Sophie Howard – Kindle Publishing Income

Sophie Howard – Kindle Publishing Income
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  • lastupdatedate-icon Last Updated Date: 05-25-2024
  • size-icon Course Size: 34.27 GB
$497- 90%

Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)

Sophie Howard - Kindle Publishing Income
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01-Module 1 - Welcome to KPI - Kindle Publishing Income
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02-Module 2 - The Secret To Become A Successful Entrepreneur
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03-Module 3 - Book Ideas Generation and Assessment
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04-Module 4 - Write A Quality Book
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05-Module 5 - Book Launch on Amazon
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06-Module 6 - Amazon Advertising
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07-Advanced Modules
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08-The Low Content Masterclass with 3 videos
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10-Weekly Calls - September 2021
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11-Weekly Calls - August 2021
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12-Weekly Calls - July 2021
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13-Weekly Calls - June 2021
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14-Weekly Calls - May 2021
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15-Weekly Calls - April 2021
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16-Weekly Calls - March 2021
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17-Weekly Calls - February 2021
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18-Weekly Calls - January 2021
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19-Weekly Calls - December 2020
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01-Module 1 - Welcome to KPI - Kindle Publishing Income
mp4 icon
01-Start Here.mp4
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01-Start Here Navigation Audio.mp3
pdf icon
01-The Little Black Book of KPI Resources (PDF) .pdf
mp3 icon
02-Unit 1 - KDP - A Great Opportunity.mp3
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02-Unit 1 - KDP - A Great Opportunity.mp4
pdf icon
02-Unit 1 - KDP - A Great Opportunity Transcript.pdf
mp4 icon
03-Unit 2 - Walkthrough Amazon.mp4
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03-Unit 2 - Walkthrough Amazon Audio.mp3
pdf icon
03-Unit 2 - Walkthrough Amazon Transcript.pdf
02-Module 2 - The Secret To Become A Successful Entrepreneur
mp4 icon
01-Unit 1 - Mindset & Habit of Successful Entrepreneurs.mp4
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01-Unit 1 - Mindset & Habit of Successful Entrepreneurs Audio.mp3
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01-Unit 1 - Mindset & Habit of Successful Entrepreneurs Slides.pdf
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01-Unit 1 - Mindset & Habit of Successful Entrepreneurs Transcript.pdf
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02-Unit 2 - How to Build a Team and Power of Outsourcing.mp4
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02-Unit 2 - How to Build a Team and Power of Outsourcing Audio.mp3
pdf icon
02-Unit 2 - How to Build a Team and Power of Outsourcing Slides.pdf
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02-Unit 2 - How to Build a Team and Power of Outsourcing Transcript.pdf
03-Module 3 - Book Ideas Generation and Assessment
mp4 icon
01-Unit 1 - Walkthrough of Amazon Book Categories.mp4
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01-Unit 1 - Walkthrough of Amazon Book Categories Audio.mp3
pdf icon
01-Unit 1 - Walkthrough of Amazon Book Categories Transcript.pdf
mp4 icon
02-Unit 2 - DS Quick View - Enable Incognito Mode.mp4
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02-Unit 2 - DS Quick View - Enable Incognito Mode Transcript.pdf
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03-10 Hot Niches to Sell on KDP.pdf
