Dan Lok – High Ticket Closer 2020

Dan Lok – High Ticket Closer 2020
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  • lastupdatedate-icon Last Updated Date: 11-13-2020
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Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)

Dan Lok - High Ticket Closer 2020
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01-High Ticket Closer™ (Season 15)
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02-High Ticket Closer™ Certification May 2019 - Season 10
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03-6 Steps To 6 Figures Formula™
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04-Roadmap To Total Financial Confidence
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05-HTC Roadmap To Total Financial Confidence
01-High Ticket Closer™ (Season 15)
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01-Get Started Here
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02-Daily Meditation Exercises
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03-HTC Graduation Challenge
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04-Your Classes
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05-Week 1
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06-Week 2
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07-Week 3
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08-Week 4
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09-Week 5
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10-Week 6
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11-Week 7
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13-Sales Roleplay Calls
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14-Week 5 - Objections Based Roleplay Calls
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15-Week 6 - Desmond Sales Calls
02-High Ticket Closer™ Certification May 2019 - Season 10
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01-Get Started Here
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02-High Ticket Closer Season 10 Replays
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03-Daily Meditation Exercises
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04-Week 1 Resources
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05-Week 2 Resources
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06-Week 3 Resources
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07-Week 5 Resources
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08-Week 6 Resources
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09-Sales Roleplay Calls
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03-6 Steps To 6 Figures Formula™
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02-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 1 .mp4
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03-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 2.mp4
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04-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 3.mp4
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05-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 4 .mp4
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06-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 5 .mp4
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07-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 6.mp4
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08-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 7.mp4
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09-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 9.mp4
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10-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 9.mp4
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11-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 10.mp4
04-Roadmap To Total Financial Confidence
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01-Getting Started
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02-Millionaire Mindset
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03-Millionaire Productivity Habits
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04-Critical Lessons
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05-Lessons From CIB
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06-Closing More Sales
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07-How To Sell High-Ticket Products & Services
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08-The Art of High Ticket Sales
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09-HTC Leaders On Demand (Spouse Edition)
05-HTC Roadmap To Total Financial Confidence
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01-Getting Started
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02-Critical Lessons
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03-Millionaire Mindset
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04-Millionaire Productivity Habits
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05-Closing More Sales
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06-How To Sell High-Ticket Products & Services
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07-The Art of High Ticket Sales
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08-HTC Leaders On Demand (Spouse Edition)
  • 01-High Ticket Closer™ (Season 15)

    • 01-Get Started Here

      • 01-Frequently Asked Questions.pdf
      • 01-HTC-Daily-Core-Checklist.jpg
      • 01-Welcome To HTC.mp4
      • 02-BossInTheBentley.mp3
      • 02-Boss In The Bentley Soundtrack.mp4
    • 02-Daily Meditation Exercises

      • 01-Attitude Of Gratitude.mp4
      • 01-Gratitude2.mp3
      • 02-Millionaire Mindset Affirmations.mp4
      • 02-MillionaireMindsetDailyPowerAffirmationsUnleashYourPersonalPower.mp3
      • 03-ProgramYourSubconsciousMindForSuccessWealthHypnosisSubliminalAffirmations.mp3
      • 03-Wealth & Abundance Affirmations.MP4
    • 03-HTC Graduation Challenge

      • 01-HTC_Gold_-Graduation_Challenge.pdf
    • 04-Your Classes

      • 01-High Ticket Closer Terms & Conditions.pdf
    • 05-Week 1

      • 01-HTC_Class_1.mp3
      • 01-Homework.pdf
      • 01-How To Dominate In Life and In Business With A High-Ticket Mindset.mp4
      • 02-Watch this with your partner or family.mp4
      • 03-Closing Masterclass.mp4
      • 03-Platinum_Coaching_-_01_18_20.mp3
      • 04-HTC TV - Allison Damn.mp4
      • 05-HTC TV - Sukhdev Seti.mp4
    • 06-Week 2

      • 01-Class_2_Audio.mp3
      • 01-Homework.pdf
      • 01-The Advanced Human Psychology of High-Ticket Sales and Ultra-Luxury Selling.mp4
      • 01-The_Gem_Theory.pdf
      • 02-Closing Masterclass.mp4
      • 03-HTC_-_Wallpaper_Home_Screen_1.jpg
      • 03-HTC_-_Wallpaper_Home_Screen_2.jpg
      • 03-HTC_-_Wallpaper_Home_Screen_3.jpg
      • 03-HTC_-_Wallpaper_Lock_Screen_4.jpg
      • 03-HTC_Creed.pdf
      • 03-High-Ticket Closer Video Creed.mp4
      • 03-High-Ticket_Closer_Video_Creed.mp3
      • 04-The Gem Personality Types.mp4
      • 05-HTC TV - Patrick Gregoire.mp4
    • 07-Week 3

      • 01-Class_3_Audio.mp3
      • 01-Gem_Tracker_V1.pdf
      • 01-Gem_Tracker_V2.pdf
      • 01-Homework.pdf
      • 01-Personal_Power_StatementT.pdf
      • 01-The One-Call Closer Methodology That’ll Get You Paid On Command.mp4
      • 02-HTC TV - Adam Nassor.mp4
    • 08-Week 4

