Moran Pober – Acquisitions University
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- Last Updated Date: 05-06-2021
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Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)
Moran Pober - Acquisitions University
02-Fast Track
03-Fast track - part 2
04-Part 1 - Mindset and Fundamentals
05-Part 2 - Business Development Fundamentals
06-Part 3 - Business Fundamentals Continued
07- Financial Analysis - The Language of Business
08-Acquisitions - Part 1
09-Acquisitions - Part 2
10-Case Studies, Interviews, Real Life Call Recordings etc
11-Financials - In Depth Analysis
13-Our Advisory Team (Extra Lessons and Deal Analysis)
14- The Basics (Email, Linkedin etc)
- 01-Welcome.mp4
- 01.01-Welcome.pdf
02-Fast Track
- 01-Fast Track.mp4
- 01.01-Fast Track Lesson 1.pdf
- 02-Fast Track Lesson 2.mp4
- 02.01-Fast Track Lesson 2.pdf
- 03-Fast Track Q&A with Moran.mp4
- 03.01-Fast Track Q&A with Moran.pdf
- 04-Deal Flow Masterclass - Step by step.mp4
- 04.01-Deal Flow Masterclass - Step by step.pdf
- 04.02-Deal Flow Masterclass - Step by step.pdf
- 04.03-Deal Flow Masterclass - Step by step.pdf
- 04.04-Deal Flow Masterclass - Step by step.pdf
- 05-Financing Debt-Equity Introduction.mp4
- 05.01-Financing Debt-Equity Introduction.pdf
03-Fast track - part 2
- 01-Business Owners Call 1.mp4
- 02-Business Owners Call 2.mp4
- 03-Talking to Brokers.mp4
- 04-Talking to Lenders.mp4
- 05-Deal Angles (structures & Offers).mp4
- 05.01-Deal Angles (structures & Offers).pdf
04-Part 1 - Mindset and Fundamentals
- 01-Welcome To The Acquisitions University.mp4
- 01.01-Welcome To The Acquisitions University.pdf
- 02-Overview.mp4
- 02.01-Overview.pdf
- 03-Mindset.mp4
- 03.01-Mindset.pdf
- 04-Vision.mp4
- 04.01-Vision.pdf
- 04.02-Vision.pdf
- 05-What's Next.mp4
- 05.01-What's Next.pdf
- 06-Accountability.mp4
- 06.01-Accountability.pdf
05-Part 2 - Business Development Fundamentals
- 01-Destroying The Freak out.mp4
- 01.01-Destroying The Freak out.pdf
- 02-Organizational Chart.mp4
- 02.01-Organizational Chart.pdf
- 03-The Process Book.mp4
- 03.01-The Process Book.pdf
- 04-Production.mp4
- 04.01-Production.pdf
06-Part 3 - Business Fundamentals Continued
- 01-Financial Functions.mp4
- 01.01-Financial Functions.pdf
- 01.02-Financial Functions.pdf
- 02-People.mp4
- 02.01-People.pdf
07- Financial Analysis - The Language of Business
- 01-Business Financial Analysis Part 1.mp4
- 01.01-Business Financial Analysis Part 1.pdf
- 01.02-Business Financial Analysis Part 1.pdf
- 02-Business Financial Analysis Part 2.mp4
- 02.01-Business Financial Analysis Part 2.pdf
- 02.02-Business Financial Analysis Part 2.pdf
- 03-Business Financial Analysis Part 3.mp4
- 03.01-Business Financial Analysis Part 3.pdf
- 04-Adjusted Operating Income.mp4
- 04.01-Adjusted Operating Income.pdf
- 05-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study #1.mp4
- 05.01-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study #1.pdf
- 05.02-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study #1.pdf
- 06-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study 2.mp4