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03-Book Ideas Generation.pdf
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03-Unit 3 - How to Generate Book Ideas.mp4
mp3 icon
03-Unit 3 - How to Generate Book Ideas Audio.mp3
pdf icon
03-Unit 3 - How to Generate Book Ideas Transcript.pdf
xls icon
03-eBook Ideas Generation Sheet.xlsx
xls icon
04-Ebook Profitability Assessment.xlsx
pdf icon
04-KPI Profitability Assessment Cheatsheet.pdf
mp4 icon
04-Unit 4 - Book Ideas Profitability Assessment.mp4
pdf icon
04-Unit 4 - Book Ideas Profitability Assessment.pdf
mp3 icon
04-Unit 4 - Book Ideas Profitability Assessment Audio.mp3
pdf icon
04-Unit 4 - Book Ideas Profitability Assessment Slides.pdf
pdf icon
04-Unit 4 - Book Ideas Profitability Assessment Transcript.pdf
04-Module 4 - Write A Quality Book
pdf icon
01-Create A Great Book That Sells.pdf
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01-Template for Hiring Ghostwriter PDF.pdf
mp4 icon
01-Unit 1 - Create A High-Quality Book.mp4
mp3 icon
01-Unit 1 - Create A High-Quality Book Audio.mp3
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01-Unit 1 - Create A High-Quality Book Transcript.pdf
docx icon
02-Book Outlines Template.docx
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02-Ghostwriter Agreement.doc
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02-Unit 2 - Create A Great Book Outline.mp4
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02-Unit 2 - Create A Great Book Outline Slides.pdf
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03-Unit 3 - The 7 Keywords.mp4
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03-Unit 3 - The 7 Keywords Audio.mp3
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03-Unit 3 - The 7 Keywords Slides.pdf
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03-Unit 3 - The 7 Keywords Transcript.pdf
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04-Unit 4 - Create A Compelling Book Title.mp4
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04-Unit 4 - Create A Compelling Book Title Audio.mp3
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04-Unit 4 - Create A Compelling Book Title Slides.pdf
mp4 icon
05-Unit 5 - Write a Great Book Description.mp4
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05-Unit 5 - Write a Great Book Description Audio.mp3
pdf icon
05-Unit 5 - Write a Great Book Description Slides.pdf
pdf icon
05-Unit 5 - Write a Great Book Description Transcript.pdf
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06-Template for Hiring Cover Designer PDF.pdf
mp4 icon
06-Unit 6 - Create A Great Book Cover.mp4
mp3 icon
06-Unit 6 - Create A Great Book Cover Audio.mp3
pdf icon
06-Unit 6 - Create A Great Book Cover Slides.pdf
pdf icon
06-Unit 6 - Create A Great Book Cover Transcript.pdf
mp4 icon
07-Unit 7 - How To Choose A Pen Name.mp4
mp4 icon
08-Unit 8 - Prepare Your Book For Publishing.mp4
mp3 icon
08-Unit 8 - Prepare Your Book For Publishing Audio.mp3
pdf icon
08-Unit 8 - Prepare Your Book For Publishing Slides.pdf
pdf icon
08-Unit 8 - Prepare Your Book For Publishing Transcript.pdf
05-Module 5 - Book Launch on Amazon
mp4 icon
01-Unit 1 - Set up your KDP Account.mp4
pdf icon
01-Unit 1 - Set up your KDP Account Transcript.pdf
mp3 icon
02-Unit 2 - Upload Your Book on Amazon Part 1 Audio.mp3
pdf icon
02-Unit 2 - Upload Your Book on Amazon Part 1 Transcript.pdf
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02-Unit 2 - Upload Your Book on Amazon Part 1.mp4
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03-Unit 2 - Upload Your Book on Amazon Part 2 Transcript.pdf
mp4 icon
03-Unit 2 - Upload Your Book on Amazon Part 2.mp4
mp4 icon
04-Unit 3 - Set up Author Central.mp4
mp3 icon
04-Unit 3 - Set up Author Central Audio.mp3
pdf icon
04-Unit 3 - Set up Author Central Slides.pdf
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04-Unit 3 - Set up Author Central Transcript.pdf
mp4 icon
05-Unit 4 - Amazon Book Categories.mp4
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05-Unit 4 - Amazon Book Categories Slides.pdf