      • 01-Class_4_Audio.mp3
      • 01-Homework.pdf
      • 01-The High-Ticket Sales Scripts - The 7 Secrets I, Dan Lok, Have Used To Close Tens Of Millions Of Dollars Over The Phone.mp4
      • 02-Closing Masterclass.mp4
      • 03-HTC TV - Joel Saffel.mp4
    • 09-Week 5

      • 01-Class_5_Audio.mp3
      • 01-Homework.pdf
      • 01-How To Handle Objections and Resistance Like A KungFu Master Easily Handles A 300-Pound Boxer.mp4
      • 02-Closing Masterclass.mp4
      • 03-Closing Masterclass.mp4
      • 04-HTC TV - Arianna Klugiewicz.mp4
    • 10-Week 6

      • 01-Class_6_Audio.mp3
      • 01-Cover_Image_-_FB_1.jpg
      • 01-Cover_Image_-_FB_2.jpg
      • 01-Cover_Image_-_FB_3.jpg
      • 01-Cover_Image_-_FB_4.jpg
      • 01-Cover_Image_-_LI_1.jpg
      • 01-Cover_Image_-_LI_2.jpg
      • 01-First Contact Call And How To Create Predictable Revenue For Companies.mp4
      • 01-Homework.pdf
      • 01-Testimonial_Filming_Guide.pdf
      • 01-Your_Sales_Script.pdf
      • 02-How To Generate More Business From LinkedIn.mp4
      • 02-LinkedIn_Guide.pdf
      • 03-HTC TV - George Vartanov.mp4
    • 11-Week 7

      • 01-Class_7_Audio.mp3
      • 01-Homework.pdf
      • 01-How To Guarantee Yourself A 6-Figure Income (And Keep Growing) As A High-Ticket Closer™.mp4
      • 01-Influencer_Revenue_Streams.jpg
      • 02-Desmond Soon's CIB Presentation.mp4
      • 03-HTC TV - Carla Stern.mp4
    • 12-Bonus

      • 01-Bonus Class.mp4
      • 01-HTC_Week_8.mp3
    • 13-Sales Roleplay Calls

      • 01-RP1HTCStudentClosingDesmond.mp3
      • 02-RP2SifuDanClosingDesmond.mp3
      • 03-RP3SifuDanClosingDesmondcontinued.mp3
      • 04-RP4DesmondClosingSifuDan.mp3
      • 05-RP5SifuClosingDesmondScamBonusObjection.mp3
      • 06-RP6SifuClosingDesmondAKASusanandJamesSpouse_PartnerObjection.mp3
      • 07-RP7SifuClosingDesmondWasn_tPlanningtoBuyTodayObjection.mp3
      • 08-RP8DesmondClosingSifuYou_reTooYoungObjection.mp3
      • 09-RP9SifuClosingDesmondYou_reNotExperiencedEnoughObjection.mp3
      • 10-RP10DesmondClosingSifuDan.mp3
      • 11-RP11SifuDanClosingDesmond.mp3
      • 12-RP12SifuDanClosingDesmond.mp3
      • 13-RP13DesmondClosingSifuDan.mp3
      • 14-RP14SifuDanClosingDesmond.mp3
      • 15-RP15SifuDanClosingDesmond.mp3
      • 16-RP16SifuDanandDesmondisanInfluencer.mp3
      • 17-Week5Roleplay1HarrisonandRich.mp3
      • 18-Setting_the_Agenda_Desmond_and_Danny_.mp3
      • 18-Setting_the_Agenda_Phong_and_Danny_.mp3
      • 19-Danny_and_Desmond.mp3
      • 20-Phong_and_Rory.mp3
      • 21-Price_Dan_and_Phong_.mp3
      • 22-Dan_and_Grace.mp3
      • 23-Dan_and_Desmond.mp3
      • 24-William_and_Desmond.mp3
      • 25-Week5Roleplay2HarrisonandDan.mp3
    • 14-Week 5 - Objections Based Roleplay Calls

      • 01-Objection22_ActuallyCheaperThanIThought.mp3
      • 02-Objection18A_CanIGetaRefund.mp3
      • 03-Objection8_OtherCompaniesChargeLess.mp3
      • 04-Objection14_SoManyOptions.mp3
      • 05-Objection30_WhatKindOfResults.mp3
    • 15-Week 6 - Desmond Sales Calls

      • 01-DeccallLaythononlineaudioconvertercom.mp3
      • 02-DesCall3onlineaudioconvertercom.mp3
  • 02-High Ticket Closer™ Certification May 2019 - Season 10

    • 01-Get Started Here

      • 01-Welcome Video.mp4
      • 02-HTC-Daily-Core-Checklist-US_Letter-20190613.jpg
    • 02-High Ticket Closer Season 10 Replays

