CopyHackers – CopySchool 2020
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- Last Updated Date: 08-11-2020
- Course Size: 11.01 GB
$999- 94%
Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)
CopyHackers - CopySchool 2020
10x Feedback
10x Funnels
10x Web Copy
AB Testing for Copywriters
Special Launch Materials
4-FAST PATH- The 10x Page Plan.mp4
5-FAST PATH- Walkthrough- The 10x Page Plan.mp4
10x Feedback
April 2 - Kickoff and Q_A.mp4
April 2 - Teardowns.mp4
April 16- Teardownsl.mp4
10x Funnels
1 Fill Up with Fresh Leads
2 Nurture Leads to Buy
3 Get Your Customers to Buy More
4 Re-Engage _ Convert Cold Leads
Welcome to 10x Funnels.mp4
10x Web Copy
1 Prewriting
2 Assembling the First Draft of Any Web Page
3 Writing, Editing and Wireframing
4 Validation and Optimization
Packrat - Everything in one link_files
1-How to use this training.mp4
2-The 10x Page Planl.mp4
3-OTS walkthrough for full workbook.mp4
Copia de 10x Web Copy - The 10x Page Plan_ Replace me with name of page you_re writing_.docx
Copia de 10x Web Copy_ Thank-you page survey questions_.docx
Copia de 10x Web Copy by Copyhackers_ Master Workbook for Student Use_ (1).xlsx
Copia de 10x Web Copy by Copyhackers_ Master Workbook for Student Use_.xlsx
Packrat - Everything in one link.html
AB Testing for Copywriters
2-Why do companies test in the first place-.mp4
3-Anatomy of an AB test.mp4
4-Common types of tests you_ll encounter.mp4
5-Choosing what to test (fun!).ts
6-Ask a question to create a hypothesis.mp4
7-Knowing when to stop a test.mp4
8-AB testing FAQ.mp4
Special Launch Materials
7 Money Words Masterclass.mp4
Extreme Execution Video 1- Moment of Highest Tensionl.mp4
Extreme Execution Video 2- Optimized Offe.mp4
Extreme Execution Video 3- Big Ideal.mp4
Extreme Execution Video 4- Golden Guaranteel.mp4
Extreme Execution Video 5- Perfect for you if.mp4
Obsessive Ownership Masterclass.mp4
Persuasive Copywriting Playbook for Content Marketers _ Copywriters.mp4
- 4-FAST PATH- The 10x Page Plan.mp4
- 5-FAST PATH- Walkthrough- The 10x Page Plan.mp4
10x Feedback
- April 2 - Kickoff and Q_A.mp4
- April 2 - Teardowns.mp4
- April 16- Teardownsl.mp4
10x Funnels
1 Fill Up with Fresh Leads
- 1-Filling the Top of the Funne.mp4
- 2-Overview, Course _ Glossaryl.mp4
- 3-What Is The Lead Landslide Funnel-.mp4
- 4-The Lead Landslide Minimum Viable Funnel.mp4
- 5-The Lead Landslide Funnel Brief.mp4
- 6-10X Funnel Researchl.mp4
- 7-The Perfect Lead Profilel.mp4
- 8-The Perfect Lead Profile, Explained.mp4
- 9-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- The Perfect Lead Profile Worksheet.mp4
- 10-The Irresistible Lead Offer 3.0l.mp4
- 11-The Irresistible Lead Offer 3.0, Explained.mp4
- 12-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- The Irresistible Lead Offer 3.0 Worksheet.mp4
- 13-Quick Review _ What_s Next.mp4
- 14-The M3 Protocol (Message, Math, Mechanics).mp4
- 15-The M3 Protocol- Message, Revelation _ Beliefs, Explained.mp4
- 16-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Revelation _ Beliefs Worksheet.mp4
- 17-The M3 Protocol- Message Map, Explained.mp4
- 18-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Message Map Worksheet.mp4
- 19-Over-The-Shoulder Bonus- Full Funnel Examplel.mp4
- 20-The M3 Protocol- Funnel Math, Explained.mp4
- 21-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Funnel Math Worksheet.mp4
- 22-The M3 Protocol- Funnel Mechanics, Explained.mp4
- 23-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Your Minimum Viable Funnel Mechanics.mp4
- 24-Launch Your Lead Landslide MVF.mp4
- 25-Double Your Leads with Funnel Optimizationl.mp4
- 26-10x Funnel Optimization Process- Part 1, Explainedl.mp4
- 27-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Diagnose _ Researchl.mp4
- 28-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Hypothesize _ Prioritizel.mp4
- 29-10x Funnel Optimization Process- Part 2, Explainedl.mp4
- 30-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Prescribe _ Launchl.mp4
- 31-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Learn _ Grow.mp4
- 14614 - _Copyhackers School_.jpg
- 14617 - _M1-Full Lead Landslide Funnel [Example] - Documentos de Google_.jpg
- 14618 - _Copyhackers School_.pdf
- M1-How to Create Your Lead Landslide Funnel.pdf
- M1-The M3 Protocol_ Math_ Funnel Math Worksheet [Example].xlsx
