Digital Marketer – Digital Marketing Mastery 2022

Digital Marketer – Digital Marketing Mastery 2022
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  • lastupdatedate-icon Last Updated Date: 05-25-2024
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$995- 95%

Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)

Digital Marketer – Digital Marketing Mastery 2022
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01-Digital Marketing Mastery
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02-Predictable Selling System- The Ultimate Funnel Building Swipe File
01-Digital Marketing Mastery
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01-Core Concepts of Digital Marketing
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02-Knowing Your Customer
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03-The Customer Value Journey
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04-Content Marketing
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05-Social Media Marketing
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06-Digital Advertising
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07-Search Marketing
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08-Email Marketing
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09-Community Management
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10-Data & Optimization
02-Predictable Selling System- The Ultimate Funnel Building Swipe File
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01-Core Concepts
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02-Architecting Your Ideal Sales Conversation
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03-Identifying The Triggering Event
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04-Building Your Entry-Point Offers
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05-Constructing Your Predictable Selling System
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06-Launching and Scaling Your Selling System
  • 01-Digital Marketing Mastery

    • 01-Core Concepts of Digital Marketing

      • 01-03-Core-Message-Canvas_CP+copy.pdf
      • 01-2021-DMM-v2.0.pdf
      • 01-Customer-Avatar-Canvas_CP.pdf
      • 01-DMMCert-01-01-TheGoal.mp4
      • 01-Digital-Marketing-Mastery-Pacing-Calendars.pdf
      • 01-Study Guide - DMM - v1.5.pdf
      • 01-Value-Journey-Worksheet-color-CP+copy.pdf
      • 02-DMMCert-01-02-TraditionalvsDigital.mp4
      • 03-DMMCert-01-03-RoleofDigitalMarketing.mp4
      • 04-DMMCert-01-04-CriticalDiscipline.mp4
      • 05-DMMCert-01-05-3ToolsforModernMarketers.mp4
      • 06-DMMCert-01-06-B2BvB2C.mp4
    • 02-Knowing Your Customer

      • 01-DMMCert-02-01-KnowingYourCustomer.mp4
      • 02-DMMCert-02-02-CustomerAvatarCanvas.mp4
      • 03-DMMCert-02-03-BeforeandAfter.mp4
      • 04-[RETIRED]DMMCert-02-04-BuildingYourBeforeandAfter.mp4
      • 05-DMMCert-02-04-BeforeandAfterInAction.mp4
      • 06-DMMCERT-02-05-CoreMessageCanvas.mp4
    • 03-The Customer Value Journey

      • 01-DMMCert-03-01-MappingtheCustomerJourney.mp4
      • 02-DMMCert-03-02-Awareness.mp4
      • 03-DMMCert-03-03-Engagement.mp4
      • 04-DMMCert-03-04-Subscribe.mp4
      • 05-DMMCert-03-05-Convert.mp4
      • 06-DMMCert-03-06-Excite.mp4
      • 07-DMMCert-03-07-Ascend.mp4
      • 08-DMMCert-03-08-Advocate.mp4
      • 09-DMMCert-03-09-Promote.mp4
      • 10-DMMCert-03-10-OptimizingYourValueJourney.mp4
    • 04-Content Marketing

      • 01-[RETIRED]DMMCert-03-11-CalltoAction.mp4
      • 02-DMMCert-04-01-Intro.mp4
      • 03-DMMCert-04-02-What'sContentMarketing.mp4
      • 04-DMMCert-04-03-YouAreHere.mp4
      • 05-DMMCert-04-04-Voice.mp4
      • 06-[DMM]-04-05-ContentStrategy.mp4
      • 07-DMMCert-04-06-ContentOptions.mp4
      • 08-DMMCert-04-07-MonetizeContent.mp4
      • 09-DMMCert-04-08-ContentMarketKPIs.mp4
      • 10-DMMCert-04-09-ContentTools.mp4
      • 11-DMMCert-04-10-CallToAction.mp4
      • 12-DMMCert-04-11-Intro.mp4
    • 05-Social Media Marketing