      • 01-(Week 1) How To Dominate In Life and In Business With A High-Ticket Mindset.mp4
      • 02-(Week 1) How To Dominate In Life and In Business With A High-Ticket Mindset (AUDIO).mp3
      • 03-(Week 2) How To Master The Art Of High-Ticket Closing.mp4
      • 04-(Week 2) How To Master The Art Of High-Ticket Closing (AUDIO).mp3
      • 05-(Week 3) How To Close $3,000-$50,000 Without Being Salesy Or Pushy.mp4
      • 06-(Week 3) How To Close $3,000-$50,000 Without Being Salesy Or Pushy (AUDIO).mp3
      • 07-(Week 4) The Art Of High-Ticket Closing- How I've Sold Millions On The Phone… Even When English Is Not My First Language.mp4
      • 08-(Week 4) The Art Of High-Ticket Closing- How I've Sold Millions On The Phone… Even When English Is Not My First Language (AUDIO).mp3
      • 09-(Week 5) How To Handle Objections and Resistance Like A KungFu Master Easily Handles A 300-Pound Boxer..mp4
      • 10-(Week 5) How To Handle Objections and Resistance Like A KungFu Master Easily Handles A 300-Pound Boxer (AUDIO).mp4
      • 11-(Week 6) How To Find Highly Lucrative High-Ticket Partners - With LIVE Role Play With Me, Dan Lok, And Others On My Team.mp4
      • 12-(Week 6) How To Find Highly Lucrative High-Ticket Partners - With LIVE Role Play With Me, Dan Lok, And Others On My Team (AUDIO).mp3
      • 13-(Week 7) How To Guarantee Yourself A 6-Figure Income (And Keep Growing) As A High-Ticket Closer™.mp3
      • 13-(Week 7) How To Guarantee Yourself A 6-Figure Income (And Keep Growing) As A High-Ticket Closer™.mp4
      • 14-Week 8 Bonus Class.mp3
      • 14-Week 8 Bonus Class.mp4
    • 03-Daily Meditation Exercises

      • 01-Guided Meditation on Gratitude 15-Minute-Miracle Exercise Attract Abundance Miracles.mp3
      • 02-Millionaire Mindset Daily Power Affirmations Unleash Your Personal Power.mp3
      • 03-ProgramYourSubconsciousMindForSuccessWealthHypnosisSubliminalAffirmations.mp3
    • 04-Week 1 Resources

      • 01-HTC-Graduation-Challenge_Season-Interactive.pdf
      • 02-FAQs.pdf
      • 03-Boss In The Bentley Soundtrack.mp4
      • 04-High_Ticket_Sales_Terms_and_Conditions_2019-04-22.pdf
    • 05-Week 2 Resources

      • 01-HTC_Creed_Final15253382615331529038948374.pdf
      • 02-HTC_-_Wallpaper_Home_Screen_-_1080x1920_-_20180227v3a.jpg
      • 02-HTC_-_Wallpaper_Home_Screen_-_1080x1920_-_20180227v3b.jpg
      • 02-HTC_-_Wallpaper_Home_Screen_-_1080x1920_-_20180227v3c.jpg
      • 02-HTC_-_Wallpaper_Lock_Screen_-_1080x1920_-_20180227v1b.jpg
      • 03-High-Ticket Closer Video Creed.mp4
      • 04-Discovering Your Inner Personalities - Four Basic Personality Types - NOT DISC Personality Profiling .mp4
    • 06-Week 3 Resources

      • 01-HTCPersonalPowerStatementTemplate1529647502967.pdf
      • 02-DanLokHTCGemTrackingForm20180927v2.pdf
    • 07-Week 5 Resources

      • 01-HTCHighTicketClosingScriptA4Landscape20181206v3.pdf
    • 08-Week 6 Resources

      • 01-DanLokHTCTestimonialsFilmingInfographic96dpi20190203v4b.pdf
      • 02-HTC__LinkedIn_Guide__96dpi__20180502v41535694751889.pdf
      • 03-How To Generate More Business From LinkedIn.mp4
      • 04-HTCFacebookCoverImage1920x10808bit20180301v2b2-1535692338826.jpg
      • 04-HTCFacebookCoverImage1920x10808bit20180301v4a2-1535692338829.jpg
      • 04-HTCFacebookCoverImage1920x10808bit20180301v4aPreview-1535692338830.jpg
      • 04-HTCFacebookCoverImage1920x10808bit201803015b-1535692338830.jpg
      • 05-L1.jpg
      • 05-L2.jpg
    • 09-Sales Roleplay Calls