mp4 icon
06-Unit 5 - Get Book Reviews Without A List.mp4
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06-Unit 5 - Get Book Reviews Without A List Slides.pdf
pdf icon
06-Unit 5 - Get Book Reviews Without A List Transcript.pdf
mp4 icon
07-Unit 6 - KDP Select.mp4
mp3 icon
07-Unit 6 - KDP Select Audio.mp3
pdf icon
07-Unit 6 - KDP Select Slides.pdf
pdf icon
07-Unit 6 - KDP Select Transcript.pdf
06-Module 6 - Amazon Advertising
xls icon
01-AMS Keyword Search Tracker Home Garderning Demo.xlsx
mp4 icon
01-Unit 1 - AMS Keywords.mp4
mp3 icon
01-Unit 1 - AMS Keywords Audio.mp3
pdf icon
01-Unit 1 - AMS Keywords Slides.pdf
pdf icon
01-Unit 1 - AMS Keywords Transcript.pdf
mp4 icon
02-Unit 2 - AMS and set up a Sponsored Product Ad.mp4
mp3 icon
02-Unit 2 - AMS and set up a Sponsored Product Ad Audio.mp3
pdf icon
02-Unit 2 - AMS and set up a Sponsored Product Ad Slides.pdf
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02-Unit 2 - AMS and set up a Sponsored Product Ad Transcript.pdf
07-Advanced Modules
mp4 icon
01-The Public Domain Masterclass.mp4
pdf icon
01-The Public Domain Masterclass Transcript.pdf
08-The Low Content Masterclass with 3 videos
mp4 icon
01-Low Content Overview.mp4
mp4 icon
02-How to Create a Low Content.mp4
mp4 icon
03-Low Content Book Advertising On Amazon.mp4
pdf icon
01-ACX Book Publishing Guide.pdf
mp4 icon
01-Audio-Books - Audible Income Fast-Start Guide.mp4
mp4 icon
02-ACX Promo and Bounty Program.mp4
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02-ACX Promo and Bounty Program Slides.pdf
10-Weekly Calls - September 2021
mp4 icon
01-16 Sept 21 - Assessing book topics using KDSpy and Publisher Rocket.mp4
mp4 icon
02-9 Sept 21 - How to use to find ghostwriters.mp4
mp4 icon
03-2 Sept 2021 - Ghostwriters.mp4
11-Weekly Calls - August 2021
mp4 icon
01-26 Aug 21 - Book Outlines.mp4
mp4 icon
02-19 Aug 21 - Book Topic and Book Outline.mp4
mp4 icon
03-12 Aug 21 - Launch a non fiction book in 7 weeks challenge with Sophie.mp4
mp4 icon
04-5 Aug 21 - Understanding Categories.mp4
12-Weekly Calls - July 2021
mp4 icon
01-29 July 21 - Profitability Assessment.mp4
mp4 icon
02-22 July 21- Write for and market to your ideal reader.mp4
mp4 icon
03-15 July 21- Optimize your book launch.mp4
mp4 icon
04-8 July 21 - Sophie's update.mp4
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05-1 July 21 - KDP pricing and royalties.mp4
13-Weekly Calls - June 2021
mp4 icon
01-24 June 21 - Uploading and publishing paperback on KDP and Q&A.mp4
mp4 icon
02-17 Jun 21 - Book Idea Profitability Assessment Live Demo.mp4
mp4 icon
03-10 jun 21 - KDP Select.mp4
mp4 icon
04-3 June 21 - KDP Account Walkthrough.mp4
14-Weekly Calls - May 2021
mp4 icon
01-27 May 21 - Finding Categories.mp4
mp4 icon
02-20 May 21- book topics brainstorming.mp4
mp4 icon
03-13 May 2021 - Keywords Research.mp4
mp4 icon
04-6 May 2021 - Author Central.mp4
15-Weekly Calls - April 2021
mp4 icon
01-29 Apr 2021 - Goodreads giveaways and KDP Select countdown deals.mp4
mp4 icon
02-22 April 2021 - How to request reviews in our Facebook Group.mp4
mp4 icon
03-KPI Weekly Call 15Apr21 - AMS Ads- Manual Campaign.mp4
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04-April 7, 2021.mp4
16-Weekly Calls - March 2021
mp4 icon
01-March 31, 2021.mp4
mp4 icon
02-Mar. 24, 2021.mp4
pdf icon
03-Mar. 17, 2021 Slides.pdf
mp4 icon
03-Mar. 17, 2021.mp4
mp4 icon
04-Mar. 10, 2021.mp4
docx icon
05-CJ Book Outline Template.docx
mp4 icon
05-Mar. 3, 2021.mp4
17-Weekly Calls - February 2021
mp4 icon
01-Feb. 24, 2021.mp4
mp4 icon
02-Feb. 17, 2021.mp4
mp4 icon
03-Feb. 10, 2021.mp4
mp4 icon
04-Feb. 3, 2021.mp4
18-Weekly Calls - January 2021
mp4 icon
01-Jan. 27, 2021.mp4
mp4 icon
02-Jan. 20, 2021.mp4
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03-Jan. 13, 2021.mp4
mp4 icon
04-Jan. 6, 2021.mp4
19-Weekly Calls - December 2020
mp4 icon
01-Dec. 16, 2020.mp4
mp4 icon
02-Dec. 10, 2020.mp4
mp4 icon
03-Dec. 2, 2020.mp4
png icon
01-Changes to low-content books August 2021.png
  • 01-Module 1 - Welcome to KPI - Kindle Publishing Income