- 06.01-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study 2.pdf
- 06.02-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study 2.pdf
- 07-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study 3 ($30 million per year deal).mp4
- 07.01-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study 3 ($30 million per year deal).pdf
- 07.02-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study 3 ($30 million per year deal).pdf
- 08-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study 4.mp4
- 08.01-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study 4.pdf
- 08.02-From Deal Analysis to LOI case study 4.pdf
08-Acquisitions - Part 1
- 01-Deal Making Vibration.mp4
- 01.01-Deal Making Vibration.pdf
- 01.02-Part_4-External_Growth.pdf
- 01.03-financing_rolodex.xlsx
- 01.04-basic_information_request.docx
- 01.05-HOT_-_head_of_terms_-_LOI_-_template.doc
- 01.06-Adjusted_Operating_Income_Sheet.xlsx
- 01.07-12_months_cash_flow_model.xlsx
- 01.08-Simple_Deal_Model.xlsx
- 01.09-LOI_to_Closing_Steps_-_Acquisitions.com_1_.docx
- 01.10LOI_Template_1_.docx
- 01.11-Deal_LOI_-_Acquisitions.com_-_V2.0.xlsx
- 01.13-Deal_Data_Sheet_-_Acquisitions.com_-_V2.0_2_.xlsx
- 02-Fundamentals & Foundations.mp4
- 02.01-Deal_Making_Vibration_Fundamentals_Foundation.docx
- 02.02-Fundamentals & Foundations.pdf
- 03-The Road To Be The Best In The World In A Sector.mp4
- 03.01-The Road To Be The Best In The World In A Sector.pdf
- 03.02-Healthcare_Sectors.xlsx
- 03.03-margins_by_sectors.xls
- 04-Picking the best sector for You!.mp4
- 04.01-Picking the best sector for You!.pdf
- 05-Positioning.mp4
- 05.01-Positioning.pdf
- 06-What You Need To Go To Battle.mp4
- 06.01-What You Need To Go To Battle.pdf
- 06.02-x_domain_website_gsuite.pdf
- 07-How To Recruit Board of Advisors- (optional).mp4
- 07.01-How To Recruit Board of Advisors (optional).pdf
- 08-Deal Flow.mp4
- 08.01-Deal Flow.pdf
- 08.02-Deal Flow.pdf
- 08.03-letter-of-intent-loi-template.png
- 08.04-Deal_Flow.pdf
- 08.05-Deal_Flow.png
- 08.06-Deal_Flow_-_Letter_Script.docx
- 09-Deal Flow Masterclass.mp4
- 09.01-Deal Flow Masterclass.pdf
- 09.02-Deal Flow Masterclass.pdf
- 10-The Perfect Meeting.mp4
- 10.01-The Perfect Meeting.pdf
- 10.02-The Perfect Meeting.pdf
- 10.03-The_Perfect_Meeting.png
- 10.04-The_Perfect_Meeting.pdf
- 10.05-basic_information_request.docx
- 10.06-NDA_template.docx
- 11-Financial Analysis.mp4
- 11.01-Financial Analysis.pdf
- 11.02-Deal_module.xlsx
- 12-Talking To Bankers, Proof Of Funds, Working Capital, Margin Of Safety, Recession Proof Deals (Q&A).mp4
- 12.01-Talking To Bankers, Proof Of Funds, Working Capital, Margin Of Safety, Recession Proof Deals (Q&A).pdf
- 13-Offers.mp4
- 13.01-Offers.pdf
- 13.02-Offer_template_.docx
- 14-Capital.mp4
- 14.01-Capital.pdf
- 14.02-Capital.pdf
- 15-Closing Your Deals.mp4
- 15.01--Closing Your Deals.pdf
- 15.02-12_months_cash_flow_model.xlsx
- 15.03-HOT_-_head_of_terms_-_LOI_-_template_.doc
09-Acquisitions - Part 2
- 01-30 Deals In 30 Days Challenge.mp4
- 01.01-30 Deals In 30 Days Challenge.pdf
- 02-Deal Structure- Asset Purchase vs Share Purchase.mp4
- 02.01-Deal Structure- Asset Purchase vs Share Purchase.pdf