      • 01-Desmond Sales Call #1.mp3
      • 02-Desmond Sales Call #2.mp3
      • 03-RP 1 - HTC Student Closing Desmond.mp3
      • 04-RP 2 - Sifu Dan Closing Desmond.mp3
      • 05-RP 3 - Sifu Dan Closing Desmond (continued).mp3
      • 06-RP 4 - Desmond Closing Sifu Dan.mp3
      • 07-RP 5 - Sifu Closing Desmond (Scam Bonus Objection).mp3
      • 08-RP 6 - Sifu Closing Desmond (AKA Susan) and James (Spouse_Partner Objection).mp3
      • 09-RP 7 - Sifu Closing Desmond (Wasn_t Planning to Buy Today Objection).mp3
      • 10-RP 8 - Desmond Closing Sifu (You_re Too Young Objection).mp3
      • 11-RP 9 - Sifu Closing Desmond (You_re Not Experienced Enough Objection).mp3
      • 12-RP 10 - Desmond Closing Sifu Dan.mp3
      • 13-RP 11 - Sifu Dan Closing Desmond.mp3
      • 14-RP 12 - Sifu Dan Closing Desmond.mp3
      • 15-RP 13 - Desmond Closing Sifu Dan.mp3
      • 16-RP 14 - Sifu Dan Closing Desmond.mp3
      • 17-RP 15 - Sifu Dan Closing Desmond.mp3
      • 18-RP 16 - Sifu Dan and Desmond is an Influencer.mp3
      • 19-RP 17 - Harrison & Rich Roleplay Call.mp3
      • 20-RP 18 - Setting The Agenda.mp3
      • 20-Setting_the_Agenda_Desmond_and_Danny_.mp3
      • 21-RP 19 - Danny & Desmond Roleplay Call.mp3
      • 22-RP 20 - Phong & Rory Roleplay Call.mp3
      • 23-RP 21 - Dan & Phong (Price Objection).mp3
      • 24-RP 22 - Dan & Grace Roleplay Call.mp3
      • 25-RP 23 - Sifu Dan Closing Desmond.mp3
      • 26-RP 24 - William & Desmond Roleplay Call.mp3
      • 27-RP 25 - Harrison & Dan Roleplay Call.mp3
    • 10-Bonuses

      • 01-How To Guarantee Yourself A 6-Figure Income (And Keep Growing) As A High-Ticket Closer™.mp4
      • 02-The 6 Characteristics That Separate Successful Closers From Those Who Give Up, Fail, and Never Get Started.mp4
      • 03-Desmond Soon's CIB Presentation.mp4
  • 03-6 Steps To 6 Figures Formula™

    • 01-6stepsto6figures.pdf
    • 02-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 1 .mp4
    • 03-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 2.mp4
    • 04-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 3.mp4
    • 05-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 4 .mp4
    • 06-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 5 .mp4
    • 07-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 6.mp4
    • 08-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 7.mp4
    • 09-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 9.mp4
    • 10-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 9.mp4
    • 11-6 Steps to 6 Figures Module 10.mp4
  • 04-Roadmap To Total Financial Confidence

    • 01-Getting Started

      • 01-IMPORTANT Welcome Message from Dan Lok.mp4
      • 01-IMPORTANT Welcome Message from Dan Lok.pdf
      • 02-Who is Dan Lok.mp4
      • 03-FAQ's.pdf
      • 03-New-Student-Checklist.jpg
      • 04-Watch this with your partner or family.mp4
      • 04-Watch this with your partner or family.pdf
      • 05-Desmond Soon's Closers In Black Presentation.mp4
    • 02-Millionaire Mindset

      • 01-Ep 1- How Millionaires Think- Why The Law Of Attraction Doesn't Work If You Have a Millionaire Mindset.mp4
      • 02-Ep 2- The Four Money Beliefs That Are Holding You Back Financially.mp4
      • 03-Ep 3- Why The Lottery Is For Suckers.mp4
      • 04-Ep 4- Why You Shouln't Chase Money.mp4
      • 05-Ep 5- The Truth About Getting Rich And Why Broke People Stay Broke.mp4
      • 06-Ep 6- Why Chaos May Actually Be Good For Your Business.mp4
      • 07-Ep 7- Is Financial Success a Question of Willpower-.mp4
      • 08-Ep 8- How Millionaires Stay So Productive.mp4
      • 09-Ep 9- Why Most People Misunderstood The Rich Dad Poor Dad Message.mp4
      • 10-Ep 10- Why You Should Think Global, Act Local.mp4
      • 11-Ep 11- 2 Myths Broke People Believe.mp4
      • 12-Ep 12- How to Harness The Power of Collaboration & Mastermind Group.mp4
      • 13-Ep 13- Why Positive Thinking Alone is SHIT.mp4
      • 14-Ep 14- The Magic of Thinking Big.mp4
      • 15-Ep 15- Why Money Loves Spee.mp4
      • 16-Ep 16- How To Turn Knowledge Into Money.mp4
      • 17-Ep 17- How to Stop Procrastinating - Cure Procrastination Forever.mp4
    • 03-Millionaire Productivity Habits

