Dating & Attraction Mastery – Josh Hudson

Dating & Attraction Mastery – Josh Hudson
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$1,997- 96%

Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)

Dating & Attraction Mastery – Josh Hudson
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00 Before You Start
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01 Week 1 - Fast Start
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02 Week 2 - Understanding The Female Mind
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03 Week 3 - Building The Man & Your Masculinity
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04 Week 4 - Meeting Women & Magnetic First Interaction
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05 Week 5 - Attraction & Emotional Connection
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06 Week 6 - Sexual Tension & First Date
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07 Week 7 - Online Dating
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08 Week 8 - The Love Code
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09 Week 9 - Is She The One_
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10 Week 10 - Becoming Sex God
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11 Week 11 - The Disfigured Man
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12 Week 12 - Advanced Series
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00 Before You Start
mp4 icon
01 - Welcome to DAM (Dating and Attraction Mastery).mp4
mp4 icon
02 - Uniform Of Success or Failure.mp4
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04 - Please answer these quick questions.jpg
01 Week 1 - Fast Start
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01 - Fast Start Exercises (series)
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mp4 icon
1.02 - Your Higher Why.mp4
mp4 icon
1.03 - Your 100% Commitment - In Writing.mp4
mp4 icon
1.04 - 4 Levels Of Learning (and Dating & Attraction Mastery).mp4
mp4 icon
1.05 - The Secret To 3X Faster Results.mp4
mp4 icon
1.06 - Societal Delusions & Lies.mp4
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1.07 - Understanding Masculine Mindset.mp4
02 Week 2 - Understanding The Female Mind
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mp4 icon
2.00 - Core Differences Between Masculine & Feminine.mp4
mp4 icon
2.01 - What Is Attraction.mp4
mp4 icon
2.02 - Dual Mating Strategy.mp4
mp4 icon
2.03 - Myth of The Alpha.mp4
mp4 icon
2.04.01 - Attraction Framework.mp4
mp4 icon
2.04.02 - Attraction Killers.mp4
mp4 icon
2.05 - Logic Kills Attraction.mp4
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2.06 - Nice Guys.mp4
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2.07 - Money Looks.mp4
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2.08 - Rejection.mp4
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Please answer these quick questions.png
03 Week 3 - Building The Man & Your Masculinity
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Video Series
mp4 icon
3.01 - Masculine Mindset.mp4
mp4 icon
3.02 - Balancing Fun & Intent.mp4
mp4 icon
3.06.01 - Pedestal Theory.mp4
mp4 icon
3.06.02 - Demographics.mp4
04 Week 4 - Meeting Women & Magnetic First Interaction
folder icon
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mp4 icon
4.01 - Approach.mp4
mp4 icon
4.02 - Direct Vs. Indirect Openers.mp4
mp4 icon
4.03.00 - Where to Meet.mp4
mp4 icon
4.03.01 - Step-by-Step How to Approach Women.mp4
mp4 icon
4.03.02 - Rebecca Touch.mp4
mp4 icon
4.04 - Texting.mp4
mp4 icon
4.04.00 - Annihilate Anxiety.mp4
mp4 icon
4.04.01 - Secret to Doubling Your Confidence Overnight to Approach Beautiful Women.mp4
mp4 icon
4.05 - Pros vs. Cons of Approaching.mp4
mp4 icon
4.08 - How to Know When to Approach.mp4
mp4 icon
4.09 - Attractive Women Paradox.mp4
mp4 icon
4.12 - Rejection Backup → Good Vibe but Still Rejection. Why_.mp4
