Niki & Josh – The Facebook Accelerator
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- Last Updated Date: 06-09-2021
- Course Size: 17.95 GB
Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)
Niki & Josh - The Facebook Accelerator
1-Welcome To The Facebook Accelerator
2-Train Your Brain
3-Discovering Your ICA & Niche
4-Breaking Facebook Down
5-Profile Growth & Optimization
6-Group Growth & Optimization
7-Profile Monetization
8-Group Monetization
9-Sales Training with Elsi Nora
Affiliate Center
Live Calls
Unstoppable Masterclass
1-Welcome To The Facebook Accelerator
- Program_Overview.mp4
- The_Mastermind_Group.mp4
2-Train Your Brain
- Avoiding_Shiny_Object_Syndrome.mp4
- Competitive_Mindset.mp4
- Get_Things_Done.mp4
- Growth_Mindset.mp4
- Succeeding_On_Facebook.mp4
- The_80-20_Rule.mp4
3-Discovering Your ICA & Niche
- ICA_Part_1.mp4
- ICA_Part_2.mp4
- Niche_ICA.mp4
4-Breaking Facebook Down
- Facebook_Breakdown_-_Overview.mp4
- Facebook_Broken_Down.mp4
- Groups_Breakdown.mp4
- Pages_Breakdown.mp4
- Profile_Breakdown.mp4
5-Profile Growth & Optimization
- Adding_Deleting_Friends.mp4
- Adding_Friends.mp4
- Deleting_Friends.mp4
- Engagement_101.mp4
- Initial_Outreach_Strategy.mp4
- Managing_Your_Account.mp4
- Multiple_Tools_For_Facebook.mp4
- Recap_Profile_Growth_Optimization.mp4
- Setting_Your_Profile_Up.mp4
- The_Daily_Action_Plan.mp4
- The_RVL_method.mp4
- Using_Groups_To_Your_Advantage.mp4
- Your_Main_Focus.mp4
6-Group Growth & Optimization
- Adding_Approving_Members.mp4
- Choosing_Your_Niche.mp4
- Creating_Optimizing_Your_Group.mp4
- Daily_Action_Plan_-_Groups.mp4
- Explosive_Engagement_101.mp4
- Group_Content.mp4
- Group_Growth_Optimization_Overview.mp4
- Growing_A_Raving_Community.mp4
- Growing_Your_Group.mp4
- Keeping_your_Group_Engaged.mp4
- Managing_Your_Group.mp4
- Profile_Growth_Optimization_Overview.mp4
- Recap_Group_Growth_Optimization_.mp4
- Setting_Your_Group_Up.mp4
- The_Three_Questions.mp4
- What_To_Look_Out_For_In_The_Answers.mp4
- What_You_Need_What_You_Don_t_Need.mp4
7-Profile Monetization
- Be_The_Attractor_Factor.mp4
- Detach_Yourself.mp4
- Don_t_Get_Fixated_On_One_Thing.mp4
- Optimizing_Your_Profile.mp4
- Outreach_101.mp4
- Profile_Monetization_Overview.mp4
- Recap_Profile_Monetization.mp4
- Strategic_Content_Plan.mp4
- Strategic_Scripts.mp4
- The_Art_Of_Personal_Branding.mp4
- What_To_Frame_It_With.mp4
- When_When_Not_To_Sell.mp4
8-Group Monetization
- Don_t_Get_Stuck.mp4
- Group_Monetization_Overview.mp4
- How_To_Frame_It.mp4
- Recap_Group_Monetization.mp4
- Take_Advantage_Of_Your_Unit_Section.mp4
- The_80-20_Rule.mp4
9-Sales Training with Elsi Nora
- 01._Sales_Module_Intro_.mp4
- 02._The_Sales_Mindset.mp4
- 03._Body_language.mp4
- 04._The_Structure_of_a_Sales_Call.mp4
- 05._Powerful_Questions_to_help_you_understand_your_potential_clients.mp4
- 06._From_0_to_hero.mp4
- 07._The_Elevator_Pitch.mp4
- 08._Eliminate_objections.mp4
- 09._The_3_F_formula.mp4
- 10._Main_objections.mp4
- 11._Words_and_expressions_to_help_you_boost_your_sales.mp4
- 12._Words_and_expressions_to_avoid_during_sales.mp4
- 13._Key_takeaways.mp4
- Account Settings.mp4
- Account_Settings_.mp4
Affiliate Center
- Affiliate_Center.mp4
- Affiliate_Center_Overview.mp4
- Enrolling_For_The_Affiliate_Program.mp4
- How_Do_I_Get_Paid.mp4
- The_Agreement.mp4
- Where_To_Find_Your_Affiliate_Link.mp4
- Group creation and setting.mp4
Live Calls
- 2227130964956156515_n.mp4
- 4146038676884837677_n.mp4
- 7844077295138363713_n.mp4
- Call Number 16.mp4
- Call Number 17.mp4
- Call Number 19.mp4
- Live_Number_1.mp4
- Live_Number_2.mp4
- Live_Number_4.mp4
- Live_Number_5.mp4
- Live_Number_6.mp4
- Live_Number_7.mp4
- Live_Number_9.mp4
- Live_number_3.mp4
- Where_To_Find_The_Live_Calls.mp4
- call19.mp4
- call 20.mp4
- call 21.mp4
- call 22.mp4
- call 23.mp4
- M_Method.mp4
Unstoppable Masterclass
- Program Overview.mp4
- Session 1.mp4
- Session 2.mp4
- Session 3.mp4
- Unstoppable 2.0 session 3.mp4
- Welcome.mp4
- unstoppable 2.0 session 2.mp4
- unstoppable 2.0.mp4
Niki & Josh – The Facebook Accelerator
Unlock the world’s first-ever untaught Facebook strategy that allowed us to go from $0 to nearly $500,000 and it doesn’t require you to learn or run ANY paid ads, ever again…
You’ll Never Need To Spend Money On Ads, Software Or Tools EVER Again…
This is the solution you’re looking for if you’re wanting to run your business on Facebook, grow your audience and eventually scale WITHOUT having to spend any money on ads.
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Niki & Josh – The Facebook Accelerator Course
Niki & Josh – The Facebook Accelerator Download
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