      • 01-Ep 1- How Millionaires Think About Productivity.mp4
      • 02-Ep 2- How Millionaires Think About Time.mp4
      • 03-Ep 3- Why Conventional Time Management Strategies Are BS.mp4
      • 04-Ep 4- How to Be More Productive.mp4
      • 05-Ep 5- How to Manage Time Like A Millionaire.mp4
      • 06-Ep 6- The Art of Maximum Productivity.mp4
      • 07-Ep 7- The Biggest Myth in Time Management.mp4
      • 08-Ep 8- Maximum Productivity 3 Questions To Boost Your Productivity.mp4
      • 09-Ep 9- Time Management Secrets of Millionaires.mp4
      • 10-Ep 10- Millionaire Time Management Mindset.mp4
      • 11-Ep 11- How Millionaires Schedule Their Day.mp4
      • 12-Ep 12- Productive Habits of Millionaires.mp4
      • 13-Ep 13- Millionaire Time Management Tips To Get More Done.mp4
      • 14-Ep 14- How To Stay Focused And Get Things Done.mp4
      • 15-Ep 15- How Millionaires Protect Their Time & Energy.mp4
      • 16-Ep 16- How Millionaires Protect Time and Stay Highly Productive.mp4
      • 17-Ep 17- How Successful People Manage Client Relationships.mp4
      • 18-Ep 18- How Millionaires Stay Focused.mp4
      • 19-Ep 19- The Productivity Secret You've Been Missing.mp4
      • 20-Ep 20- How to Structure Your Day Like the Rich.mp4
      • 21-Ep 21- A Millionaire's Secret Formula To Peak Productivity.mp4
      • 22-Ep 22- How Millionaires Plan Their Day.mp4
      • 23-Ep 23- The Golden Rule of Millionaire Time Management.mp4
      • 24-Ep 24- Daily Rituals Of Millionaires for Maximum Productivity.mp4
    • 04-Critical Lessons

      • 01-How To Find Your Purpose.mp4
      • 02-How To Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them.mp4
      • 03-How To Stay Focused.mp4
      • 04-How To Wake Up Early And Get Stuff Done.mp4
      • 05-4 Ways To Have Energy All Day.mp4
      • 06-How to Stop Procrastinating - Cure Procrastination Forever.mp4
    • 05-Lessons From CIB

      • 01-Think And Grow Rich.mp4
      • 02-The Eras Of Wealth.mp4
      • 03-The Law of Expectations.mp4
      • 04-How To Remove Your Pennies.mp4
      • 05-Closer Of The Year - Sukhdev Sethi.mp4
      • 06-Closer Of The Year - Peyman Parsi.mp4
      • 07-Closer Of The Year - Andy Mikellides.mp4
      • 08-Closer Of The Year - Julie Henderson.mp4
      • 09-Leader Of The Year - Ditas Pahl.mp4
      • 10-Leader Of The Year - William Odhams.mp4
      • 11-Leader Of The Year - Danny Lin.mp4
    • 06-Closing More Sales

      • 01-Ep 1- Why The Worst Number In Business is ONE.mp4
      • 02-Ep 2- The Absolute Best Way To Handle Clients From Hell.mp4
      • 03-Ep 3- When Is the Best Time To Ramp Up Your Marketing-.mp4
      • 04-Ep 4- Dominate Your Industry, Don't Compete in It!.mp4
      • 05-Ep 5- How to Unlock The Hidden Treasure In Your Sales Message.mp4
      • 06-Ep 6- Perfect Your Sales Pitch to Convert More Customers.mp4
      • 07-Ep 7- The Difference Between Marketing vs Sales.mp4
      • 08-Ep 8- Why Business Proposals Are A Waste of Time, What To Do Instead.mp4
      • 09-Ep 9- Why Sales People Struggle... Prospects Lie, All the Time.mp4
      • 10-Ep 10- Only Go To A Meeting After You Have Properly Qualified The Prospect.mp4
      • 11-Ep 11- Qualify Hard, Close Easy.mp4
      • 12-Ep 12- The Art Of Tonality.mp4
      • 13-Ep 13- The Three Most Powerful Words You Can Use When Selling.mp4
      • 14-Ep 14- Tune Up Your Listening Skills and Step Up Your Sales.mp4
      • 15-Ep 15- The Game Of Money.mp4
      • 16-Ep 16- 3 Powerful Networking Secrets of Influential People.mp4
      • 17-Ep 17- Two Biggest Networking Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making.mp4
      • 18-Ep 18- Why Selling Is Not a Four Letter Word.mp4
      • 19-Ep 19- Are You Selling Yourself 'Short' as a Sales Professional.mp4
      • 20-Ep 20- Four Stages of Business Success.mp4
      • 21-Ep 21- The Weird Mindset Shift That Will Help You Close More Deals.mp4
      • 22-Ep 22- Why Price Is Never The Issue.mp4
      • 23-Ep 23- Why You Can't Get Rich Looking Poor.mp4
      • 24-Ep 24- The Power of Asking.mp4
      • 25-Ep 25- Discovering Your Inner Personalities.mp4
    • 07-How To Sell High-Ticket Products & Services