      • 01-DMMCert-04-12-ContentVsCopy.mp4
      • 02-DMMCert-05-01-Introduction.mp4
      • 03-DMMCert-05-02-YouAreHere.mp4
      • 04-DMMCert-05-03-SocialChannels.mp4
      • 05-[DMM]05-04-TargetingYourAudience.mp4
      • 06-DMMCert-05-05-CreatingContent.mp4
      • 07-DMMCert-05-07-SocialMediaMetrics.mp4
      • 08-[DMM]-05-06-GoalsofSocialMedia.mp4
      • 09-DMMCert-05-08-BrandManagement.mp4
    • 06-Digital Advertising

      • 01-DMMCert-05-09-CallToAction.mp4
      • 02-DMMCert-06-01-Introduction.mp4
      • 03-DMMCert-06-02-YouAreHere.mp4
      • 04-DMMCert-06-03-PaidTrafficOverview.mp4
      • 05-DMMCert-06-04-WhyUsePaidTraffic.mp4
      • 06-DMMCert-06-05-LandscapeOverview.mp4
      • 07-DMMCert-06-06-Planning.mp4
      • 08-DMMCert-06-07-ThreeCoreElements.mp4
      • 09-DMMCert-06-08-Budgeting.mp4
      • 10-DMMCert-06-09-3PillarsofPaidMedia.mp4
      • 11-DMMCert-06-10-OptimizingYourPaidMedia.mp4
      • 12-DMMCert-06-11-Reporting.mp4
      • 13-DMMCert-06-12-WrapUp.mp4
      • 14-DMMCert-06-13-CallToAction.mp4
      • 15-DMMCert-06-14-TheNewPrivacyFirstParadigm.mp4
      • 16-DMMCert-06-15-Introduction.mp4
      • 17-DMMCert-06-16-LandingPages.mp4
      • 18-DMMCert-06-17-LandingPageCopy.mp4
      • 19-DMMCert-06-18-Introduction.mp4
      • 20-DMMCert-06-19-DesignGoals.mp4
      • 21-DMMCert-06-20-AdCreatives.mp4
      • 22-DMMCert-06-21-DesignResources.mp4
    • 07-Search Marketing

      • 01-DMMCert-06-22-CallToAction.mp4
      • 02-DMMCert-07-01-Introduction.mp4
      • 03-DMMCert-07-02-YouAreHere.mp4
      • 04-DMMCert-07-03-WhatIsSEO.mp4
      • 05-DMMCert-07-04-TechnicalSEO.mp4
      • 06-DMMCert-07-05-OnPageSEO.mp4
      • 07-DMMCert-07-06-OffPageSEO.mp4
      • 08-DMMCert-07-07-SEOKPIs.mp4
    • 08-Email Marketing

      • 01-DMMCert-07-08-CallToAction.mp4
      • 02-[DMM]08_01_TheGoal.mp4
      • 03-[DMM]08_02_YouAreHere.mp4
      • 04-DMMCert-08-02-ToolsandTactics.mp4
      • 05-[DMM]05-08_03_3TypesofEmails.mp4
      • 06-[DMM]08_04_EmailSendTypes.mp4
      • 07-DMMCert-08-04-ActionableMetrics.mp4
      • 08-[DMM]08_05_EmailFromTypes.mp4
      • 09-DMMCert-08-05-HighValueSegmentation.mp4
      • 10-[DMM]08_06_ListBuilding.mp4
      • 11-[DMM]08_07_CampaignCreation.mp4
      • 12-[DMM]08_08_CraftingEmailSubjectLines.mp4
      • 13-[DMM]08_09_EmailPromoCalendar.mp4
      • 14-[DMM]08_10_EmailMetrics&KPIs.mp4
    • 09-Community Management

      • 01-[DMM]08_11_CalltoAction.mp4
      • 02-[DMM]08_12_EmailCopy.mp4
      • 03-[DMM]08_13_ElementsofEmailCopy.mp4
      • 04-[DMM]08_14_UsingSocialMediatoPracticeCopywriting.mp4
      • 05-DMMCert-09-01-Introduction.mp4
      • 06-DMMCert-09-02-YouAreHere.mp4
      • 07-[DMM]09-03-WhyCommunities.mp4
      • 08-[DMM]09-04-CreatingYourCommunity.mp4
    • 10-Data & Optimization

