Matt Wolfe – PodHacker
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- Last Updated Date: 05-25-2024
- Course Size: 20.95 GB
Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)
Matt Wolfe – PodHacker
1 The PodHacker Journey
2 Build
3 Engage
4 Amplify
5 Monetize
6 Recordings
7 Templates _ Documents
8 Resources
- #8587 - _PodHacker Membership_.jpg
1 The PodHacker Journey
- #8588 - _PodHacker Membership_.jpg
- #8589 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8590 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8591 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8592 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8593 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
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- #8596 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8597 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
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- #8600 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8601 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
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- #8604 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8605 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8606 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8607 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8608 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8609 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8610 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8611 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
1 Build
- 1-Build Journey Overview.mp4
- 2-Tech Setup - Intro.mp4
- 3-Cover and intro audio.mp4
- 4-Audio Platforms.mp4
- 5-Podcast Scheduling.mp4
- 6-Podcast Publishing.mp4
- 7-Publishing A New Podcast.mp4
- 8-Editing Podcasts - Audition.mp4
- 9-Podcast Image Making in Snappa.mp4
- 10-Organize Your Podcast in AirTable.mp4
- 11-The Anatomy of a Shownotes Page.mp4
- 12-Creating Your Lead Capture System.mp4
- 1-How To Use Your Membership.mp4
2 Engage
- 1-Engage Journey Overview.mp4
- 2-Getting Podcast Guests with the Dream 100.mp4
- 3-Creating A Facebook Group For Engagement.mp4
- 4-How To Keep A Facebook Group Engaged.mp4
- 2-PodHacker Journey Overview.mp4
3 Amplify
- 1-Amplify Journey Overview.mp4
- 2-Simple Contests.mp4
- 3-Basic Podcast Promotion Through Social Media.mp4
- 4-Getting Guests To Promote.mp4
- 5-Getting On Other People_s Podcasts.mp4
- 6-Podcast App Ads.mp4
- 7-Emailing To New Episodes.mp4
- 3-Why Podcasting.mp4
4 Monetize
- 1-Monetization Journey Overview.mp4
- 2-Newsletter - Membership Strategy.mp4
- 3-Affiliate Marketing.mp4
- 4-affiliatemarketingbonus (1).mp4
- 5-Sponsorships.mp4
- 6-Journey - What_s Next.mp4
- 4-Niche and Mindset.mp4
- 5-Prelaunch Considerations.mp4
- Basic-Podcast-Promotion-Through-Social-Media.pdf
- Cold Outreach Email Template.docx
- Email Confirmation Template.docx
- Episode-Live-Email.pdf
- Facebook-Ad-Checklist.pdf
- Getting-Guests-To-Promote.pdf
- Hustle _ Flowchart Sponsorship Opportunities.docx
- Influence-Amplification.pdf
- Philosophies.pdf
- Podcast-Guesting-Quickstart.pdf
- Podcast Email Template.docx
- Post-interview Followup Email Template.docx
- Prelaunch-Considerations.pdf
- The-Affiliate-Marketing-Playbook.pdf
- The-Affiliate-Marketing-Pre-Promo-Worksheet.pdf
- The Hustle _ Flowchart Podcast Dream 100.xlsx
- e6e58b91825e1860d8fd31e5816acf472635b4bb.jpg
- “Episode Is Live” Email Template.docx
2 Build
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- #8613 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8614 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8615 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8616 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8617 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8618 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8619 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8620 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8621 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8622 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8623 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- 1-Build Section Overview.mp4