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Please answer these quick questions.png
05 Week 5 - Attraction & Emotional Connection
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mp4 icon
5.01 - How to Spark Attraction Through Push-Pull Method.mp4
mp4 icon
5.02 - Emotional Connection.mp4
mp4 icon
5.03 - Conversation Casanova.mp4
mp4 icon
5.04 - Pass Her Tests.mp4
mp4 icon
5.05 - How To Lead.mp4
mp4 icon
5.06 - Set Your Frame Right.mp4
mp4 icon
5.07 - Push & Pull Flirting Technique.mp4
06 Week 6 - Sexual Tension & First Date
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Video Series
mp4 icon
6.01 - How To Escalate Smoothly.mp4
mp4 icon
6.02 - Increasing Your Libido.mp4
07 Week 7 - Online Dating
folder icon
mp4 icon
7.01 - Online dating is not Optimal.mp4
mp4 icon
7.02 - Which Apps to Use_.mp4
mp4 icon
7.03 - Instagram Profile-Online Profile Must and Must Nots.mp4
mp4 icon
7.04 - The Power of No.mp4
mp4 icon
7.05 - Girlfriend Milestones.mp4
mp4 icon
7.06 - Bio Description Humor. Status. Preselection.mp4
mp4 icon
7.07 - Photos.mp4
mp4 icon
7.08 - Conversation Communication.mp4
mp4 icon
7.09 - Common Questions.mp4
mp4 icon
7.10 - Phone Calls.mp4
mp4 icon
7.11 - Types of Women You Will See.mp4
mp4 icon
7.12 - Play the Long Game.mp4
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Please answer these quick questions.png
08 Week 8 - The Love Code
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mp4 icon
8.01 - Relationship Reconstruction...mp4
mp4 icon
8.02 - Relationship Mistakes...mp4
mp4 icon
8.03 - Relationship Qualities...mp4
mp4 icon
8.04 - Communicate Like A Therapist.mp4
mp4 icon
8.05 - Attachment Theory.mp4
mp4 icon
8.06 - Triangle Theory of Love.mp4
mp4 icon
8.07 - How to Forgive Your Partner.mp4
mp4 icon
8.08 - Balance of Power.mp4
png icon
Please answer these quick questions.png
09 Week 9 - Is She The One_
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mp4 icon
9.01 - Shared Life Path & Goals.mp4
mp4 icon
9.01 - Shared Life Path & Goals 2.mp4
mp4 icon
9.02 - Relationship Expansion & Growth.mp4
mp4 icon
9.02 - Relationship Expansion & Growth 2.mp4
mp4 icon
9.03 - Signs of A Toxic Woman.mp4
mp4 icon
9.03 - Signs of A Toxic Woman 2.mp4
mp4 icon
9.04 - You Date Your Problems.mp4
mp4 icon
9.04 - You Date Your Problems 2.mp4
mp4 icon
9.05 - Get Her To Do Anything for You.mp4
mp4 icon
9.05 - Get Her To Do Anything for You 2.mp4
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Please answer these quick questions.png
10 Week 10 - Becoming Sex God
folder icon
mp4 icon
10.01 - Become A Sex God.mp4
mp4 icon
10.02 - You Have The Power.mp4
mp4 icon
10.03 - Take The Lead.mp4
mp4 icon
10.04 - The Most Important Sex Skill.mp4
mp4 icon
10.05 - Tantric Teasing.mp4
mp4 icon
10.06 - Dirty Talk 101.mp4
mp4 icon
10.07 - Thrusting Freedom.mp4
mp4 icon
10.08 - Cumming Control.mp4
mp4 icon
10.09 - Mind Games.mp4
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Please answer these quick questions.png
11 Week 11 - The Disfigured Man
folder icon
folder icon
V1 - The Disfigured Male
folder icon
V2 - Why this happened_
folder icon
V3 - Apex Aligned Man
mp4 icon
11.01 - Intro To Advanced Identity Level Change.mp4
mp4 icon
11.02 - The Law of Attraction Simplified.mp4
mp4 icon
11.03 - Level Of Consciousness.mp4
mp4 icon
11.04 - Shadow Introduction.mp4
12 Week 12 - Advanced Series
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Lower Self
folder icon
mp4 icon
12.01 - The Detached Man.mp4
mp4 icon
12.02 - Mastering Your Reality.mp4
mp4 icon
12.05 - Externalize Exception.mp4
folder icon
01 - Story Telling Mastery
folder icon
02 - 10x Confidence Series!
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03 - Social Anxiety Removal Method
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04 - Sexual Supremacy Masterclass
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Bonus Reports
  • 00 Before You Start

