Frank Kern – The Core Four Program

Frank Kern – The Core Four Program
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  • lastupdatedate-icon Last Updated Date: 05-25-2024
  • size-icon Course Size: 5.5 GB
$999- 96%

Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)

Frank Kern – The Core Four Program
folder icon
01-Course Content
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02-Branding and the Ultimate Leverage
folder icon
03-Boosting Engagement and the 5 Dollar Formula to Fame
folder icon
04-Creating Compelling Offers
folder icon
05-Follow Up Fortunes
folder icon
06-Bonus - Social Media Ads Made Simple
folder icon
07-Tech Stuff You May or May Not Need
01-Course Content
png icon
01- Implementation Call Scheduling.png
02-Branding and the Ultimate Leverage
mp4 icon
01-Intro to the Three Post System.mp4
mp4 icon
02-The Magic of Being Fully Connected.mp4
mp4 icon
03-The Roadmap to Connection.mp4
mp4 icon
04-Connection Post Scripting & Frameworks.mp4
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05-How-To Posts.mp4
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06-Offer Posts.mp4
mp4 icon
07-The Branding Vortex.mp4
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08-The Ultimate Leverage pt. 1.mp4
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09-The Ultimate Leverage pt. 2.mp4
03-Boosting Engagement and the 5 Dollar Formula to Fame
mp4 icon
01-The Power of Engagement.mp4
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02-Boosting Facebook Engagement.mp4
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03-Boosting IG Engagement.mp4
mp4 icon
04-The Ultimate Leverage Part 3.mp4
mp4 icon
05-Your Daily Routine Part 1 – Overview & Getting Paid.mp4
mp4 icon
06-Your Daily Routine Part 2 – Connection Posts.mp4
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07-Daily Routine Part 3 – How-to Posts (7 posts in 7 minutes).mp4
mp4 icon
08-Five Dollar Formula To Fame – Part 1.mp4
mp4 icon
09-Five Dollar Formula To Fame – Part 2.mp4
mp4 icon
10-Five Dollar Formula To Fame – Part 3.mp4
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11-Five Dollar Formula To Fame – Part 4.mp4
04-Creating Compelling Offers
mp4 icon
01-How To Sell Stuff Part 1- The Direct Offer.mp4
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02-Example Of The Direct Offer In Action.mp4
pdf icon
mp4 icon
03-How To Sell Stuff Part 2- The Educational Offer.mp4
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04-Educational Offer Example.mp4
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05-How To Sell Stuff Part 3- The Story Based Offer.mp4
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07-News Angle Offer Example.mp4
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08-A quick intro to how we’ll get leads and sales.mp4
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09-The Entire Marketing Universe Explained And Made Simple.mp4
mp4 icon
10-How To Get Leads (And The Main Ways To Sell Stuff).mp4
mp4 icon
11-Actually DOING IT (Tying This All Together).mp4
pdf icon
mp4 icon
11-WATCH THIS! We’ve Done Most Of The Work For You --).mp4
pdf icon
05-Follow Up Fortunes
mp4 icon
01-An Intro To Follow Up.mp4
mp4 icon
02-The Super Friendly Click Sequence.mp4
06-Bonus - Social Media Ads Made Simple
mp4 icon
01-Video 1 – Intro.mp4
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02-Video 2 – Setting Up The Ad Itself.mp4
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03-Video 3 – Wrapping Up.mp4
mp4 icon
04-Video 4 – The Aftermath.mp4
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05-Video 5 – Scaling The Aftermath.mp4
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06-Video 6 – After Scaling.mp4
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07-Video 7 – International Scaling.mp4
mp4 icon
08-Video 8 – Finding And Scaling New Audiences.mp4
mp4 icon
09-Video 9 – Scaling With CBO Part 1.mp4
mp4 icon
10-Video 10 – Pruning And Scaling The Newer Audiences.mp4
mp4 icon
11-Video 11 – The TRIPLE-SCALE!.mp4
mp4 icon
12-Video 1 – The Overview.mp4
mp4 icon
13-Video 2 – The Ad Copy And Image.mp4
mp4 icon
14-Video 3 – The Lead Form Made Easy.mp4
mp4 icon
15-Video 4 – AdSets Made Easy.mp4
mp4 icon
16-Video 4.2 – Turning on the other ads.mp4
07-Tech Stuff You May or May Not Need
mp4 icon
01-Setting Up Your Accounts.mp4
mp4 icon
02-Setting Up Your Pixel and Tracking.mp4
mp4 icon
03-How To Turn a VSL into a PDF Lead Magnet.mp4
  • 01-Course Content

