Grant Baldwin – Get Inside Booked & Paid to Speak
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- Last Updated Date: 09-16-2020
- Course Size: 9.66 GB
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Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)
Grant Baldwin - Get Inside Booked & Paid to Speak
01- Booked & Paid To Speak
02- Advanced Training Modules
03-Booked & Paid To Speak Vault
04-Speaker Case Studies
05-The Speaker Lab Stimulus
01- Booked & Paid To Speak
01-Module 1-Selecting A Problem To Solve
02-Module 2 - Prepare Your Talk
03-Module 3 - Establish Your Expertise
04-Module 4 - Acquire Paid Speaking Gigs
05- Module 5 - Know When To Scale
02- Advanced Training Modules
01-Sarah Merrill-3.mp4
01-Sarah Merrill.mp3
02-Philip Taylor - How To Get Booked To Speak At Conferences.mp4
02-Philip Taylor.mp3
03-Pete Vargas-3.mp4
03-Pete Vargas.mp3
04-Ed Gandia.mp3
04-Ed Gandia.mp4
05-Joseph Michael.mp3
05-Joseph Michael.mp4
06-Allison Vesterfelt.mp3
06-Allison Vesterfelt.mp4
07-Darrell Vesterfelt.mp3
07-Darrell Vesterfelt.mp4
08-Nathan Barry.mp3
08-Nathan Barry.mp4
09-Bryan Harris.mp3
09-Bryan Harris.mp4
10-Erin Lashley.mp3
10-Erin Lashley.mp4
11-Mike Pacchione.mp3
12-Lisa Klug.mp3
12-Lisa Klug.mp4
03-Booked & Paid To Speak Vault
04-Speaker Case Studies
01-Arel Moodie-3.mp4
01-Arel Moodie.mp3
02-Thom Singer.mp3
02-Thom Singer.mp4
03-Thomas Frank.mp3
03-Thomas Frank.mp4
04-Ryan Porter.mp3
04-Ryan Porter.mp4
05-Jeff Yalden.mp3
05-Jeff Yalden.mp4
06-Harriet Turk.mp3
07-Melanie Deziel.mp4
08-Kyle Scheele.mp3
08-Kyle Scheele.mp4
09-Jeff Jones.mp3
09-Jeff Jones.mp4
11-Fred Grooms.mp3
11-Fred Grooms.mp4
12-Jason Freeman.mp3
12-Jason Freeman.mp4
13-Marc Feinberg.mp3
13-Marc Feinberg.mp4
05-The Speaker Lab Stimulus
01-.02-The Speaker Lab.pdf
01-How Speakers Can Thrive in the Midst of Crisis .mp4
01-The Speaker Lab.pdf
02-How Speakers Can Deal With Unexpected Changes in the Industry with Jane Atkinson.mp4
02-How Speakers Can Deal With Unexpected Changes in the Industry with Jane Atkinson.pdf
03-How Speakers Can Best Use Technology in a Chaotic Climate with Brian Fanzo.mp4
03-How Speakers Can Best Use Technology in a Chaotic Climate with Brian Fanzo.pdf
04-How Speakers Can Best Use Technology in a Chaotic Climate with Brian Fanzo.mp4
04-How Speakers Can Best Use Technology in a Chaotic Climate with Brian Fanzo.pdf
05-Why Generosity is a Strategic Advantage in Times of Crisis with Vinh Gian.mp4
05-Why Generosity is a Strategic Advantage in Times of Crisis with Vinh Gian.pdf
06-How To Diversify Your Speaking Income Right Now with Neen James.mp4
06-How To Diversify Your Speaking Income Right Now with Neen James.pdf
07-How the Youth Speaking Industry Is Responding to COVID-19 With Kyle Scheele.mp4
07-How the Youth Speaking Industry Is Responding to COVID-19 With Kyle Scheele.pdf
08-How Speaker Bureaus Are Responding to COVID-19 With Shawn Hanks.mp4
08-How Speaker Bureaus Are Responding to COVID-19 With Shawn Hanks.pdf
09-How to Create Virtual Speaking Opportunities With Terry Brock.mp4
09-How to Create Virtual Speaking Opportunities With Terry Brock.pdf