    • 01 - Welcome to DAM (Dating and Attraction Mastery).mp4
    • 02 - Uniform Of Success or Failure.mp4
    • 03 - MUST KNOW CHECKLIST.jpg
    • 04 - Please answer these quick questions.jpg
  • 01 Week 1 - Fast Start

    • 01 - Fast Start Exercises (series)

      • 01 - Fast Start Exercise- Dual-Self Exercise.mp4
      • 02 - Fast Start Exercise- Skills Are ....mp4
      • 03 - Fast Start Exercise- Golden Ball.mp4
      • 04 - Fast Start- Clearing The Mental Desk.mp4
      • 05 - Please answer.jpg
      • Resources

        • Fast_Action_Exercise_1.pdf
        • Fast_Action_Exercise_2.pdf
        • Fast_Action_Exercise_3.pdf
        • Fast_Action_Exercise_4.pdf
    • 1.02 - Your Higher Why.mp4
    • 1.03 - Your 100% Commitment - In Writing.mp4
    • 1.04 - 4 Levels Of Learning (and Dating & Attraction Mastery).mp4
    • 1.05 - The Secret To 3X Faster Results.mp4
    • 1.06 - Societal Delusions & Lies.mp4
    • 1.07 - Understanding Masculine Mindset.mp4
    • Resources

      • DAM_Checklist_W1.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W1.03.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W1.04.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W1.05.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W1.06.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W1.07.pdf
  • 02 Week 2 - Understanding The Female Mind

    • 2.00 - Core Differences Between Masculine & Feminine.mp4
    • 2.01 - What Is Attraction.mp4
    • 2.02 - Dual Mating Strategy.mp4
    • 2.03 - Myth of The Alpha.mp4
    • 2.04.01 - Attraction Framework.mp4
    • 2.04.02 - Attraction Killers.mp4
    • 2.05 - Logic Kills Attraction.mp4
    • 2.06 - Nice Guys.mp4
    • 2.07 - Money Looks.mp4
    • 2.08 - Rejection.mp4
    • Please answer these quick questions.png
    • Resources

      • DAM_2.06_Nice_Guy_Audio_Exercise.mp3
      • DAM_Checklist_W2.00.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W2.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W2.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W2.03.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W2.04.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W2.04.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W2.05.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W2.06.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W2.07.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W2.08.pdf
  • 03 Week 3 - Building The Man & Your Masculinity

    • 3.01 - Masculine Mindset.mp4
    • 3.02 - Balancing Fun & Intent.mp4
    • 3.06.01 - Pedestal Theory.mp4
    • 3.06.02 - Demographics.mp4
    • Resources

      • DAM_Checklist_W3.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W3.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W3.06.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W3.06.02.pdf
    • Video Series

      • 01 - Preselection

        • 3.03.01 - Preselection.mp4
        • 3.03.02 - Why Preselection Works.mp4
        • 3.03.03 - In Demand Mindset - Act as If.mp4
        • 3.03.04 - Interacting with Other Women.mp4
        • 3.03.05 - Story Rolodex with Female-Character Stories.mp4
        • 3.03.06 - Implementing the Preselection into Your Social Media.mp4
        • Resources

          • DAM_Checklist_W3.03.01.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W3.03.03.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W3.03.05.pdf
      • 02 - Body Language

        • 3.04.01 - Body Language.mp4
        • 3.04.02 - Body Language Duality.mp4
        • 3.04.03 - Confident Walk.mp4
        • 3.04.04 - Standing - Waiting.mp4
        • 3.04.05 - Eye-Contact.mp4
        • 3.04.06 - Showing Interest (Vs Not).mp4
        • 3.04.07 - Taking Up More Space.mp4
        • 3.04.08 - Vocal Tonality.mp4
        • 3.04.09 - Slow-Mode - Breathing and Talking for Masculine Confidence.mp4
        • Resources

          • DAM_Checklist_W3.04.01.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W3.04.02.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W3.04.03.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W3.04.05.pdf
      • 03 - High Status

        • 3.05.01 - Non-Reactivness.mp4
        • 3.05.02 - Knowing and Working Towards Your Higher Purpose Now.mp4
        • 3.05.03 - State Control.mp4
        • 3.05.04 - Control Your Environment.mp4
        • 3.05.05 - Taking Care of Your Body.mp4
        • 3.05.06 - Clothing - Style Guidelines.mp4
        • Please answer these quick questions.png
        • Resources

