Suzi McAlpine – The Leader’s Map

Suzi McAlpine – The Leader’s Map
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$999- 96%

Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)

Suzi McAlpine - The Leader's Map
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1. Welcome And Introduction
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2. Module 1 - Defining Your Leadership Brand And Your True North
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3. Module 2 - The Art Of Giving And Receiving Feedback
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4. Module 3 - Become An Outstanding Coach
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5. Module 4 - How To Manage Your Time And Priorities Like A Pro
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6. Module 5 - Mind Body Reset - How To Build Resilience And Manage Stress
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7. Module 6 - Build A High Performing Team
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8. Module 7 - Managing Performance
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9. Module 8 - Leading Yourself And Others Through Change
1. Welcome And Introduction
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1.1 Welcome.mp4
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1.2 Notes.pdf
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2.1 How To Work Through This Course.pdf
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2.2 Keep Track Of Your Progress.xlsx
2. Module 1 - Defining Your Leadership Brand And Your True North
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1.1 Define Your True North.mp4
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1.2 Define Your True North.pdf
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1.3 Good Leader Are Authentic Leader - Bill George.mp4
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1.4 The Leaders I Admire Most.pdf
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1.5 My 8 Leadership Qualities.pdf
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1.6 How To Tap Into The State Of In Flow And On Fire.pdf
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1.7 Further Reading And Reflections.pdf
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2.1 Identify Your Core Leadership Values.pdf
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2.2 Determining My Leadership Values.pdf
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2.3 Further Reading And Reflections.pdf
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2.4 Hacksaw Ridge (2016) - Official Trailer.mp4
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3.1 Know Thyself - How To Increase Your Self Awareness.pdf
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3.2 Keep, Stop, Start Model.mp4
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3.3 Keep, Stop, Start Model.pdf
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3.4 Know Your Strengths.pdf
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3.5 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
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4.1 Above The Line And Below The Line Behaviour.pdf
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4.2 Locating Yourself - A Key To Conscious Leadership.mp4
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4.3 Above The Line And Below The Line Behaviour - Source File.pdf
3. Module 2 - The Art Of Giving And Receiving Feedback
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1.1 The Importance Of Feedback.mp4
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1.2 The Importance Of Feedback.pdf
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2.1 How To Ace The Art Of Giving Feedback.pdf
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2.2 Give Your Team More Negative Feedback - Really.mp4
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2.3 The SBI Model Of Giving Feedback.mp4
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2.4 The SBI Model Of Giving Feedback.pdf
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2.5 Preparation For Giving Feedback.pdf
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2.6 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
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3.1 Why Feedback Is The Breakfast Of Champions.pdf
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3.2 Understanding Our Mental Models To Feedback.pdf
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4.1 How To Receive Feedback Like A Champ.pdf
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4.2 Receiving Feedback.pdf
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4.3 How To Receive Feedback Like A Champ - Exercise.pdf
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4.4 Tips For Dealing With Criticism.pdf
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4.5 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
4. Module 3 - Become An Outstanding Coach
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1.1 How To Become An Outstanding Coach - A Critical Skill For Leadership Success.mp4
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1.2 How To Become An Outstanding Coach - A Critical Skill For Leadership Success.pdf
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1.3 Great Coaching And Mentoring Questions.pdf
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1.4 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
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2.1 What Is Coaching And Why Should You Make It A Daily Habit.pdf
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2.2 Progress Coaching Conversation.pdf
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3.1 The Fundamentals Of Good Coaching.pdf
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3.2 The Grow Model.pdf
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3.3 The Grow Model.mp4
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3.4 The Grow Model In Action.mp4
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3.5 The Grow Model - Resource.pdf
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3.6 Listening - Exercise.pdf
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3.7 The Grow Coaching Model.pdf
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3.8 Using Great Coaching Questions.pdf
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3.9 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
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4.1 Advanced Coaching Tips.pdf
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4.2 Using The Reflection Wheel In Your Leadership Practice.pdf
5. Module 4 - How To Manage Your Time And Priorities Like A Pro
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1.1 How To Prioritise Like A Pro.mp4
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1.2 How To Prioritise Like A Pro.pdf
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1.3 Essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less - Greg McKeown.mp4
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1.4 The Leaps Mnemonic For Time Management.pdf
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1.5 The Urgent And Important Matrix.pdf
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1.6 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
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1.7 Barriers To Effective Time Management.pdf
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1.8 Leap Your To Do List.pdf
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2.1 Master The Art Of Delegation.pdf
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2.2 The Freedom Scale Resource.pdf
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2.3 Delegation.pdf
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3.1 How To Run An Effective Meeting.pdf
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3.2 6 Tips To Make Your Meetings Matter.mp4
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3.3 Sort Those Meetings.pdf
6. Module 5 - Mind Body Reset - How To Build Resilience And Manage Stress
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1.1 The Link Between Mind, Body And Performance.pdf