      • 01-DMMCert-09-05-LaunchingYourCommunity.mp4
      • 02-[DMM]09-06-SenseofCommunity.mp4
      • 03-DMMCert-09-07-CommunityMetrics.mp4
      • 04-DMMCert-09-08-CallToAction.mp4
      • 05-DMMCert-10-01-YouAreHere.mp4
      • 06-DMMCert-10-02-DataPurpose.mp4
      • 07-DMMCert-10-03-LaggingVsLeadingMetrics.mp4
      • 08-MMCert-10-04-TopOfTheFunnelMetrics.mp4
      • 09-DMMCert-10-05-MiddleOfTheFunnelMetrics.mp4
      • 10-DMMCert-10-06-BottomOfTheFunnelMetrics.mp4
      • 11-DMMCert-10-07-OptimizingUsingData.mp4
      • 12-DMMCert-10-08-Identification.mp4
      • 13-DMMCert-10-09-UserResearch.mp4
      • 14-DMMCert-10-10-HypothesisConstruction.mp4
      • 15-DMMCert-10-11-Prioritization.mp4
      • 16-DMMCert-10-12-Running&ReportingATest.mp4
      • 17-DMMCert-10-13-CallToAction.mp4
      • 18-Digital Marketing Mastery Final Exam.pdf
  • 02-Predictable Selling System- The Ultimate Funnel Building Swipe File

    • 01-Core Concepts

      • 01-MiniClassOffer_v3-3.pdf
      • 01-PSS-WS-01-01-IntroandOverview.mp4
      • 01-PerpetualWebinarOffer.pdf
      • 01-SelfLiquidatingOffer_v4FINAL.pdf
      • 01-TrialUpgradeOffer.pdf
      • 01-VelvetRopeOffer_v3.pdf
      • 02-PSS-WS-01-02-4CriticalQuestions.mp4
      • 03-PSS-WS-01-03-CanSellingBePredictable.mp4
      • 04-PSS-WS-01-04-5CoreElements.mp4
      • 05-PSS-WS-01-05-Tools You'll Use.mp4
      • 06-PSS-WS-01-06-BeforeandAfter.mp4
      • 07-PSS-WS-01-07-BeforeandAfterInAction.mp4
      • 08-PSS-WS-01-08-ValueJourneyCanvas.mp4
      • 09-PSS-WS-01-09-PredictableSalesCanvas.mp4
      • 10-PSS-WS-01-10-ActionItems.mp4
    • 02-Architecting Your Ideal Sales Conversation

      • 01-PSS-WS-02-01-ArchitectingYourIdealSalesConversation.mp4
      • 02-PSS-WS-02-02-WhatIsAnIdealSalesConversation-.mp4
      • 03-PSS-WS-02-03-OutliningYourIdealSalesConversation.mp4
      • 04-PSS-WS-02-04-WhatIfYouHaven'tMadeASale-.mp4
      • 05-PSS-WS-02-05-HowToRankYourConversations.mp4
      • 06-PSS-WS-02-06-ActionItems.mp4
    • 03-Identifying The Triggering Event

      • 01-PSS-WS-03-01-IdentifyingTheTriggeringEvent.mp4
      • 02-PSS-WS-03-02-WhatIsATriggeringEvent.mp4
      • 03-PSS-WS-03-03-TypeOfTriggeringEvents.mp4
      • 04-PSS-WS-03-04-HowtoRankYourTriggeringEvents.mp4
      • 05-PSS-WS-03-05-ActionItems.mp4
    • 04-Building Your Entry-Point Offers

      • 01-Building Your Entry-Point Offers – DigitalMarketer Lab.mp4
      • 02-PSS-WS-04-02-WhatIsAnEntryPointOffer-.mp4
      • 03-PSS-WS-04-03-EntryPointOfferExamples.mp4
      • 04-PSS-WS-04-04-TypesOfEntryPointOffers.mp4
      • 05-PSS-WS-04-05-OneStepvsTwoStepEntryPointOffers.mp4
      • 06-PSS-WS-04-06-BrainStormingYourEntryPointOffers.mp4
      • 07-PSS-WS-04-07-EntryPointOfferChecklist.mp4
      • 08-PSS-WS-04-08-ActionItems.mp4
    • 05-Constructing Your Predictable Selling System