    • 01- Implementation Call Scheduling.png
  • 02-Branding and the Ultimate Leverage

    • 01-Intro to the Three Post System.mp4
    • 02-The Magic of Being Fully Connected.mp4
    • 03-The Roadmap to Connection.mp4
    • 04-Connection Post Scripting & Frameworks.mp4
    • 05-How-To Posts.mp4
    • 06-Offer Posts.mp4
    • 07-The Branding Vortex.mp4
    • 08-The Ultimate Leverage pt. 1.mp4
    • 09-The Ultimate Leverage pt. 2.mp4
  • 03-Boosting Engagement and the 5 Dollar Formula to Fame

    • 01-The Power of Engagement.mp4
    • 02-Boosting Facebook Engagement.mp4
    • 03-Boosting IG Engagement.mp4
    • 04-The Ultimate Leverage Part 3.mp4
    • 05-Your Daily Routine Part 1 – Overview & Getting Paid.mp4
    • 06-Your Daily Routine Part 2 – Connection Posts.mp4
    • 07-Daily Routine Part 3 – How-to Posts (7 posts in 7 minutes).mp4
    • 08-Five Dollar Formula To Fame – Part 1.mp4
    • 09-Five Dollar Formula To Fame – Part 2.mp4
    • 10-Five Dollar Formula To Fame – Part 3.mp4
    • 11-Five Dollar Formula To Fame – Part 4.mp4
  • 04-Creating Compelling Offers

    • 01-How To Sell Stuff Part 1- The Direct Offer.mp4
    • 02-Example Of The Direct Offer In Action.mp4
    • 02-Offer-Structures.pdf
    • 03-How To Sell Stuff Part 2- The Educational Offer.mp4
    • 04-Educational-Offers-PDF.pdf
    • 04-Educational Offer Example.mp4
    • 05-How To Sell Stuff Part 3- The Story Based Offer.mp4
    • 06-News-Angle-offers-1.pdf
    • 06-PersuasiveWritingSecrets.mp3
    • 07-News-Angle-offers.pdf
    • 07-News Angle Offer Example.mp4
    • 08-A quick intro to how we’ll get leads and sales.mp4
    • 08-Video-2-The-Entire-Marketing-Universe-Made-Simple.pdf
    • 09-The Entire Marketing Universe Explained And Made Simple.mp4
    • 10-How To Get Leads (And The Main Ways To Sell Stuff).mp4
    • 11-Actually DOING IT (Tying This All Together).mp4
    • 11-Automation-Templates.pdf
    • 11-WATCH THIS! We’ve Done Most Of The Work For You --).mp4
    • 11-Website-Transplants.pdf
  • 05-Follow Up Fortunes

    • 01-An Intro To Follow Up.mp4
    • 02-The Super Friendly Click Sequence.mp4
  • 06-Bonus - Social Media Ads Made Simple

    • 01-Video 1 – Intro.mp4
    • 02-Video 2 – Setting Up The Ad Itself.mp4
    • 03-Video 3 – Wrapping Up.mp4
    • 04-Video 4 – The Aftermath.mp4
    • 05-Video 5 – Scaling The Aftermath.mp4
    • 06-Video 6 – After Scaling.mp4
    • 07-Video 7 – International Scaling.mp4
    • 08-Video 8 – Finding And Scaling New Audiences.mp4
    • 09-Video 9 – Scaling With CBO Part 1.mp4
    • 10-Video 10 – Pruning And Scaling The Newer Audiences.mp4
    • 11-Video 11 – The TRIPLE-SCALE!.mp4
    • 12-Video 1 – The Overview.mp4
    • 13-Video 2 – The Ad Copy And Image.mp4
    • 14-Video 3 – The Lead Form Made Easy.mp4
    • 15-Video 4 – AdSets Made Easy.mp4
    • 16-Video 4.2 – Turning on the other ads.mp4
  • 07-Tech Stuff You May or May Not Need