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1.2 Sleep Assesment.pdf
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1.3 A Key Success Factor For High Performing Leaders.pdf
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2.1 Stress, Eustress And Identifying Peak Performance Conditions.mp4
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2.2 Stress, Eustress And Identifying Peak Performance Conditions.pdf
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2.3 The Stress Of Leadership.pdf
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2.4 Identify Your Sources Of Stress And Eustress - Exercise.pdf
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2.5 Keep A Stress Diary.pdf
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2.6 Inverted U - Exercise.pdf
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2.7 Further Reading And Reflection.pdf
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3.1 Self Confidence, Self Efficacy And The Link To Peak Performance And Resilience - Part 1.pdf
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3.2 Your Body Language My Shape Who You Are - Amy Cuddy.mp4
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3.3 The RED Zone.mp4
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3.4 Self Confidence, Self Efficacy And The Link To Peak Performance And Resilience - Part 2.pdf
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3.5 Tip 5 - Thought Awareness - The CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) Method.mp4
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3.6 Self Confidence, Self Efficacy And The Link To Peak Performance And Resilience - Part 3.pdf
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3.7 General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE).pdf
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3.8 What Does Self Confidence Look Like.pdf
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3.9 High Confidence Low Confidence Comparison.pdf
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3.10 The Red Zone.pdf
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3.11 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
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4.1 Finding Balance Between The ‘Being’ And ‘Doing’ Of Leadership.mp4
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4.2 Finding Balance Between The ‘Being’ And ‘Doing’ Of Leadership - Part 1.pdf
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4.3 STOP Acronym.mp4
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4.4 Finding Balance Between The ‘Being’ And ‘Doing’ Of Leadership - Part 2.pdf
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4.5 Journaling.pdf
7. Module 6 - Build A High Performing Team
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1.1 How To Build A High Performing Culture.mp4
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1.2 How To Build A High Performing Culture.pdf
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1.3 Building Trust - Exercise.pdf
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1.4 Offsite Team Building - Exercise.pdf
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1.5 Identifying Positive Flash Points In Team Effectiveness - Exercise.pdf
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1.6 Building My High Performing Team Culture - Exercise.pdf
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1.7 Power And Decision Making In Leadership.pdf
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1.8 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
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2.1 Tips For Best Practice Recruitment - Part 1.pdf
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2.2 How To Structure An Interview.mp4
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2.3 Tips For Best Practice Recruitment - Part 2.pdf
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2.4 Interview Outline.mp4
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2.5 Tips For Best Practice Recruitment - Part 3.pdf
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2.6 Best Practice Interviewing.pdf
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2.7 Best Practice Interview Techniques - Internal.pdf
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2.8 Best Practice Interview Techniques - External.pdf
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2.9 The Benefits Of Better Recruitment - Exercise.pdf
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2.10 Preparing To Interview Candidates For A Role - Exercise.pdf
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2.11 In the Candidates Shoes - Exercise.pdf
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2.12 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
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3.1 Develop Your Team Individually And As A Whole - Part 1.pdf
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3.2 The Sweet Spot Development Model.mp4
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3.3 The Sweet Spot Development Model.pdf
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3.4 Develop Your Team Individually And As A Whole - Part 2.pdf
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3.5 Is Yours A Development Culture - Exercise.pdf
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3.6 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
8. Module 7 - Managing Performance
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1.1 Setting Expectations - Why Clarity Is Key For High Performance.mp4
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1.2 Setting Expectations - Why Clarity Is Key For High Performance.pdf
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1.3 Apply The GetSet Model.pdf
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1.4 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
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2.1 Performance Coaching.mp4
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2.2 Performance Coaching - Part 1.pdf
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2.3 Performance Coaching Models.mp4
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2.4 Performance Coaching - Part 2.pdf
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2.5 Questions To Tap Into The Motivational Quadrant For Change.pdf
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2.6 Planning For A Performance Conversation - Exercise.pdf
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2.7 Mastering The Art Of Challenging.pdf
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2.8 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
9. Module 8 - Leading Yourself And Others Through Change
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1.1 Equipping Yourself For The Different Types Of Change You’ll Encounter As A Leader.mp4
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1.2 Equipping Yourself For The Different Types Of Change You’ll Encounter As A Leader.pdf
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1.3 Endings And Beginnings.pdf
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1.4 My Own Change Experiences - Exercise.pdf
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1.5 The Folding Arms - Exercise.pdf
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1.6 Exploring Changes In My Organisation - Exercise.pdf
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1.7 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
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2.1 The SARAH Model Of Change.pdf
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2.2 SARAH Model.pdf
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2.3 Understanding Your Own Attitude To Change.pdf
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2.4 What Is Your Attitude To Change.pdf
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2.5 Leading Change.pdf
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2.6 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
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3. The Do's And Dont's Of Leading Change.pdf
  • 1. Welcome And Introduction