          • DAM_Checklist_W3.05.01.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W3.05.02.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W3.05.03.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W3.05.04.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W3.05.05.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W3.05.06.pdf
  • 04 Week 4 - Meeting Women & Magnetic First Interaction

    • 4.01 - Approach.mp4
    • 4.02 - Direct Vs. Indirect Openers.mp4
    • 4.03.00 - Where to Meet.mp4
    • 4.03.01 - Step-by-Step How to Approach Women.mp4
    • 4.03.02 - Rebecca Touch.mp4
    • 4.04 - Texting.mp4
    • 4.04.00 - Annihilate Anxiety.mp4
    • 4.04.01 - Secret to Doubling Your Confidence Overnight to Approach Beautiful Women.mp4
    • 4.05 - Pros vs. Cons of Approaching.mp4
    • 4.08 - How to Know When to Approach.mp4
    • 4.09 - Attractive Women Paradox.mp4
    • 4.12 - Rejection Backup → Good Vibe but Still Rejection. Why_.mp4
    • Comments

      • Screen Shot 2021-08-09 at 11.41.48 PM.png
    • Please answer these quick questions.png
    • Resources

      • DAM_Checklist_W4.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W4.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W4.03.00.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W4.03.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W4.03.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W4.04.01 (Wrong Attachment).pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W4.04.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W4.04.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W4.05.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W4.08.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W4.09.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W4.12.pdf
  • 05 Week 5 - Attraction & Emotional Connection

    • 5.01 - How to Spark Attraction Through Push-Pull Method.mp4
    • 5.02 - Emotional Connection.mp4
    • 5.03 - Conversation Casanova.mp4
    • 5.04 - Pass Her Tests.mp4
    • 5.05 - How To Lead.mp4
    • 5.06 - Set Your Frame Right.mp4
    • 5.07 - Push & Pull Flirting Technique.mp4
    • Database

      • 01 - Flirting Database

        • 01 - Brad Pitt Flirting Breakdown.mp4
        • 02 - Bar-Lounge Flirting Breakdown.mp4
        • 03 - Stranger.mp4
        • 04 - Barca Flirting Breakdown.mp4
      • 02 - Building Sexual Tension

        • 01 - Intro To Video Series.mp4
        • 02 - Push-Pull Top Gun.mp4
        • 03 - Push-Pull Top Gun 2.mp4
        • 04 - Flirting - Top Aviator.mp4
        • 05 - Flirting - Clooney.mp4
        • 06 - Flirting - Ryan Gosling.mp4
        • 07 - Flirting - James Bond.mp4
        • 08 - Please answer these quick questions.png
    • Resources

      • DAM_Checklist_W5.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W5.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W5.03.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W5.04.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W5.05.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W5.06.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W5.07.pdf
  • 06 Week 6 - Sexual Tension & First Date

    • 6.01 - How To Escalate Smoothly.mp4
    • 6.02 - Increasing Your Libido.mp4
    • Video Series

      • 01 - Creating Sexual Tension

        • 6.03.01 - Creating Sexual Tension.mp4
        • 6.03.02 - Laughter Stops Sexual Tension.mp4
        • 6.03.03 - Slow Everything Down.mp4
        • 6.03.04 - Logic Emotions.mp4
        • 6.03.05 - Being Playfully Cocky.mp4
        • Resources

          • DAM_Checklist_W6.03.01.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W6.03.02.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W6.03.03.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W6.03.04.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W6.03.05.pdf
      • 02 - First Date

        • 6.04.01 - Common First Date Misconceptions.mp4
        • 6.04.02 - First Date.mp4
        • 6.04.03 - First Date (Part 2).mp4
        • 6.04.04 - Mystery.mp4
        • Resources

          • DAM_Checklist_W6.04.01.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W6.04.02.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W6.04.03.pdf
          • DAM_Checklist_W6.04.04.pdf
      • 03 - Ending The Date

        • 6.05.01 - How To End The Date.mp4
        • 6.05.02 - Important- Your Next Steps.mp4
        • Please answer these quick questions.png
        • Resources