- 03-Frequently Asked Questions.mp4
- 03.01-Frequently Asked Questions.pdf
- 04-How to close 100% of the deals you look at (more deal structures, equity investors).mp4
- 04.01-How to close 100% of the deals you look at (more deal structures, equity investors).pdf
- 05-More deal structures - Angles.mp4
- 06-Build An Immediate Authority Through Partnerships.mp4
- 06.01-Build An Immediate Authority Through Partnerships.pdf
- 07-Need Capital To Close Your Deal.pdf
10-Case Studies, Interviews, Real Life Call Recordings etc
- 01-John.mp4
- 01.01-how_to_write_a_case_study.png
- 02-Borislav.mp4
- 03-Suhail.mp4
- 04-Lyle.mp4
- 05-Bill.mp4
- 06-Dean.mp4
- 07-Jeff's 33 million dollar deal.mp4
- 08-Alaric.mp4
- 09-Cliff.mp4
- 10-Juan.mp4
- 11-Julien .mp4
- 12-10. 100+ of Moran's real deals - Calls recordings.pdf
- 12.01-Moran Calls for members
- 13-Better Acquisitions University.pdf
- 14-BONUS - How To Buy Businesses in Crisis (CoronaV crisis).mp4
- 14.01-BONUS - How To Buy Businesses in Crisis (CoronaV crisis).pdf
- 14.02-BONUS - How To Buy Businesses in Crisis (CoronaV crisis).pdf
- 14.03-BONUS - How To Buy Businesses in Crisis (CoronaV crisis).pdf
- 14.04-LOI_Template.docx
- 14.05-_basic_information_request.docx
- 14.06-NDA_template.docx
- 14.07-Sale_and_Purchase_agreement.docx
- 14.08-CoronaV_-_A-Z_Business_Buying_Masterclass.pdf
- 15-Jason.mp4
- 16-Michael.mp3
- 17-James.mp4
- 18-Leonardo.mp4
- 19-Bernardo.mp4
11-Financials - In Depth Analysis
- 01-Glossary.pdf
- 01.01-Important_Financial_Terms.pdf
- 02-Income Statement Analysis.mp4
- 02.01-Income Statement Analysis.pdf
- 02.02-Slide1_-_Income_Statement_Analysis.pptx
- 03-Balance Sheet Analysis.mp4
- 03.01-Balance Sheet Analysis.pdf
- 04-Cash Flow Analysis.mp4
- 04.01-Cash Flow Analysis.pdf
- 05-LBO Valuation Model.mp4
- 05.01-LBO Valuation Model.pdf
- 05.02-LBO Valuation Model.mp4
- 06-Financing.mp4
- 06.01-Financing.pdf
- 07-P&L Profit and Loss Statement.mp4
- 07.01-0P&L Profit and Loss Statement.pdf
- 07.02-Basic_CFM_3_.xlsx
- 08-Balance Sheet & Cash Flow Statement.mp4
- 08.01-Balance Sheet & Cash Flow Statement.pdf
- 08.02-Basic_CFM_3_.xlsx
- 09-Valuations & Offers.mp4
- 09.01-Valuations & Offers.pdf
- 09.02-Valuations & Offers.pdf
- 09.03-Financing_options_1_.pptx
- 01-Vision Deck.mp4
- 01.01-Vision Deck.pdf
- 01.02-Vison_Deck_Example_Internal_Use_Only_.pptx
- 02-Margins By Sector and Industry Research.mp4
- 02.01-Margins By Sector and Industry Research.pdf
- 02.02-Healthcare_Sectors.xlsx
- 02.03margins_by_sectors.xls
- 03-letter-of-intent-loi-template.png
- 04-Deal_Flow_-_Letter_Script.docx
- 05-Financial Institution Rolodex (International).pdf
- 05.01-financing_rolodex_01042019.xlsx
- 06-basic_information_request.docx
- 07-NDA_template.docx
- 08-Deal_-LOI_Acquisitions.com_.xlsx
- 09-Offer_template_.docx
- 10-12_months_cash_flow_model.xlsx
- 11-HOT_-_head_of_terms_-_LOI_-_template_.doc
- 12- List Building Through
- 12.01-List_Building_Through_Upwork.pdf
- 13-Financial Rolodex (US).pdf
- 13.01-Financial_Partners_List_US.xlsx
- 14-Accountant Practices (US).pdf
- 14.01-Accountants_List_US.xlsx
- 15- First Call To Business Owner Script.pdf