    • 1.1 Welcome.mp4
    • 1.2 Notes.pdf
    • 2.1 How To Work Through This Course.pdf
    • 2.2 Keep Track Of Your Progress.xlsx
  • 2. Module 1 - Defining Your Leadership Brand And Your True North

    • 1.1 Define Your True North.mp4
    • 1.2 Define Your True North.pdf
    • 1.3 Good Leader Are Authentic Leader - Bill George.mp4
    • 1.4 The Leaders I Admire Most.pdf
    • 1.5 My 8 Leadership Qualities.pdf
    • 1.6 How To Tap Into The State Of In Flow And On Fire.pdf
    • 1.7 Further Reading And Reflections.pdf
    • 2.1 Identify Your Core Leadership Values.pdf
    • 2.2 Determining My Leadership Values.pdf
    • 2.3 Further Reading And Reflections.pdf
    • 2.4 Hacksaw Ridge (2016) - Official Trailer.mp4
    • 3.1 Know Thyself - How To Increase Your Self Awareness.pdf
    • 3.2 Keep, Stop, Start Model.mp4
    • 3.3 Keep, Stop, Start Model.pdf
    • 3.4 Know Your Strengths.pdf
    • 3.5 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
    • 4.1 Above The Line And Below The Line Behaviour.pdf
    • 4.2 Locating Yourself - A Key To Conscious Leadership.mp4
    • 4.3 Above The Line And Below The Line Behaviour - Source File.pdf
  • 3. Module 2 - The Art Of Giving And Receiving Feedback

    • 1.1 The Importance Of Feedback.mp4
    • 1.2 The Importance Of Feedback.pdf
    • 2.1 How To Ace The Art Of Giving Feedback.pdf
    • 2.2 Give Your Team More Negative Feedback - Really.mp4
    • 2.3 The SBI Model Of Giving Feedback.mp4
    • 2.4 The SBI Model Of Giving Feedback.pdf
    • 2.5 Preparation For Giving Feedback.pdf
    • 2.6 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
    • 3.1 Why Feedback Is The Breakfast Of Champions.pdf
    • 3.2 Understanding Our Mental Models To Feedback.pdf
    • 4.1 How To Receive Feedback Like A Champ.pdf
    • 4.2 Receiving Feedback.pdf
    • 4.3 How To Receive Feedback Like A Champ - Exercise.pdf
    • 4.4 Tips For Dealing With Criticism.pdf
    • 4.5 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
  • 4. Module 3 - Become An Outstanding Coach