          • DAM_Checklist_W6.05.01.pdf
  • 07 Week 7 - Online Dating

    • 7.01 - Online dating is not Optimal.mp4
    • 7.02 - Which Apps to Use_.mp4
    • 7.03 - Instagram Profile-Online Profile Must and Must Nots.mp4
    • 7.04 - The Power of No.mp4
    • 7.05 - Girlfriend Milestones.mp4
    • 7.06 - Bio Description Humor. Status. Preselection.mp4
    • 7.07 - Photos.mp4
    • 7.08 - Conversation Communication.mp4
    • 7.09 - Common Questions.mp4
    • 7.10 - Phone Calls.mp4
    • 7.11 - Types of Women You Will See.mp4
    • 7.12 - Play the Long Game.mp4
    • Please answer these quick questions.png
    • Resources

      • DAM_Checklist_W7.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W7.03.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W7.04.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W7.05.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W7.06.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W7.07.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W7.08.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W7.09.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W7.10.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W7.11.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W7.12.pdf
  • 08 Week 8 - The Love Code

    • 8.01 - Relationship Reconstruction...mp4
    • 8.02 - Relationship Mistakes...mp4
    • 8.03 - Relationship Qualities...mp4
    • 8.04 - Communicate Like A Therapist.mp4
    • 8.05 - Attachment Theory.mp4
    • 8.06 - Triangle Theory of Love.mp4
    • 8.07 - How to Forgive Your Partner.mp4
    • 8.08 - Balance of Power.mp4
    • Please answer these quick questions.png
    • Resources

      • DAM_Checklist_W8.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W8.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W8.03.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W8.05.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W8.06.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W8.07.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W8.08.pdf
  • 09 Week 9 - Is She The One_

    • 9.01 - Shared Life Path & Goals.mp4
    • 9.01 - Shared Life Path & Goals 2.mp4
    • 9.02 - Relationship Expansion & Growth.mp4
    • 9.02 - Relationship Expansion & Growth 2.mp4
    • 9.03 - Signs of A Toxic Woman.mp4
    • 9.03 - Signs of A Toxic Woman 2.mp4
    • 9.04 - You Date Your Problems.mp4
    • 9.04 - You Date Your Problems 2.mp4
    • 9.05 - Get Her To Do Anything for You.mp4
    • 9.05 - Get Her To Do Anything for You 2.mp4
    • Please answer these quick questions.png
    • Resources

      • DAM_Checklist_W9.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W9.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W9.03.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W9.05.pdf
  • 10 Week 10 - Becoming Sex God

    • 10.01 - Become A Sex God.mp4
    • 10.02 - You Have The Power.mp4
    • 10.03 - Take The Lead.mp4
    • 10.04 - The Most Important Sex Skill.mp4
    • 10.05 - Tantric Teasing.mp4
    • 10.06 - Dirty Talk 101.mp4
    • 10.07 - Thrusting Freedom.mp4
    • 10.08 - Cumming Control.mp4
    • 10.09 - Mind Games.mp4
    • Please answer these quick questions.png
    • Resources

      • DAT_Checklist_W10.01.pdf
  • 11 Week 11 - The Disfigured Man

    • 11.01 - Intro To Advanced Identity Level Change.mp4
    • 11.02 - The Law of Attraction Simplified.mp4
    • 11.03 - Level Of Consciousness.mp4
    • 11.04 - Shadow Introduction.mp4
    • Resources

      • DAM_Checklist_W11.01.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W11.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W11.03.pdf
    • V1 - The Disfigured Male

      • DAM_Checklist_W11_V1.pdf
      • V1 - The Disfigured Male.mp4
    • V2 - Why this happened_

      • 11.201 - Empty Chair Technique.mp4
      • 11.202 - Forgiveness.mp4
      • 11.203 - Letter To Father.mp4
      • Resources

        • DAM_Checklist_W11_V2.01.pdf
        • DAM_Checklist_W11_V2.02.pdf
        • DAM_Checklist_W11_V2.03.pdf
    • V3 - Apex Aligned Man

      • 11.301 - Your Pilgrimage.mp4
      • DAM_Checklist_W11_V3.01.pdf
      • Please answer these quick questions.png
  • 12 Week 12 - Advanced Series