    • 01-Setting Up Your Accounts.mp4
    • 02-Setting Up Your Pixel and Tracking.mp4
    • 03-How To Turn a VSL into a PDF Lead Magnet.mp4

First of all …thank you for joining me on my webinar.
I know it was long …and I hope it helped you.
Hey – you know what?
If you think about it, the fact you’re here is pretty solid …
Chances are, you …

A: Saw my stuff on Social Media (I got your attention, which is step one of the process.)

B: Opted in for something and became a lead at some point, (which is step two of the process).

C: Saw the offer for this class, which is step three of the process. And now this very letter is a way for me to …
D: FOLLOW UP. (Which is step four for the Core Four process.)
Nothing fancy …just the fundamentals applied properly.
And as you’ve seen …this Core Four approach is relevant to ANY business that wants to use the Internet to get customers.
(You need to do that NOW, by the way. The deadline is real.)

Now – as a quick recap, here’s how everything works:

What We’re Doing
We’re GETTING YOU KNOWN Using A Simple Three-Post Social Media Strategy That Anyone Can Implement. You’ll build an engaged audience of people who like you …and we’ll do it using organic (free) strategies as well as simple ads.(The ads are optional …but I’ll show you how to do it because you’ll probably like it.)
We’re Building An Email List Of People Who Really Like You.As you know, an email list of people who like and trust you is one of the most valuable things you can have in your business.There’s nothing quite like the feeling of hitting “send” and seeing sales come in as a result.Never gets old ?
We’re MAKING OFFERS That Sell. ETHICALLY.We’re not going to make crazy claims or be obnoxious because no matter what we say, we know that most people won’t buy the first time they see your offer.This is simple human nature.So we’re going to create offers that cause some of your prospects to buy immediately.And the ones who don’t will STILL like you and they’ll STILL be interested. (Otherwise they wouldn’t have checked out the offer in the first place).They just didn’t buy right away because that’s how human nature works.Which is why …
​We’re following up with prospects until they buy.

Automatically.We’ll do this using very simple email campaigns that drive your prospects back to your offers …without driving them crazy.All on auto-pilot.When I work with my $40,000 Private Clients, this is usually the area we end up working on the most.It just doesn’t really cost you anything extra to follow up with your list …but so few people really do it!You’ll see how to do it in a way that keeps people buying …but also preserves your good relationship with them.Get this right and it’s a game changer.
How We’re Doing It
This is a 30-day class …but you can have access to it for as long as the Internet exists.
Every lesson is short and sweet …and easy to implement.
​Each day, you get a new video with instructions on what to do, how to do it, and why.I also include templates, frameworks, and in some cases …scripts!Everything is designed to make this fun, easy to understand, and more importantly …easy to IMPLEMENT.
​We also help you LIVE …in small-group sessions.
​This LIVE IN-PERSON HELP is one of the things that really sets this class apart.You’re getting help from my same full-time team that helps me serve my $40,000 private clients.Each group session is held LIVE over Zoom and is typically limited to around eight people.You’re welcome to attend as many sessions as you want.(That’s one of the reasons this class size is limited, by the way.)
The Requirements To Complete The Class
​SOMETHING TO SELL. (It’s kind of hard to get customers if there’s nothing to sell them.)
​Around 45 minutes a day: That doesn’t sound like much …but if you put in 45 minutes of actual work every day of this class, that’s a solid 22 hours by the time you’re done.THAT ADDS UP! You can get a LOT done in that amount of time.And you don’t need to feel rushed.If you skip a day, it’s no big deal. You have access to the class for as long as the Internet exists. (And we’re not going anywhere either).
​COMMITMENT: Look, this isn’t a magic button.I’ve made everything really simple (because that’s the only way I can personally get anything done lol) but still….You gotta do stuff.And it’s OK if you need help or have questions or even if you just need some good old fashioned encouragement.

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