10-How Event Planners Are Responding to the Coronavirus With Josh McGhee.mp4
10-How Event Planners Are Responding to the Coronavirus With Josh McGhee.pdf
11-How to Book Virtual Speaking Gigs With Erick Rheam.mp4
11-How to Book Virtual Speaking Gigs With Erick Rheam.pdf
12-How Speakers Can Diversify Their Business With Carrie Wilkerson.mp4
12-How Speakers Can Diversify Their Business With Carrie Wilkerson.pdf
13-How Speakers Should Handle Their Finances in This COVID World With Mike Michalowicz.mp4
14-Confessions of a Professional Speaker Dealing With COVID Featuring Phil Jones.mp4
14-Confessions of a Professional Speaker Dealing With COVID Featuring Phil Jones.pdf
15-How to Work on Your Speech and Craft During Quarantine With Mike Pacchione.mp4
15-How to Work on Your Speech and Craft During Quarantine With Mike Pacchione.pdf
16-How Speakers Can Benefit From the Stimulus, Unemployment, EIDL, and PPP.mp4
16-How Speakers Can Benefit From the Stimulus, Unemployment, EIDL, and PPP.pdf
17-Discussing the Future of the Speaking Industry With Scott Stratten.mp4
17-Discussing the Future of the Speaking Industry With Scott Stratten.pdf
18-What a Physician Says About the Current Speaking Industry With Nisha Mehta.mp4
18-What a Physician Says About the Current Speaking Industry With Nisha Mehta.pdf
01- Booked & Paid To Speak
01-Module 1-Selecting A Problem To Solve
- 01-BPS20Module1Intro-1487295120728.mp3
- 01-BPS __ Welcome.mp4
- 01-TheSpeakerSuccessRoadmap-1487091614821.jpg
- 02-BPS __ Module 1 __ Lesson 1.mp4
- 02-Compressed_S - Selecting a Problem To
- 02-The_Topic_Trifecta.jpg
- 03-Choosing Your One Ideal Audience .mp4
- 03-Compressed_S1 - Choosing Your One Ideal Audience (Industry).zip
- 03-Speaking_Inudstry_Matrix.jpg
- 04-Choosing Your Speaking Topic .mp4
- 04-Compressed_S2 - Choosing Your Speaking Topic (Interest).zip
- 05-Compressed_S3 - Getting Your Mind Right & Eliminating Imposter Syndrome (Integrity).zip
- 05-Getting Your Mind Right & Eliminating Imposter Syndrome .mp4
- 06-Committing and Taking Action.mp4
- 06-Compressed_S4 - Committing and Taking
02-Module 2 - Prepare Your Talk
- 01-Summary-Intro- Prepare Your Talk.mp4
- 02-Different Types of Talks.mp4
- 02-Different Types of Talks.pdf
- 03-Having a Clear Objective.mp4
- 04-Organizing Your Content.mp4
- 05-Practicing & Rehearsing.mp4
- 06-Presentation Skills.mp4
03-Module 3 - Establish Your Expertise
- 01-Summary-Intro - Establish Your Expertise.mp4
- 02-Developing Your Brand As A Speaker.mp4
- 03-Creating & Optimizing Your Speaking Website.mp4
- 04-E3-_Speaker_Website_Checklist_WORKSHEET.pdf
- 05-What is Website Hosting.mp4
- 06-What is a Domain Name-.mp4
- 07-How To Install Your WordPress Website.mp4
- 08-A WordPress Tour and Themes.mp4
- 09-How To Setup A Custom Email Address.mp4
- 10-2019 Corporate Promo with The Passing Zone.mp4
- 10-Carey Lohrenz Inspirational Keynote Speaker Demo.mp4
- 10-Demo Reel Best Practices.mp4
- 10-Demo Reel Best Practices.pdf
- 10-Education Speaker - Grant Baldwin.mp4
- 10-Grant Baldwin - Captivate. Innovate. Motivate.mp4
- 10-Grant Baldwin - Youth Speaker Demo Video.mp4