- 2-Naming Your Podcast.mp4
- 2-Prelaunch Considerations.mp4
- 3-Tech Setup - Intro.mp4
- 4-Setting Up Tracking.mp4
- 5-Cover and intro audio.mp4
- 6-Audio Platforms.mp4
- 7-Podcast Scheduling.mp4
- 8-Research for Your Guests.mp4
- 9-Podcast Publishing.mp4
- 10-Editing Podcasts - Audition.mp4
- 11-Podcast Image Making in Snappa.mp4
- 12-Organize Your Podcast in AirTable.mp4
- 12-Publishing A New Podcast.mp4
- 13-The Anatomy of a Shownotes Page.mp4
- 14-Creating Your Lead Capture System.mp4
- 15-How-To-Create-Campanion-Guides-Show-Notes-Kate-Lemberg.mp4
- 16-Flowshorts-Process.mp4
- 17-Descript Tutorial (Final).mp4
- 18-Snappa-Overview.mp4
- 19-Snappa-Instagram Templates.mp4
- 20-Snappa-Blog Posts.mp4
- 21-Making Zoom Videos Look Great for YouTube.mp4
- 22-Custom Landing Pages.mp4
- 23-New Studio.mp4
- 24-Mike Koenigs - Tech Stack.mp4
- 25-Studio Tour.mp4
- Cold Outreach Email Template (1).docx
- Email Confirmation Template (1).docx
- Episode 006 Jason Moffatt.docx
- How-to-Do-the-Technical-Setup.pdf
- Hustle _ Flowchart Show Notes Template.docx
- Podcast Guest Notes - Template.docx
- Post-interview Followup Email Template (1).docx
- Prelaunch-Considerations_2.pdf
- Research for Your Guests - Slides.pdf
- Social
- “Episode Is Live” Email Template (1).docx
3 Engage
- #8624 - _PodHacker Membership_.jpg
- #8625 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8626 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8627 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- 1-Engage Section Overview.mp4
- 2-Getting Big Name Guests On Your Podcast.mp4
- 3-Getting Podcast Guests with the Dream 100.mp4
- 4-Get To Know List.mp4
- 5-Creating A Facebook Group For Engagement.mp4
- 6-How To Keep A Facebook Group Engaged.mp4
- 7--Emailing To New Episodes.mp4
- Facebook Group Rules.docx
- Podcast Email Template (1).docx
- The Hustle _ Flowchart Podcast Dream 100 (1).xlsx
4 Amplify
- #8628 - _PodHacker Membership_.jpg
- #8629 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8630 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8631 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8632 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8633 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8634 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8635 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- 1-Amplify Section Overview.mp4
- 2--Simple Contests.mp4
- 3--Basic Podcast Promotion Through Social Media.mp4
- 4--Getting Guests To Promote.mp4
- 5-PodHacker - SEO.mp4
- 6-Spotify Playlist Strategy.mp4
- 7-Reddit Organic.mp4
- 8-Getting On Other People_s Podcasts.mp4
- 9-Want to book more guest spots on Podcasts This is a GREAT time to start boo.mp4
- 10-Rand Fishkin - SparkToro.mp4
- 11-Scott Carson - Clip.mp4
- 12-How To Create Audiograms in Descript Tutorial.mp4
- 13-Headliner Tutorial-OverviewAudiogram.mp4
- 14-Headliner Tutorial - IGTV.mp4
- 15-Instagram Tutorial - Carousels _ Bio Links.mp4
- 16-Instagram Tutorial - IGTV.mp4
- 17-RepurposeIO.mp4
- 18-Podcast App Ads.mp4
- 19-Podcast-Dollar-A-Day.mp4
- 20-Facebook-Tip-Retarget.mp4
- 21-One Sentence Ad - Twitter.mp4
5 Monetize
- #8636 - _PodHacker Membership_.jpg
- #8637 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8638 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8639 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- 1-Monetize Section Overview.mp4
- 2--Newsletter - Membership Strategy.mp4
- 3--Affiliate Marketing.mp4
- 4--affiliatemarketingbonus (1).mp4
- 5--Convertbox-Affiliate-Links.mp4
- 6--Sponsorships.mp4
- 7-Podfest Panel.m4a
- 8-Guest to client strategy in action.mp4
- Basic-Podcast-Promotion-Through-Social-Media_2.pdf
- Episode-Live-Email_2.pdf
- Facebook-Ad-Checklist_2.pdf
- Getting-Guests-To-Promote_2.pdf
- Hustle _ Flowchart Sponsorship Opportunities (1).docx
- Influence-Amplification_2.pdf
