every piece of copy for your launch, laid out in Trello. THE project management tool for keeping track of all the copy that needs to be written. Please note: this does not include ALL the copy—it’s a plan to keep you on track.
A New Way Of Launching: CLCK is a more do-able style of launching that respects the type of tactics and number of emails you’re personally comfortable sending. Let’s create a world where launching is fun and everybody wins!
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