    • 1.1 How To Become An Outstanding Coach - A Critical Skill For Leadership Success.mp4
    • 1.2 How To Become An Outstanding Coach - A Critical Skill For Leadership Success.pdf
    • 1.3 Great Coaching And Mentoring Questions.pdf
    • 1.4 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
    • 2.1 What Is Coaching And Why Should You Make It A Daily Habit.pdf
    • 2.2 Progress Coaching Conversation.pdf
    • 3.1 The Fundamentals Of Good Coaching.pdf
    • 3.2 The Grow Model.pdf
    • 3.3 The Grow Model.mp4
    • 3.4 The Grow Model In Action.mp4
    • 3.5 The Grow Model - Resource.pdf
    • 3.6 Listening - Exercise.pdf
    • 3.7 The Grow Coaching Model.pdf
    • 3.8 Using Great Coaching Questions.pdf
    • 3.9 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
    • 4.1 Advanced Coaching Tips.pdf
    • 4.2 Using The Reflection Wheel In Your Leadership Practice.pdf
  • 5. Module 4 - How To Manage Your Time And Priorities Like A Pro

    • 1.1 How To Prioritise Like A Pro.mp4
    • 1.2 How To Prioritise Like A Pro.pdf
    • 1.3 Essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less - Greg McKeown.mp4
    • 1.4 The Leaps Mnemonic For Time Management.pdf
    • 1.5 The Urgent And Important Matrix.pdf
    • 1.6 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
    • 1.7 Barriers To Effective Time Management.pdf
    • 1.8 Leap Your To Do List.pdf
    • 2.1 Master The Art Of Delegation.pdf
    • 2.2 The Freedom Scale Resource.pdf
    • 2.3 Delegation.pdf
    • 3.1 How To Run An Effective Meeting.pdf
    • 3.2 6 Tips To Make Your Meetings Matter.mp4
    • 3.3 Sort Those Meetings.pdf
  • 6. Module 5 - Mind Body Reset - How To Build Resilience And Manage Stress

    • 1.1 The Link Between Mind, Body And Performance.pdf
    • 1.2 Sleep Assesment.pdf
    • 1.3 A Key Success Factor For High Performing Leaders.pdf
    • 2.1 Stress, Eustress And Identifying Peak Performance Conditions.mp4
    • 2.2 Stress, Eustress And Identifying Peak Performance Conditions.pdf
    • 2.3 The Stress Of Leadership.pdf
    • 2.4 Identify Your Sources Of Stress And Eustress - Exercise.pdf
    • 2.5 Keep A Stress Diary.pdf
    • 2.6 Inverted U - Exercise.pdf
    • 2.7 Further Reading And Reflection.pdf
    • 3.1 Self Confidence, Self Efficacy And The Link To Peak Performance And Resilience - Part 1.pdf
    • 3.2 Your Body Language My Shape Who You Are - Amy Cuddy.mp4
    • 3.3 The RED Zone.mp4
    • 3.4 Self Confidence, Self Efficacy And The Link To Peak Performance And Resilience - Part 2.pdf
    • 3.5 Tip 5 - Thought Awareness - The CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) Method.mp4
    • 3.6 Self Confidence, Self Efficacy And The Link To Peak Performance And Resilience - Part 3.pdf
    • 3.7 General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE).pdf
    • 3.8 What Does Self Confidence Look Like.pdf
    • 3.9 High Confidence Low Confidence Comparison.pdf
    • 3.10 The Red Zone.pdf
    • 3.11 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
    • 4.1 Finding Balance Between The ‘Being’ And ‘Doing’ Of Leadership.mp4
    • 4.2 Finding Balance Between The ‘Being’ And ‘Doing’ Of Leadership - Part 1.pdf
    • 4.3 STOP Acronym.mp4
    • 4.4 Finding Balance Between The ‘Being’ And ‘Doing’ Of Leadership - Part 2.pdf
    • 4.5 Journaling.pdf
  • 7. Module 6 - Build A High Performing Team