- Podcast-Guesting-Quickstart_2.pdf
- Podcast-Monetization-Strategies.pdf
- Post-interview Followup Email Template (2).docx
- The-Affiliate-Marketing-Playbook_2.pdf
- The-Affiliate-Marketing-Pre-Promo-Worksheet_2.pdf
- “Episode Is Live” Email Template (2).docx
6 Recordings
- #8640 - _PodHacker Membership_.jpg
- #8641 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8642 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8643 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8644 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- 1-PodHacker News - Latest Podcasting News, Growth + Monetization Strategies.mp4
- 2-May 21 Office Hours.mp4
- 3-Office Hours - 4-28-21.mp4
- 4-PodHacker - Live Kickoff Call - 3-12-21.mp4
- 5-Expert Session - Joe Kerns.mp4
- 6-PodHacker Expert Session - Gert Mellak.mp4
- 7-Expert Session - 4-21 - Curt Maly.mp4
- 8-War Room Podcast Marketing Talk.mp4
- 9-Podfest - Your Playbook for Growing _ Profiting With Podcasts.mp4
- 10--Podfest Panel.m4a
- 11-SEO_Content_and_Affiliate_Marketing.mp4
- Growth Hacking Your Podcast (Strategies To Get More Listeners).pdf
- Invisible Podcast Funnel - WarRoom - Joe Fier _ Matt Wolfe.pdf
- Podcast-Growth-Strategies.pdf
- Podcast-Growth-Strategies_2.pdf
- Podcast-Monetization-Strategies_2.pdf
- Podhacker Sneak Peek Notes 3-13-2021.pdf
7 Templates _ Documents
- #8645 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- 8aa841a1d3a43ed6f143eb1c24ab5f5461be40b7.jpg
- 45222f67335a0facf7efba261bb8983b8bf67e04.png
- Cold Outreach Email Template (2).docx
- Email Confirmation Template (2).docx
- Episode 006 Jason Moffatt (1).docx
- Facebook-Ad-Checklist_3.pdf
- Facebook Group Rules (1).docx
- How-to-Do-the-Technical-Setup_2.pdf
- Hustle _ Flowchart Show Notes Template (1).docx
- Hustle _ Flowchart Sponsorship Opportunities (2).docx
- Philosophies_2.pdf
- Podcast-Guesting-Quickstart_3.pdf
- Podcast Email Template (2).docx
- Podcast Email Template (3).docx
- Podcast Guest Notes - Template (1).docx
- Podcast Sponsorship Agreement.docx
- Post-interview Followup Email Template (3).docx
- Post-interview Followup Email Template (4).docx
- Social
- Thank-You-Email-for-Notes-After-Opt-In.pdf
- The-Affiliate-Marketing-Playbook_3.pdf
- The-Affiliate-Marketing-Pre-Promo-Worksheet_3.pdf
- The Hustle _ Flowchart Podcast Dream 100 (2).xlsx
- The Hustle _ Flowchart Podcast Dream 100 (3).xlsx
- e6e58b91825e1860d8fd31e5816acf472635b4bb (1).jpg
- “Episode Is Live” Email Template (3).docx
- “Episode Is Live” Email Template (4).docx
8 Resources
- #8646 - _PodHacker Membership_.jpg
- #8647 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8648 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- #8649 - _PodHacker Membership_.pdf
- Podcast-Growth-Strategies.pdf
- Podcast-Guesting-Quickstart_3.pdf
- Podcast-Monetization-Strategies_2.pdf
- The-Affiliate-Marketing-Playbook_3.pdf
- Lisa Buyer Case Study.mp4
Expensive Podcaster,
Whether or not you have already got a podcast that you simply’re struggling to develop, otherwise you’re seeking to launch one… Pay attention up.
Today everybody desires to start out a podcast…
…as a result of they’ve heard it’s a good way to community with larger names of their trade whereas constructing an viewers, and making a living from it.
However most individuals don’t know learn how to develop a podcast, not to mention make a full-time revenue from one.
We all know this as a result of there are nonetheless plenty of old-school podcasters educating outdated methods, and concepts that haven’t labored for seven years.
You’ve most likely heard issues like …
..Should you simply keep constant and maintain publishing high-quality episodes your viewers will develop and your podcast will get found…
…It’s best to put up each episode of your podcast on ALL the social media platforms to extend your viewers…
…When you’re found you’ll be capable of get big-name friends which is able to explode your obtain numbers…
And also you’ll be capable of monetize your podcast, and get sponsorship.