- 10-Grant Baldwin Speaker Demo Video.mp4
- 10-Keynote Speakers Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg.mp4
- 10-Kyle Scheele - Motivational Youth Speaker.mp4
- 10-Youth Motivational Speaker - Grant Baldwin.mp4
- 11-Behind the Scenes Demo Video.mp4
- 11-Demo Video Example.mp4
04-Module 4 - Acquire Paid Speaking Gigs
- 01-Acquire Paid Speaking Gigs.mp4
- 02-Where Speaking Gigs Come From.mp4
- 03-Using Google to Find Gigs.mp4
- 04.-Identifying Decision Makers.mp4
- 05-A4 BPS Email Swipe File.pdf
- 05-Email Scripts (PDF + video).mp4
- 06-Speaking Contact Follow-up Flow Chart.mp4
- 07-Navigating the First Event Organizer Phone Call.mp4
- 08-BPS __ Module 4 __ Lesson 8.mp3
- 09-Setting & Negotiating Fees.mp4
- 10-A9-Speaking_Fee_Structures_GUIDE.pdf
- 11-When They’re Ready To Book.mp4
- 12-A11_Speaking_Agreement.doc
- 13-A12-Creating_A_Great_Client_Experience_CHECKLIST.pdf
- 13-Creating A Great Client Experience (video + guide).mp4
05- Module 5 - Know When To Scale
- 01-Know When To Scale.mp4
- 02-Business Models For Speaking.mp4
- 03-Speaking Business Fine Print- Cashflow, Taxes, Legal Things.mp4
- 04-Transitioning To Full Time Speaking.mp4
- 05-Everything Travel- Road Warrior Status.mp4
- 06-All About Speaker Bureaus.mp4
- 07-Conclusion.mp4
02- Advanced Training Modules
- 01-Sarah Merrill-3.mp4
- 01-Sarah Merrill.mp3
- 02-Philip Taylor - How To Get Booked To Speak At Conferences.mp4
- 02-Philip Taylor.mp3
- 03-Pete Vargas-3.mp4
- 03-Pete Vargas.mp3
- 04-Ed Gandia.mp3
- 04-Ed Gandia.mp4
- 05-Joseph Michael.mp3
- 05-Joseph Michael.mp4
- 06-Allison Vesterfelt.mp3
- 06-Allison Vesterfelt.mp4
- 07-Darrell Vesterfelt.mp3
- 07-Darrell Vesterfelt.mp4
- 08-Nathan Barry.mp3
- 08-Nathan Barry.mp4
- 09-Bryan Harris.mp3
- 09-Bryan Harris.mp4
- 10-Erin Lashley.mp3
- 10-Erin Lashley.mp4
- 11-Mike-Pacchione.mp4
- 11-Mike Pacchione.mp3
- 12-Lisa Klug.mp3
- 12-Lisa Klug.mp4
03-Booked & Paid To Speak Vault
- 01-emailswipe-1482085526435.pdf
- 02-speakingcontactflowchart-1482085866610.pdf
- 03-AfterTheEventQuestionaire-1505351602738.doc
- 03-BioIntro-1505351602739.doc
- 03-BlankW9-1505351602740.pdf
- 03-CheckList-1505351602740.docx
- 03-DescriptionofForms-1505351602737.docx
- 03-EventInfoForm-1505351602741.docx
- 03-OneSheetforTravel-1505351602742.doc
- 03-SpeakingAgreement-1505351602743.doc
- 03-SpeakingRider-1505351602745.doc
- 04-speakingquickstartguide-1482085759945.pdf
- 05-top10smallbiztips-1482085301383.pdf
- 06-aWxASge2TJy6IhJ5LZ0m_BPSProposalTemplate-1562919132920.docx
- 07-01_Invoice-191031-192635.xlsx
04-Speaker Case Studies
- 01-Arel Moodie-3.mp4
- 01-Arel Moodie.mp3
- 02-Thom Singer.mp3
- 02-Thom Singer.mp4
- 03-Thomas Frank.mp3
- 03-Thomas Frank.mp4
- 04-Ryan Porter.mp3
- 04-Ryan Porter.mp4
- 05-Jeff Yalden.mp3
- 05-Jeff Yalden.mp4
- 06-Harriet Turk.mp3
- 06-harriet-turk.mp4
- 07-Melanie-new.mp3
- 07-Melanie Deziel.mp4
- 08-Kyle Scheele.mp3
- 08-Kyle Scheele.mp4
- 09-Jeff Jones.mp3
- 09-Jeff Jones.mp4
- 10-Stephanie-OConnell.mp3
- 10-Stephanie-OConnell.mp4
- 11-Fred Grooms.mp3
- 11-Fred Grooms.mp4
- 12-Jason Freeman.mp3