      • 01-PSS-WS-05-01-ConstructingYourPredictableSellingSystem.mp4
      • 02-PSS-WS-05-02-Self-LiquidatingOfferExplained.mp4
      • 03-PSS-WS-05-03-VelvetRopeOfferExplained.mp4
      • 04-PSS-WS-05-04-TrialUpgradeOfferExplained.mp4
      • 05-PSS-WS-05-05-MiniClassOffer.mp4
      • 06-PSS-WS-05-06-PerpetualWebinarOfferExplained.mp4
    • 06-Launching and Scaling Your Selling System

      • 01-PSS-WS-06-01-GettingStarted.mp4
      • 02-PSS-WS-06-02-5ElementsofaHighConvertingAdCampaign.mp4
      • 03-PSS-WS-06-03-The$100Test.mp4
      • 04-PSS-WS-06-04-The$500Test.mp4

This course is palms down, probably the most complete digital advertising coaching within the trade immediately.

We begin by ensuring you get crystal clear on an important a part of any digital advertising plan:

Your prospects.

And to try this, we kick issues off by mastering 3 foundational matters:

The Buyer Avatar Canvas – WHO your splendid prospects are
The Core Message Canvas – WHAT your enterprise gives to your prospects
The Buyer Worth Journey – HOW your prospects work together along with your message
Then, with instructors who’re T-shaped entrepreneurs themselves, we’ll take an in-depth take a look at the core digital advertising competencies, together with:

Content material Marketing
E-mail Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Neighborhood Administration
Digital Promoting
Knowledge & Optimization
Search Marketing
Moreover, the instructors relate every specialty again to the phases of the Buyer Worth Journey as a way to see how all areas of digital advertising do their job of attracting, changing, and ascending prospects.

Not simply as soon as, however as a machine that turns your prospects into leads, and leads into prospects.

After incomes your Digital Marketing Specialist Certificates you’ll have the instruments to successfully attain your (or your purchasers’) target market by way of a full-scope advertising technique.

Your Path to Changing into a Marketing MVP

So far, our latest and most complete advertising course was solely supplied for a restricted time to new DigitalMarketer Lab subscribers.

However now, we’re making it accessible to buy by itself for the bottom worth it should ever be.

Which means there’ll by no means be a greater time to grow to be a T-shaped marketer who can confidently:

Create a advertising technique from A-Z for your self and your purchasers
Lead a crew of selling professionals who perceive how their roles work collectively
Collaborate with colleagues to create successful methods that kind a cohesive advertising plan
The Digital Marketing Mastery Certification is your aggressive edge, and the pathway to greater and higher alternatives.


With our partaking and educational method to advertising coaching, a newly-minted T-shaped marketer such as you is perhaps tempted to stop your day job for the greener pastures of web optimization or Neighborhood Administration.

However even for those who don’t, you’ll know exactly the way to implement these respective expertise into your current or desired advertising career.

Course Particulars
The Digital Marketing Mastery Course is probably the most complete digital advertising coaching within the trade. On this 16-hour course, you’ll study the muse of DigitalMarketer’s curriculum and get licensed as a Digital Marketing Specialist.

Core Ideas of Digital Marketing
Study the function of digital advertising and the way to leverage it in immediately’s enterprise world.

Understanding Your Buyer
Construct out a Core Message Canvas and Buyer Avatar Canvas and eventually get clear on who you’re promoting to.

Buyer Worth Journey
Uncover the steps in your advertising plan that seamlessly strikes an individual from lead, to paying buyer, to raving fan.

Content material Marketing
Study which forms of content material to make use of to draw your viewers and leverage content material advertising methods to develop your enterprise.

Social Media
Achieve a primary, clear understanding of the way to use social media to construct actual relationships along with your viewers.

Digital Promoting
Dive into paid site visitors methods, touchdown pages, copy and advert design parts, and the way these features work collectively to deliver prospects to your pages.

Search Marketing
Use web optimization methods to generate higher rankings on engines like google, and free natural site visitors to your website.

E-mail Marketing
Discover ways to create electronic mail campaigns that get opened, get clicked, and convert passive checklist subscribers into energetic prospects.

Neighborhood Administration
Go in depth into the way to construct a thriving on-line neighborhood that positively impacts your enterprise’ backside line.

Knowledge & Optimization
Uncover the info and optimization ways to seek out which advertising methods work greatest for your enterprise and prospects.

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