    • 01-Start Here.mp4
    • 01-Start Here Navigation Audio.mp3
    • 01-The Little Black Book of KPI Resources (PDF) .pdf
    • 02-Unit 1 - KDP - A Great Opportunity.mp3
    • 02-Unit 1 - KDP - A Great Opportunity.mp4
    • 02-Unit 1 - KDP - A Great Opportunity Transcript.pdf
    • 03-Unit 2 - Walkthrough Amazon.mp4
    • 03-Unit 2 - Walkthrough Amazon Audio.mp3
    • 03-Unit 2 - Walkthrough Amazon Transcript.pdf
  • 02-Module 2 - The Secret To Become A Successful Entrepreneur

    • 01-Unit 1 - Mindset & Habit of Successful Entrepreneurs.mp4
    • 01-Unit 1 - Mindset & Habit of Successful Entrepreneurs Audio.mp3
    • 01-Unit 1 - Mindset & Habit of Successful Entrepreneurs Slides.pdf
    • 01-Unit 1 - Mindset & Habit of Successful Entrepreneurs Transcript.pdf
    • 02-Unit 2 - How to Build a Team and Power of Outsourcing.mp4
    • 02-Unit 2 - How to Build a Team and Power of Outsourcing Audio.mp3
    • 02-Unit 2 - How to Build a Team and Power of Outsourcing Slides.pdf
    • 02-Unit 2 - How to Build a Team and Power of Outsourcing Transcript.pdf
  • 03-Module 3 - Book Ideas Generation and Assessment

    • 01-Unit 1 - Walkthrough of Amazon Book Categories.mp4
    • 01-Unit 1 - Walkthrough of Amazon Book Categories Audio.mp3
    • 01-Unit 1 - Walkthrough of Amazon Book Categories Transcript.pdf
    • 02-Unit 2 - DS Quick View - Enable Incognito Mode.mp4
    • 02-Unit 2 - DS Quick View - Enable Incognito Mode Transcript.pdf
    • 03-10 Hot Niches to Sell on KDP.pdf
    • 03-Assignment.png
    • 03-Book Ideas Generation.pdf
    • 03-Unit 3 - How to Generate Book Ideas.mp4
    • 03-Unit 3 - How to Generate Book Ideas Audio.mp3
    • 03-Unit 3 - How to Generate Book Ideas Transcript.pdf
    • 03-eBook Ideas Generation Sheet.xlsx
    • 04-Ebook Profitability Assessment.xlsx
    • 04-KPI Profitability Assessment Cheatsheet.pdf
    • 04-Unit 4 - Book Ideas Profitability Assessment.mp4
    • 04-Unit 4 - Book Ideas Profitability Assessment.pdf
    • 04-Unit 4 - Book Ideas Profitability Assessment Audio.mp3
    • 04-Unit 4 - Book Ideas Profitability Assessment Slides.pdf
    • 04-Unit 4 - Book Ideas Profitability Assessment Transcript.pdf
  • 04-Module 4 - Write A Quality Book