      • 01-Ep 1- Why Business Is A Game of Margins, Not Volume.mp4
      • 02-Ep 2- Ideas For Using Your Following To Fund New Business Ventures.mp4
      • 03-Ep 3- How To Own your Market Through High - Ticket Items.mp4
      • 04-Ep 4- Most Entrepreneurs Don't Know How To Sell To Rich Buyers.mp4
      • 05-Ep 5- 4 Types of Customers and How to Sell to Them.mp4
      • 06-Ep 6- Why Competitive Pricing is a Dumb Idea.mp4
      • 07-Ep 7- 5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make in Selling A Premium Offer.mp4
      • 08-Ep 8- How To Ask for BIG Money.mp4
      • 09-Ep 9- All Price Resistance Is In The Seller, Not the Buyer.mp4
      • 10-Ep 10- How To Set More Profitable Prices.mp4
      • 11-Ep 11- What People Are Willing To Pay More For.mp4
      • 12-Ep 12- How to Use Scarcity and Urgency to Increase Sales.mp4
      • 13-Ep 13- How To Sell More With Contrast Pricing.mp4
      • 14-Ep 14- How To use Exclusivity To Sell High-End Products.mp4
      • 15-Ep 15- How Luxury Brands Appeal To Affluent Buyers' Ego.mp4
      • 16-Ep 16- How To Boost Sales By Providing a Sense of Belonging.mp4
      • 17-Ep 17- Don't Sell Products & Services, Sell Experience.mp4
      • 18-Ep 18- The Power of Takeaway Selling.mp4
      • 19-Ep 19- Why Higher Prices Lead To Better Experience.mp4
      • 20-Ep 20- Why Smart Brands Command A Premium Price.mp4
      • 21-Ep 21- Why You Can't Get Rich Looking Poor.mp4
      • 22-Ep 22- Marketing And Selling To The Affluent-.mp4
    • 08-The Art of High Ticket Sales

      • 01-Ep 1- Unlock the Power of Less and Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined - The Art of High Ticket Sales .mp4
      • 02-Ep 2- Don't Be Afraid of Raising Your Prices. Here's Why.mp4
      • 03-Ep 3- Million-Dollar Coaching & Consulting Model.mp4
      • 04-Ep 4- How To Build a Successful Coaching Business On Your Own Terms.mp4
      • 05-Ep 5- The Power of Selling High-Ticket Consulting & Coaching Services.mp4
      • 06-Ep 6- 6 Reasons Undercharging Hurts Your Coaching-Consulting Business.mp4
      • 07-Ep 7- How to Set Fees for Your New Consulting Business.mp4
      • 08-Ep 8- #1 Secret To Selling High-Priced Coaching & Consulting Services.mp4
      • 09-Ep 9- Why You Should Price Your Services Based On Value You Deliver.mp4
      • 10-Ep 10- High Ticket Sales Funnels for Coaches & Consultants.mp4
      • 11-Ep 11- Mindset Secrets to Attract Prospects Who Can Afford You.mp4
      • 12-Ep 12- When Bad Coaching Results Happen To Good Coaches.mp4
      • 13-Ep 13- The #1 Key To Attracting High-End Clients For Your Business.mp4
      • 14-Ep 14- The Psychology of High-Ticket Coaching Clients.mp4
      • 15-Ep 15- How To Attract High-End Coaching Clients.mp4
      • 17-Ep 17- 4-Step High-Ticket Sales Funnel for Selling Consulting Services.mp4
      • 18-Ep 18- Work Smarter Not Harder.mp4
    • 09-HTC Leaders On Demand (Spouse Edition)

      • 01-HTC_Stacey_Garett_Testimonial.docx
      • 01-Stacey Garret HTC Spouse Video.mp4
      • 02-HTC_Nicole_Johnson_FAQs.pdf
      • 02-Nicole Johnson HTC Spouse Video.mp4
      • 03-HTC_Michael_Remirez_FAQs.pdf
      • 03-Michael Remirez HTC Spouse Video.mp4
      • 04-HTC_Parsi_Family_FAQs.docx
      • 04-Parsi Family HTC Spouse Video.mp4
      • 05-HTM_Lana_David_FAQs.docx
      • 05-Lana Quatch HTC Spouse Video.mp4
      • 06-Denis Petrov HTC Spouse Video.mp4
      • 06-HTC_Denis_Petrov_FAQs.pdf
      • 07-HTC_Linda_Pat_Albertini_FAQs.docx
      • 07-Linda Albertini HTC Spouse Video.mp4
  • 05-HTC Roadmap To Total Financial Confidence

    • 01-Getting Started

      • 01-IMPORTANT Welcome Message from Dan Lok.mp4
      • 02-Who is Dan Lok.mp4
      • 03-HTC Season 13 Class Schedule.pdf
      • 04-FAQ's.pdf
      • 04-HTC_New_Student_Checklist.pdf
      • 05-HTCGraduationChallengeSeasonInteractive-1552944925519.pdf
      • 06-Desmond Soon's Closers In Black Presentation.mp4
      • 07-Dan Lok's Special Announcement At His Closers In Black Presentation.mp4
    • 02-Critical Lessons

      • 01-How To Find Your Purpose.mp4
      • 02-How To Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them.mp4
      • 03-How To Stay Focused.mp4
      • 04-How To Wake Up Early And Get Stuff Done.mp4
      • 05-4 Ways To Have Energy All Day.mp4
      • 06-How to Stop Procrastinating - Cure Procrastination Forever.mp4
    • 03-Millionaire Mindset