    • 12.01 - The Detached Man.mp4
    • 12.02 - Mastering Your Reality.mp4
    • 12.05 - Externalize Exception.mp4
    • Lower Self

      • 12.03 - Lower Self Story.mp4
      • 12.04 - Exercise.mp4
      • Please answer these quick questions.png
      • Resources

        • DAM_Checklist_W12.04.pdf
    • Resources

      • DAM_Checklist_W12.02.pdf
      • DAM_Checklist_W12.05.pdf

    • 01 - Story Telling Mastery

      • 5.05.02 - Story Telling Mastery.mp4
      • DAM_Checklist_W5.05.02.pdf
    • 02 - 10x Confidence Series!

      • 2.1 - Subtle Subconscious Ways To Attract Anyone.mp4
      • 2.2 - Psychology of Gary Vee- The ONE Thing That Makes Him Successful.mp4
      • 2.3 - How To Pass A Woman's Tests Like A King.mp4
      • 2.4 - How To Be Pewdiepie Popular.mp4
      • 2.5 - How To Be More Charismatic & Charming.mp4
      • 2.6 - 7 Dating Lessons by Jordan Peterson.mp4
      • 2.7 - How To Seduce Women Like Hank Moody.mp4
      • 2.8 - How To Master Self-Confidence.mp4
      • 2.9 - How To Master Seductive Sarcasm.mp4
      • 2.10 - How To Be Skillfully Charming.mp4
      • 2.11 - How To Avoid Being Friendzoned.mp4
    • 03 - Social Anxiety Removal Method

      • 3.1 - What Is Anxiety.mp4
      • 3.2 - There Are Two Types.mp4
      • 3.3 - Physiologically.mp4
      • 3.4 - Neurologically.mp4
      • 3.5 - Spiritual.mp4
      • 3.6 - Socratic Questioning.mp4
      • 3.7 - Get Rid of Tech I.mp4
      • 3.8 - Get Rid of Tech II.mp4
      • Resources

        • SARM_3.0_Introduction_Checklist.pdf
        • SARM_3.1_Seven_Ways_To_Annihilate_Anxiety.pdf
        • SARM_3.2_Two_Types_Checklist.pdf
        • SARM_3.3_Physiological_Checklist.pdf
        • SARM_3.4_Neurology_Checklist.pdf
        • SARM_3.5_Spiritual_Checklist.pdf
        • SARM_3.6_Socratic_Questioning.pdf
    • 04 - Sexual Supremacy Masterclass

      • 4.1 - Unlock Your Conscious Sexual Powers.txt
      • 4.1 - Unlock Your Conscious Sexual Powers ft. Taylor Johnson.mp3
      • 4.2 - How To Be Amazing In Bed.txt
      • 4.2 - How To Be Amazing In Bed ft. Jason Julius.mp3
    • Bonus Reports

      • BLOWJOBS_ON_COMMAND Resources

        • Love Language Quiz Link.txt
        • What SEMEN RETENTION ACTUALLY Does For You (Magic or BS_).mp4
      • MAKE_YOUR_EX_JEALOUS - Outside Resources

        • 7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose.mp3
        • 7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose.pdf
        • How To Find Your Life Purpose.mp4
  • SalesPage.txt

Study How To Meet, Entice & Date Stunning Girls
We Assure You Will Fully Remodel Your Dating Life
Greatest Methodology to Date Superb Girls in 30 Days:
Use a confirmed Apex Mating Gene Methodology to internalize confirmed masculine habits, self-image and confidence that biologically attracts ladies
Full accountability from coaches and different members to be sure you hit your relationship milestones and your excellent relationship life in 90 days or much less
Step-by-step action-steps to implement the Apex Methodology makes this course of easy, straightforward to observe and helps you concentrate on key issues for quickest outcomes
Study From a World-Well-known Licensed Therapist specializing in Males’s Dating Breakthrough Remedy
Josh Hudson is likely one of the most sought-after behavioral therapists within the US who makes a speciality of serving to males entice and date stunning ladies. His distinctive Apex Methodology helped over 100 males entice and date stunning ladies.

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