    • 01-Create A Great Book That Sells.pdf
    • 01-Template for Hiring Ghostwriter PDF.pdf
    • 01-Unit 1 - Create A High-Quality Book.mp4
    • 01-Unit 1 - Create A High-Quality Book Audio.mp3
    • 01-Unit 1 - Create A High-Quality Book Transcript.pdf
    • 02-Book Outlines Template.docx
    • 02-Ghostwriter Agreement.doc
    • 02-Unit 2 - Create A Great Book Outline.mp4
    • 02-Unit 2 - Create A Great Book Outline Slides.pdf
    • 03-Assignment.pdf
    • 03-Unit 3 - The 7 Keywords.mp4
    • 03-Unit 3 - The 7 Keywords Audio.mp3
    • 03-Unit 3 - The 7 Keywords Slides.pdf
    • 03-Unit 3 - The 7 Keywords Transcript.pdf
    • 04-Unit 4 - Create A Compelling Book Title.mp4
    • 04-Unit 4 - Create A Compelling Book Title Audio.mp3
    • 04-Unit 4 - Create A Compelling Book Title Slides.pdf
    • 05-Unit 5 - Write a Great Book Description.mp4
    • 05-Unit 5 - Write a Great Book Description Audio.mp3
    • 05-Unit 5 - Write a Great Book Description Slides.pdf
    • 05-Unit 5 - Write a Great Book Description Transcript.pdf
    • 06-Template for Hiring Cover Designer PDF.pdf
    • 06-Unit 6 - Create A Great Book Cover.mp4
    • 06-Unit 6 - Create A Great Book Cover Audio.mp3
    • 06-Unit 6 - Create A Great Book Cover Slides.pdf
    • 06-Unit 6 - Create A Great Book Cover Transcript.pdf
    • 07-Unit 7 - How To Choose A Pen Name.mp4
    • 08-Unit 8 - Prepare Your Book For Publishing.mp4
    • 08-Unit 8 - Prepare Your Book For Publishing Audio.mp3
    • 08-Unit 8 - Prepare Your Book For Publishing Slides.pdf
    • 08-Unit 8 - Prepare Your Book For Publishing Transcript.pdf
  • 05-Module 5 - Book Launch on Amazon

    • 01-Unit 1 - Set up your KDP Account.mp4
    • 01-Unit 1 - Set up your KDP Account Transcript.pdf
    • 02-Unit 2 - Upload Your Book on Amazon Part 1 Audio.mp3
    • 02-Unit 2 - Upload Your Book on Amazon Part 1 Transcript.pdf
    • 02-Unit 2 - Upload Your Book on Amazon Part 1.mp4
    • 03-Unit 2 - Upload Your Book on Amazon Part 2 Transcript.pdf
    • 03-Unit 2 - Upload Your Book on Amazon Part 2.mp4
    • 04-Unit 3 - Set up Author Central.mp4
    • 04-Unit 3 - Set up Author Central Audio.mp3
    • 04-Unit 3 - Set up Author Central Slides.pdf
    • 04-Unit 3 - Set up Author Central Transcript.pdf
    • 05-Unit 4 - Amazon Book Categories.mp4
    • 05-Unit 4 - Amazon Book Categories Slides.pdf
    • 06-Unit 5 - Get Book Reviews Without A List.mp4
    • 06-Unit 5 - Get Book Reviews Without A List Slides.pdf
    • 06-Unit 5 - Get Book Reviews Without A List Transcript.pdf
    • 07-Unit 6 - KDP Select.mp4
    • 07-Unit 6 - KDP Select Audio.mp3
    • 07-Unit 6 - KDP Select Slides.pdf
    • 07-Unit 6 - KDP Select Transcript.pdf
  • 06-Module 6 - Amazon Advertising

    • 01-AMS Keyword Search Tracker Home Garderning Demo.xlsx
    • 01-Unit 1 - AMS Keywords.mp4
    • 01-Unit 1 - AMS Keywords Audio.mp3
    • 01-Unit 1 - AMS Keywords Slides.pdf
    • 01-Unit 1 - AMS Keywords Transcript.pdf
    • 02-Unit 2 - AMS and set up a Sponsored Product Ad.mp4
    • 02-Unit 2 - AMS and set up a Sponsored Product Ad Audio.mp3
    • 02-Unit 2 - AMS and set up a Sponsored Product Ad Slides.pdf
    • 02-Unit 2 - AMS and set up a Sponsored Product Ad Transcript.pdf
  • 07-Advanced Modules