      • 01-Ep 1- How Millionaires Think- Why The Law Of Attraction Doesn't Work If you Millionaire Mindset.mp4
      • 02-Ep 2- The Four Money Beliefs That Are Holding You Back Financially.mp4
      • 03-Ep 3- Why The Lottery Is For Suckers.mp4
      • 04-Ep 4- Why You Shouln't Chase Money.mp4
      • 05-Ep 5- The Truth About Getting Rich And Why Broke People Stay Broke.mp4
      • 06-Ep 6- Why Chaos May Actually Be Good For Your Business.mp4
      • 07-Ep 7- Is Financial Success a Question of Willpower-.mp4
      • 08-Ep 8- How Millionaires Stay So Productive.mp4
      • 09-Ep 9- Why Most People Misunderstood The Rich Dad Poor Dad Message.mp4
      • 10-Ep 10- Why You Should Think Global, Act Local.mp4
      • 11-Ep 11- 2 Myths Broke People Believe.mp4
      • 12-Ep 12- How to Harness The Power of Collaboration & Mastermind Group.mp4
      • 13-Ep 13- Why Positive Thinking Alone is SHIT.mp4
      • 14-Ep 14- The Magic of Thinking Big.mp4
      • 15-Ep 15- Why Money Loves Speed.mp4
      • 16-Ep 16- How To Turn Knowledge Into Money.mp4
      • 17-Ep 17- How to Stop Procrastinating - Cure Procrastination Forever.mp4
    • 04-Millionaire Productivity Habits

      • 01-Ep 1- How Millionaires Think About Productivity.mp4
      • 02-Ep 2- How Millionaires Think About Time.mp4
      • 03-Ep 3- Why Conventional Time Management Strategies Are BS.mp4
      • 04-Ep 4- How to Be More Productive.mp4
      • 05-Ep 5- How to Manage Time Like A Millionaire.mp4
      • 06-Ep 6- The Art of Maximum Productivity.mp4
      • 07-Ep 7- The Biggest Myth in Time Management.mp4
      • 08-Ep 8- Maximum Productivity 3 Questions To Boost Your Productivity.mp4
      • 09-Ep 9- Time Management Secrets of Millionaires.mp4
      • 10-Ep 10- Millionaire Time Management Mindset.mp4
      • 11-Ep 11- How Millionaires Schedule Their Day.mp4
      • 12-Ep 12- Productive Habits of Millionaires.mp4
      • 13-Ep 13- Millionaire Time Management Tips To Get More Done.mp4
      • 14-Ep 14- How To Stay Focused And Get Things Done.mp4
      • 15-Ep 15- How Millionaires Protect Their Time & Energy.mp4
      • 16-Ep 16- How Millionaires Protect Time and Stay Highly Productive.mp4
      • 17-Ep 17- How Successful People Manage Client Relationships.mp4
      • 18-Ep 18- How Millionaires Stay Focused.mp4
      • 19-Ep 19- The Productivity Secret You've Been Missing.mp4
      • 20-Ep 20- How to Structure Your Day Like the Rich.mp4
      • 21-Ep 21- A Millionaire's Secret Formula To Peak Productivity.mp4
      • 22-Ep 22- A Millionaire's Plan Their Day.mp4
      • 23-Ep 23- The Golden Rule of Millionaire Time Management.mp4
      • 24-Ep 24- Daily Rituals Of Millionaires for Maximum Productivity.mp4
    • 05-Closing More Sales

      • 01-Ep 1- Why The Worst Number In Business is ONE.mp4
      • 02-Ep 2- The Absolute Best Way To Handle Clients From Hell.mp4
      • 03-Ep 3- When Is the Best Time To Ramp Up Your Marketing-.mp4
      • 04-Ep 4- Dominate Your Industry, Don't Compete in It!.mp4
      • 05-Ep 5- How to Unlock The Hidden Treasure In Your Sales Message.mp4
      • 06-Ep 6- Perfect Your Sales Pitch to Convert More Customers.mp4
      • 07-Ep 7- The Difference Between Marketing vs Sales.mp4
      • 08-Ep 8- Why Business Proposals Are A Waste of Time, What To Do Instead!.mp4
      • 09-Ep 9- Why Sales People Struggle... Prospects Lie, All the Time.mp4
      • 10-Ep 10- Only Go To A Meeting After You Have Properly Qualified The Prospect.mp4
      • 11-Ep 11- Qualify Hard, Close Easy.mp4
      • 12-Ep 12- The Art Of Tonality.mp4
      • 13-Ep 13- The Three Most Powerful Words You Can Use When Selling.mp4
      • 14-Ep 14- Tune Up Your Listening Skills and Step Up Your Sales.mp4
      • 15-Ep 15- The Game Of Money.mp4
      • 16-Ep 16- 3 Powerful Networking Secrets of Influential People.mp4
      • 17-Ep 17- Two Biggest Networking Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making.mp4
      • 18-Ep 18- Why Selling Is Not a Four Letter Word.mp4
      • 19-Ep 19- Are You Selling Yourself 'Short' as a Sales Professional.mp4
      • 20-Ep 20- Four Stages of Business Success.mp4
      • 21-Ep 21- The Weird Mindset Shift That Will Help You Close More Deals.mp4
      • 22-Ep 22- Why Price Is Never The Issue.mp4
      • 23-Ep 23- Why You Can't Get Rich Looking Poor.mp4
      • 24-Ep 24- The Power of Asking.mp4
      • 25-Ep 25- Discovering Your Inner Personalities.mp4
    • 06-How To Sell High-Ticket Products & Services

