Shreva Pattar – Money Call$

Shreva Pattar – Money Call$
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$47- 47%

Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)

Shreva Pattar - Money Call$
pdf icon
1. Money Call$ Guide PDF.pdf
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2. Bonus 1 - Case Study #1.pdf
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3. Bonus 1 - Case Study #2.pdf
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4. Bonus 2 - Objection Management Scripts.pdf
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5. Bonus 3 - 7 Prospect Red Flags.pdf
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6. Bonus 4 - Video Call Expert.pdf
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7. Bonus 5 - Airtight Proposals.pdf
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8. Bonus 6 - Prospect Call Compass.pdf
  • 1. Money Call$ Guide PDF.pdf
  • 2. Bonus 1 - Case Study #1.pdf
  • 3. Bonus 1 - Case Study #2.pdf
  • 4. Bonus 2 - Objection Management Scripts.pdf
  • 5. Bonus 3 - 7 Prospect Red Flags.pdf
  • 6. Bonus 4 - Video Call Expert.pdf
  • 7. Bonus 5 - Airtight Proposals.pdf
  • 8. Bonus 6 - Prospect Call Compass.pdf

Are you looking for a step-by-step method to start closing $5000+ deals consistently and confidently on the phone call?
If you have ever…
Been afraid of speaking to a prospect over the phone
Doubted your conversation skills
Worried about your prospect judging you negatively
Stressed over sounding stupid to a prospect
Struggled with quoting your prices and negotiating on the call
Spent time on a call only to realise that your prospect is not your target client
Spoken to a prospect and then never heard back from them
Feared that all your effort will be wasted when the prospect rejects you
Hit a dead-end with closing deals and have considered giving up freelancing…
Then keep reading.
Because Money Call$ can change your life.

Introducing Money Call$ – The Advanced Edition
The only system you will ever need for turning prospects into high-paying clients confidently and systematically, over text or phone call.

Here’s everything you get in Money Call$ – The Advanced Edition:
Money Calls Guide
Smash your mental barriers & fears, and learn a repeatable system to conduct outstanding calls with your prospects. Even if you’ve never done it before.
Advanced Guide 1: Deep Analysis of 2 Real Prospect Conversations
Discover the elements of a persuasive conversation through the deep analysis of 2 real conversations I’ve had with prospects over LinkedIn DMs.
Advanced Guide 2: Objection-Management Scripts
Handle your prospects’ objections like a pro with my 5 done-for-you scripts.
Advanced Guide 3: Prospect Red Flags
7 prospect red flags you must watch out for to avoid the pitfalls of “fake” and difficult clients.
Advanced Guide 4: Video Call Expert
This mini-guide gives my top 10 tips for conducting professional, impressive video calls with your prospects.
Advanced Guide 5: Airtight Proposals
Discover 8 elements that will make your proposal airtight, so you can work with your clients stress-free.
Advanced Guide 6: Prospect Call Compass
Follow this simple checklist to navigate your way effortlessly during the prospect call.
Learn Sure-Fire Strategies That Have Helped Me Close $5000+ Deals And Get Paid On The Phone:
In Money Call$, I’ll show you how to :
SMASH your mental barriers that hold you back from conversing with prospects
Find prospects using my 3 Easy Methods
Qualify your leads in just 5 minutes using my simple Prospect Qualification Strategies
Set up a call with your prospects like a pro
Prepare for a prospect call — no fidgeting or “umms” and “uhhs” on the call
Conduct the prospect call confidently and become the prospect’s go-to freelancer
Close the deal and get paid while on the call
Leverage prospect calls that didn’t work out – don’t let your calls “go to waste”
Apply the 14 Golden Rules of Prospect Conversation to establish yourself as an exceptional freelancer in your prospects’ minds.

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