    • 01-The Public Domain Masterclass.mp4
    • 01-The Public Domain Masterclass Transcript.pdf
  • 08-The Low Content Masterclass with 3 videos

    • 01-Low Content Overview.mp4
    • 02-How to Create a Low Content.mp4
    • 03-Low Content Book Advertising On Amazon.mp4
  • 09-Bonus

    • 01-ACX Book Publishing Guide.pdf
    • 01-Audio-Books - Audible Income Fast-Start Guide.mp4
    • 02-ACX Promo and Bounty Program.mp4
    • 02-ACX Promo and Bounty Program Slides.pdf
  • 10-Weekly Calls - September 2021

    • 01-16 Sept 21 - Assessing book topics using KDSpy and Publisher Rocket.mp4
    • 02-9 Sept 21 - How to use to find ghostwriters.mp4
    • 03-2 Sept 2021 - Ghostwriters.mp4
  • 11-Weekly Calls - August 2021

    • 01-26 Aug 21 - Book Outlines.mp4
    • 02-19 Aug 21 - Book Topic and Book Outline.mp4
    • 03-12 Aug 21 - Launch a non fiction book in 7 weeks challenge with Sophie.mp4
    • 04-5 Aug 21 - Understanding Categories.mp4
  • 12-Weekly Calls - July 2021

    • 01-29 July 21 - Profitability Assessment.mp4
    • 02-22 July 21- Write for and market to your ideal reader.mp4
    • 03-15 July 21- Optimize your book launch.mp4
    • 04-8 July 21 - Sophie's update.mp4
    • 05-1 July 21 - KDP pricing and royalties.mp4
  • 13-Weekly Calls - June 2021

    • 01-24 June 21 - Uploading and publishing paperback on KDP and Q&A.mp4
    • 02-17 Jun 21 - Book Idea Profitability Assessment Live Demo.mp4
    • 03-10 jun 21 - KDP Select.mp4
    • 04-3 June 21 - KDP Account Walkthrough.mp4
  • 14-Weekly Calls - May 2021

    • 01-27 May 21 - Finding Categories.mp4
    • 02-20 May 21- book topics brainstorming.mp4
    • 03-13 May 2021 - Keywords Research.mp4
    • 04-6 May 2021 - Author Central.mp4
  • 15-Weekly Calls - April 2021

    • 01-29 Apr 2021 - Goodreads giveaways and KDP Select countdown deals.mp4
    • 02-22 April 2021 - How to request reviews in our Facebook Group.mp4
    • 03-KPI Weekly Call 15Apr21 - AMS Ads- Manual Campaign.mp4
    • 04-April 7, 2021.mp4
  • 16-Weekly Calls - March 2021

    • 01-March 31, 2021.mp4
    • 02-Mar. 24, 2021.mp4
    • 03-Mar. 17, 2021 Slides.pdf
    • 03-Mar. 17, 2021.mp4
    • 04-Mar. 10, 2021.mp4
    • 05-CJ Book Outline Template.docx
    • 05-Mar. 3, 2021.mp4
  • 17-Weekly Calls - February 2021

    • 01-Feb. 24, 2021.mp4
    • 02-Feb. 17, 2021.mp4
    • 03-Feb. 10, 2021.mp4
    • 04-Feb. 3, 2021.mp4
  • 18-Weekly Calls - January 2021

    • 01-Jan. 27, 2021.mp4
    • 02-Jan. 20, 2021.mp4
    • 03-Jan. 13, 2021.mp4
    • 04-Jan. 6, 2021.mp4
  • 19-Weekly Calls - December 2020

    • 01-Dec. 16, 2020.mp4
    • 02-Dec. 10, 2020.mp4
    • 03-Dec. 2, 2020.mp4
  • 20-Announcements

    • 01-Changes to low-content books August 2021.png

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