- 12-Jason Freeman.mp4
- 13-Marc Feinberg.mp3
- 13-Marc Feinberg.mp4
05-The Speaker Lab Stimulus
- 01-.02-The Speaker Lab.pdf
- 01-How Speakers Can Thrive in the Midst of Crisis .mp4
- 01-The Speaker Lab.pdf
- 02-How Speakers Can Deal With Unexpected Changes in the Industry with Jane Atkinson.mp4
- 02-How Speakers Can Deal With Unexpected Changes in the Industry with Jane Atkinson.pdf
- 03-How Speakers Can Best Use Technology in a Chaotic Climate with Brian Fanzo.mp4
- 03-How Speakers Can Best Use Technology in a Chaotic Climate with Brian Fanzo.pdf
- 04-How Speakers Can Best Use Technology in a Chaotic Climate with Brian Fanzo.mp4
- 04-How Speakers Can Best Use Technology in a Chaotic Climate with Brian Fanzo.pdf
- 05-Why Generosity is a Strategic Advantage in Times of Crisis with Vinh Gian.mp4
- 05-Why Generosity is a Strategic Advantage in Times of Crisis with Vinh Gian.pdf
- 06-How To Diversify Your Speaking Income Right Now with Neen James.mp4
- 06-How To Diversify Your Speaking Income Right Now with Neen James.pdf
- 07-How the Youth Speaking Industry Is Responding to COVID-19 With Kyle Scheele.mp4
- 07-How the Youth Speaking Industry Is Responding to COVID-19 With Kyle Scheele.pdf
- 08-How Speaker Bureaus Are Responding to COVID-19 With Shawn Hanks.mp4
- 08-How Speaker Bureaus Are Responding to COVID-19 With Shawn Hanks.pdf
- 09-How to Create Virtual Speaking Opportunities With Terry Brock.mp4
- 09-How to Create Virtual Speaking Opportunities With Terry Brock.pdf
- 10-How Event Planners Are Responding to the Coronavirus With Josh McGhee.mp4
- 10-How Event Planners Are Responding to the Coronavirus With Josh McGhee.pdf
- 11-How to Book Virtual Speaking Gigs With Erick Rheam.mp4
- 11-How to Book Virtual Speaking Gigs With Erick Rheam.pdf
- 12-How Speakers Can Diversify Their Business With Carrie Wilkerson.mp4
- 12-How Speakers Can Diversify Their Business With Carrie Wilkerson.pdf
- 13-How Speakers Should Handle Their Finances in This COVID World With Mike Michalowicz.mp4
- 14-Confessions of a Professional Speaker Dealing With COVID Featuring Phil Jones.mp4
- 14-Confessions of a Professional Speaker Dealing With COVID Featuring Phil Jones.pdf
- 15-How to Work on Your Speech and Craft During Quarantine With Mike Pacchione.mp4
- 15-How to Work on Your Speech and Craft During Quarantine With Mike Pacchione.pdf
- 16-How Speakers Can Benefit From the Stimulus, Unemployment, EIDL, and PPP.mp4
- 16-How Speakers Can Benefit From the Stimulus, Unemployment, EIDL, and PPP.pdf
- 17-Discussing the Future of the Speaking Industry With Scott Stratten.mp4
- 17-Discussing the Future of the Speaking Industry With Scott Stratten.pdf
- 18-What a Physician Says About the Current Speaking Industry With Nisha Mehta.mp4
- 18-What a Physician Says About the Current Speaking Industry With Nisha Mehta.pdf
Grant Baldwin – Get Inside Booked & Paid to Speak
Grant Baldwin – Get Inside Booked & Paid to Speak Cheap
Grant Baldwin – Get Inside Booked & Paid to Speak Course
Grant Baldwin – Get Inside Booked & Paid to Speak Download
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