Ed Latimore & J.K. Molina – The Templates

Ed Latimore & J.K. Molina – The Templates
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  • lastupdatedate-icon Last Updated Date: 08-12-2021
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$247- 88%

Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)

Ed Latimore & J.K. Molina - The Templates
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Engagement Is The New Cocaine 2020.pdf
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  • Engagement Is The New Cocaine 2020.pdf
  • Molina Letter 8 (3) (1).pdf
  • Welcome to The Templates!.pdf
  • Wordplay(2).pdf

Get Triple-Digit Likes and Double-Digit Retweets – PER TWEET
(Even After The 2021 Algorithm Changes)
Introducing The Templates:
Over 500 viral tweet templates, thread starters and sales tweets that just catch fire.
Reverse Engineered by Latimore.

Get paid $2k/mo ghostwriting by Molina (Included FREE with your purchase)

The Algorithm Hates You
And there’s 5 reasons why:

You don’t have pronouns in your bio
You’re based
You’re probably right wing
You’re a creator, not a consumer
You’re here to make connections and money (more on this below)
AKA you’re not Twitter’s puppet.

It’s not because you don’t comment 82 times a day.

It’s not because your followers don’t like you anymore.

It’s because (and you might not want to hear this)

You’re probably tagged with a big fat mark that says shadowbanned.

(Ever noticed how your engagement is significantly lower since the elections?)

The Ruthless Cycle
One day an account is all over your feed. Hundred likes. Dozens of retweets. Killing it.

Then their engagement goes down a bit.

Until one day you randomly stop seeing their tweets.

Then you forget about them.

Just like that. Poof. Gone.

It happens too often (might have even happened to you). Especially if you didn’t adapt to the new algo changes.

You know it better than anyone, because you’ve experienced it:

It’s that same algo that allows bigger accounts to tweet the most basic sh*t and crank numbers like these:

While you can’t seem to crack 5 likes in 10 minutes.

That same algo that gives you worse engagement today than what it gave you 3 months ago with LESS followers.

And keeps you stuck in a what-am-I-doing-wrong cycle (for now at least)

The game is rigged. No doubt about it.

So how do we rig it in your favor?

Let’s talk Twitter:

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