However these outdated publish and pray methods don’t work anymore as a result of podcasting has advanced over time…
There are faster and simpler methods to get your first 100,000 downloads and begin making a full-time revenue out of your podcast with out “grinding” for three-plus years.
Consider it this fashion…
If there was a treasure map with an enormous chest of gold cash at a particular deal with within the subsequent state over, and also you had been driving there to go accumulate the booty…
Would you relatively use an previous paper topographical map with outdated streets and roads that you simply weren’t certain would get you there…
Or would you relatively open up your cellphone and in two seconds discover the quickest step-by-step route there with Google Maps?
Utilizing the outdated publish and pray methods from previous podcasters is like utilizing the previous paper topographical map to get to the treasure chest…
Whereas utilizing Google Maps in your cellphone is rather like utilizing our carried out for you methods, plug and play templates, checklists and replica and paste emails…
So you may:
Launch a podcast in beneath a day.
Make a full time revenue out of your podcast associates and sponsorships.
Discover ways to get the most important names in your trade booked out months prematurely…
And we’ll even present you learn how to management the visitors out of your podcast so you may make more cash from it, and never be a slave to Apple Podcasts…
All with out having to “grind” for 3 years hoping that in the future you’ll be one of many fortunate podcasters who will get found.
We all know this technique works as a result of we used it to go from embarrassingly low obtain numbers and no revenue a couple of years in the past…
And behind closed doorways we’ve taught this technique to a number of the largest names in podcasting, and digital advertising and marketing.
We’ve helped Ryan Deiss and Roland Frasier at Digital Marketer with their podcasts, and have been beneficial by them because the go to authorities in rising and monetizing a podcast. Take a look at what he needed to say under!
“In the case of launching our podcasts, I prefer to suppose we’re fairly good at these items, they’re higher.”
– Ryan Deiss Founder & CEO
However earlier than we get into it…
Why Ought to You Belief Us?
Hey, we’re Matt Wolfe and Joe Fier, co-hosts of the Hustle and Flowchart podcast, and co-owners of Evergreen Earnings.
We began our first podcast collectively in 2010 known as the On-line Revenue Podcast, and in the event you noticed an image of it at present you’d giggle…
We had two separate low-cost mics that had been propped up on a mattress in the course of a front room which additionally doubled as my bed room.
Every of our clunky mics had been plugged into our personal pc, and we needed to sew our separate audio recordsdata collectively after every podcast we recorded.
Fortunately over time we polished our podcasting and enterprise expertise, however we solely improved due to all of the errors we made alongside the best way like…
Spending 5+ hours on each podcast episode enhancing audio, creating present notes and importing all of it
Letting Apple Podcasts management ALL our podcast visitors…
Making an attempt to pump out episode after episode to “get found”…
Interviewing the improper sorts of friends…
Or considering extra downloads was the important thing to creating more cash.
And in actuality, we might fill a brief novel with our podcasting errors…
However there was one massive factor that we had been lacking that we didn’t even know on the time…
And it grew to become crystal clear what we had been lacking throughout a dialog with Roland Frasier from Digital Marketer…
He was explaining a straightforward SYSTEM we might use to persistently get larger names on our Hustle and Flowchart podcast.
And in that second we each realized what the lacking hyperlink was to rising and monetizing our podcast…
…Easy, repeatable plug & play methods, and templates for EVERYTHING we do as podcasters and affiliate entrepreneurs.
Since 2017 after we realized what the lacking hyperlink was for the Hustle and Flowchart podcast…
We began creating, implementing and tweaking the plug-and-play methods and templates we nonetheless use at present.
And the outcomes even shocked us…
As a result of these easy methods and plug-and-play templates have allowed us to…
Persistently get friends like Billy Gene, Jay Abraham, James Altucher, and Dave Asprey on the podcast.
It allowed us to develop the podcast to 50,000+ downloads monthly whereas spending lower than 16 hours mixed month-to-month on it.
And construct our affiliate gross sales, and sponsorships as much as a number of seven figures.
However we’d prefer to be clear about one thing…
We’re not unicorns.
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