    • 1.1 How To Build A High Performing Culture.mp4
    • 1.2 How To Build A High Performing Culture.pdf
    • 1.3 Building Trust - Exercise.pdf
    • 1.4 Offsite Team Building - Exercise.pdf
    • 1.5 Identifying Positive Flash Points In Team Effectiveness - Exercise.pdf
    • 1.6 Building My High Performing Team Culture - Exercise.pdf
    • 1.7 Power And Decision Making In Leadership.pdf
    • 1.8 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
    • 2.1 Tips For Best Practice Recruitment - Part 1.pdf
    • 2.2 How To Structure An Interview.mp4
    • 2.3 Tips For Best Practice Recruitment - Part 2.pdf
    • 2.4 Interview Outline.mp4
    • 2.5 Tips For Best Practice Recruitment - Part 3.pdf
    • 2.6 Best Practice Interviewing.pdf
    • 2.7 Best Practice Interview Techniques - Internal.pdf
    • 2.8 Best Practice Interview Techniques - External.pdf
    • 2.9 The Benefits Of Better Recruitment - Exercise.pdf
    • 2.10 Preparing To Interview Candidates For A Role - Exercise.pdf
    • 2.11 In the Candidates Shoes - Exercise.pdf
    • 2.12 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
    • 3.1 Develop Your Team Individually And As A Whole - Part 1.pdf
    • 3.2 The Sweet Spot Development Model.mp4
    • 3.3 The Sweet Spot Development Model.pdf
    • 3.4 Develop Your Team Individually And As A Whole - Part 2.pdf
    • 3.5 Is Yours A Development Culture - Exercise.pdf
    • 3.6 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
  • 8. Module 7 - Managing Performance

    • 1.1 Setting Expectations - Why Clarity Is Key For High Performance.mp4
    • 1.2 Setting Expectations - Why Clarity Is Key For High Performance.pdf
    • 1.3 Apply The GetSet Model.pdf
    • 1.4 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
    • 2.1 Performance Coaching.mp4
    • 2.2 Performance Coaching - Part 1.pdf
    • 2.3 Performance Coaching Models.mp4
    • 2.4 Performance Coaching - Part 2.pdf
    • 2.5 Questions To Tap Into The Motivational Quadrant For Change.pdf
    • 2.6 Planning For A Performance Conversation - Exercise.pdf
    • 2.7 Mastering The Art Of Challenging.pdf
    • 2.8 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
  • 9. Module 8 - Leading Yourself And Others Through Change

    • 1.1 Equipping Yourself For The Different Types Of Change You’ll Encounter As A Leader.mp4
    • 1.2 Equipping Yourself For The Different Types Of Change You’ll Encounter As A Leader.pdf
    • 1.3 Endings And Beginnings.pdf
    • 1.4 My Own Change Experiences - Exercise.pdf
    • 1.5 The Folding Arms - Exercise.pdf
    • 1.6 Exploring Changes In My Organisation - Exercise.pdf
    • 1.7 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
    • 2.1 The SARAH Model Of Change.pdf
    • 2.2 SARAH Model.pdf
    • 2.3 Understanding Your Own Attitude To Change.pdf
    • 2.4 What Is Your Attitude To Change.pdf
    • 2.5 Leading Change.pdf
    • 2.6 Further Readings And Reflections.pdf
    • 3. The Do's And Dont's Of Leading Change.pdf

Suzi McAlpine – The Leader’s Map

Leadership fascinates me – what accomplished leadership looks like (and equally, what it DOESN’T look like), what magic emerges in teams when leaders lead skillfully and with heart – and how leaders can become the leaders they aspire to be for themselves, their organisation and for those they lead.

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Suzi McAlpine – The Leader’s Map Course

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