- 15.01-Call_Script-Initial_Call_1_.pdf
- 16- M&A Lawyers List (US).pdf
- 16.01-US_Lawyers_Mergers_and_Acquisitions_1_.xlsx
- 17-Brokers List (US).pdf
- 17.01-Brokers_List_US_.xlsx
- 18-Client Deal Input Sheet.pdf
- 18.01-Deal_LOI_Acquisitions.com_.xlsx
- 19-Sample_Basic_LBO_Model.xlsx
13-Our Advisory Team (Extra Lessons and Deal Analysis)
- 01-William Shekarian Deal Overview and Analysis Part 1.mp4
- 02-William Shekarian Deal Overview and Analysis Part 2.mp4
- 03-William Shekarian Deal Overview and Analysis Part 3.mp4
- 04-William Shekarian LBO Model.mp4
14- The Basics (Email, Linkedin etc)
- 01-Setting Up Your Linkedin Account.mp4
- 01.01-Setting Up Your Linkedin Account.pdf
- 01.02-Setting Up Your Linkedin Account.pdf
- 02-Setting Up Your Email.mp4
- 02.01-Setting Up Your Email.pdf
- 03-Messenging in Linkedin Groups.mp4
- 03.01-Messenging in Linkedin Groups.pdf
- 04-Managing Your Schedule.mp4
- 04.01-Managing Your Schedule.pdf
Moran Pober – Acquisitions University
Acquisitions is a step-by-step course that teaches folks tips on how to discover and purchase companies which are on the market. We train our college students about tips on how to discover sellers, tips on how to perceive the enterprise fundamentals and accounting to acknowledge if the enterprise is viable, tips on how to negotiate a profitable supply, and tips on how to legally full your entire enterprise buy.
Why over companies want a brand new proprietor ASAP and precisely tips on how to discover (and shut) the proper offers for you…with out risking your personal capital or getting caught managing the enterprise everyday.
Methods to transfer from a wannapreneur “small enterprise proprietor” – to a real Entrepreneur and Investor who runs a New Mannequin of Enterprise that provides you 10X the leverage.
Why studying to amass the best enterprise bypasses the battle, threat and long run grind of beginning your personal enterprise and instantly places you manner forward of the entrepreneurial sport.
About Moran Pober
Moran Pober offered flowers on the age of 16. At, 18 he was thrown into 3 years of army service, which drove him to search for extra. Quick ahead… Now, Moran now buys and sells 7 determine companies all around the world. From Apps to Buzz Feed type Media websites making MMR.
Right this moment, Moran is founder, associate and advisor at, abd belongings and
This FREE coaching class cuts proper to the chase and divulges precisely how Moran is ready to buy established complimentary companies rapidly and the way you are able to do the identical beginning RIGHT NOW!
Moran has top-of-the-line (if not one of the best) observe data on this business and has helped entrepreneurs buy over 100 current companies along with his coaching.
Moran often prices to work with shoppers however this coaching reveals the very same strategies to you for FREE! Register now earlier than that is taken offline within the subsequent few days!
Moran Pober – Acquisitions University Cheap
Moran Pober – Acquisitions University Course
Moran Pober – Acquisitions University Download
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