      • 01-Ep 1- Why Business Is A Game of Margins, Not Volume.mp4
      • 02-Ep 2- Ideas For Using Your Following To Fund New Business Ventures.mp4
      • 03-Ep 3- How To Own your Market Through High - Ticket Items.mp4
      • 04-Ep 4- Most Entrepreneurs Don't Know How To Sell To Rich Buyers.mp4
      • 05-Ep 5- 4 Types of Customers and How to Sell to Them.mp4
      • 06-Ep 6- Why Competitive Pricing is a Dumb Idea.mp4
      • 07-Ep 7- 5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make in Selling A Premium Offer.mp4
      • 08-Ep 8- How To Ask for BIG Money.mp4
      • 09-Ep 9- All Price Resistance Is In The Seller, Not the Buyer.mp4
      • 10-Ep 10- How To Set More Profitable Prices.mp4
      • 11-Ep 11- What People Are Willing To Pay More For.mp4
      • 12-Ep 12- How to Use Scarcity and Urgency to Increase Sales.mp4
      • 13-Ep 13- How To Sell More With Contrast Pricing.mp4
      • 14-Ep 14- How To use Exclusivity To Sell High-End Products.mp4
      • 15-Ep 15- How Luxury Brands Appeal To Affluent Buyers' Ego.mp4
      • 16-Ep 16- How To Boost Sales By Providing a Sense of Belonging.mp4
      • 17-Ep 17- Don't Sell Products & Services, Sell Experience.mp4
      • 18-Ep 18- The Power of Takeaway Selling.mp4
      • 19-Ep 19- Why Higher Prices Lead To Better Experience.mp4
      • 20-Ep 20- Why Smart Brands Command A Premium Price.mp4
      • 21-Ep 20- Why Smart Brands Command A Premium Price.mp4
      • 22-Ep 22- Marketing And Selling To The Affluent-.mp4
    • 07-The Art of High Ticket Sales

      • 01-Ep 1- Unlock the Power of Less and Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined - The Art of High Ticket Sales .mp4
      • 02-Ep 2- Don't Be Afraid of Raising Your Prices. Here's Why.mp4
      • 03-Ep 3- Million-Dollar Coaching & Consulting Model.mp4
      • 04-Ep 4- How To Build a Successful Coaching Business On Your Own Terms.mp4
      • 05-Ep 5- The Power of Selling High-Ticket Consulting & Coaching Services.mp4
      • 06-Ep 6- 6 Reasons Undercharging Hurts Your Coaching-Consulting Business.mp4
      • 07-Ep 7- How to Set Fees for Your New Consulting Business.mp4
      • 08-Ep 8- #1 Secret To Selling High-Priced Coaching & Consulting Services.mp4
      • 09-Ep 9- Why You Should Price Your Services Based On Value You Deliver.mp4
      • 10-Ep 10- High Ticket Sales Funnels for Coaches & Consultants.mp4
      • 11-Ep 11- Mindset Secrets to Attract Prospects Who Can Afford You.mp4
      • 12-Ep 12- When Bad Coaching Results Happen To Good Coaches.mp4
      • 13-Ep 13- The #1 Key To Attracting High-End Clients For Your Business.mp4
      • 14-Ep 14- The Psychology of High-Ticket Coaching Clients.mp4
      • 15-Ep 15- How To Attract High-End Coaching Clients.mp4
      • 16-Ep 16- High-Ticket Sales Strategy- Why Doing Free Coaching Is Bad.mp4
      • 17-Ep 17- 4-Step High-Ticket Sales Funnel for Selling Consulting Services.mp4
      • 18-Ep 18- Work Smarter Not Harder.mp4
    • 08-HTC Leaders On Demand (Spouse Edition)

      • 01-HTC_Stacey_Garett_Testimonial.docx
      • 01-Stacey Garret HTC Spouse Video.mp4
      • 02-HTC_Nicole_Johnson_FAQs.pdf
      • 02-Nicole Johnson HTC Spouse Video.mp4
      • 03-HTC_Michael_Remirez_FAQs.pdf
      • 03-Michael Remirez HTC Spouse Video.mp4
      • 04-HTC_Parsi_Family_FAQs.docx
      • 04-Parsi Family.mp4
      • 05-HTM_Lana_David_FAQs.docx
      • 05-Lana Quatch HTC Spouse Video.mp4
      • 06-Denis Petrov HTC Spouse Video.mp4
      • 06-HTC_Denis_Petrov_FAQs.pdf
      • 07-HTC_Linda_Pat_Albertini_FAQs.docx
      • 07-Linda Albertini HTC Spouse Video.mp4

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