- Module1.pdf
2 Nurture Leads to Buy
- 1-Nurture Leads to Buyl.mp4
- 2-Overview, Course _ Glossary.mp4
- 4-The Revenue Engine Minimum Viable Funnel.mp4
- 5-The Revenue Engine Funnel Brief.mp4
- 6-10X Funnel Research.mp4
- 7-The Perfect Customer Profilel.mp4
- 9-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- The Perfect Customer Profile Worksheet.mp4
- 10-The Irresistible Buyer Offer 3.0.mp4
- 11-The Irresistible Buyer Offer 3.0, Explained.mp4
- 12-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- The Irresistible Buyer Offer 3.0 Worksheet.mp4
- 14-The M3 Protocol (Message, Math, Mechanics)l.mp4
- 15-The M3 Protocol- Message, Revelation _ Beliefs, Explainedl.mp4
- 16-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Revelation _ Beliefs Worksheetl.mp4
- 17-The M3 Protocol- Message Map, Explainedl.mp4
- 19-Over-The-Shoulder Bonus- Full Funnel Examplel.mp4
- 20-The M3 Protocol- Funnel Math, Explained.mp4
- 21-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Funnel Math Worksheet.mp4
- 22-The M3 Protocol- Funnel Mechanics, Explained.mp4
- 23-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Your Minimum Viable Funnel Mechanics.mp4
- 25-Double Your Sales with Funnel Optimization.mp4
- 26-10x Funnel Optimization Process- Part 1, Explained.mp4
- 27-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Diagnose _ Research.mp4
- 28-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Hypothesize _ Prioritize.mp4
- 29-10x Funnel Optimization Process- Part 2, Explainedl.mp4
- 30-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Prescribe _ Launchl.mp4
- 31-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Learn _ Grow.mp4
- 32-The Final Word on The Revenue Engine Funnel.mp4
- 14761 - _Copyhackers School_.pdf
- 14762 - _M2-Full Revenue Engine Funnel [Example] - Documentos de Google_.jpg
- M2-How to Create Your Revenue Engine Funnel.pdf
- M2-The M3 Protocol_ Math_ Funnel Math Worksheet [Example].xlsx
- Module2.pdf
3 Get Your Customers to Buy More
- 1-Get Your Customers to Buy More _ Againl.mp4
- 2-Overview, Course _ Glossary.mp4
- 3-What Is The Sales Stacker Funnel-.mp4
- 4-The Sales Stacker Minimum Viable Funnel.mp4
- 5-The Sales Stacker Funnel Briefl.mp4
- 6-10X Funnel Research.mp4
- 7-The Perfect Repeat Customer Profilel.mp4
- 8-The Perfect Repeat Customer Profile, Explainedl.mp4
- 9-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- The Perfect Repeat Customer Profile Worksheet.mp4
- 10-The Irresistible Repeat Offer 3.0l.mp4
- 11-The Irresistible Repeat Offer 3.0, Explained.mp4
- 12-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- The Irresistible Repeat Offer 3.0 Worksheetl.mp4
- 14-The M3 Protocol (Message, Math, Mechanics).mp4
- 15-The M3 Protocol- Message, Influence Translation, Explained.mp4
- 16-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Influence Translation Worksheetl.mp4
- 17-The M3 Protocol- Message Map, Explained.mp4
- 18-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Message Map Worksheet.mp4
- 19-Over-The-Shoulder Bonus- Full Funnel Example.mp4
- 20-The M3 Protocol- Funnel Math, Explainedl.mp4
- 21-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Funnel Math Worksheet.mp4
- 22-The M3 Protocol- Funnel Mechanics, Explainedl.mp4
- 23-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Your Minimum Viable Funnel Mechanics.mp4
- 25-Double Your Repeat Sales with Optimization.mp4
- 26-10x Funnel Optimization Process- Part 1, Explainedl.mp4
- 27-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Diagnose _ Research.mp4
- 29-10x Funnel Optimization Process- Part 2, Explainedl.mp4
- 30-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Prescribe _ Launch.mp4
- 31-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Learn _ Grow.mp4
- 32-The Final Word on The Sales Stacker Funnell.mp4
- 14763 - _Copyhackers School_.pdf
- 14764 - _M3-Full Sales Stacker Funnel [Example] - Documentos de Google_.jpg
- M3-How to Create Your Sales Stacker Funnel.pdf
- M3-The M3 Protocol_ Math_ Funnel Math Worksheet [Example].xlsx
- Module3.pdf
4 Re-Engage _ Convert Cold Leads
- 1-Re-Engage _ Convert Cold Leads, Customers.mp4
- 2-Overview, Course _ Glossaryl.mp4
- 3-What Is The Boomerang Conversion Funnel-.mp4
- 4-The Boomerang Conversion Minimum Viable Funnell.mp4
- 5-The Boomerang Conversion Funnel Brief.mp4
- 6-10X Funnel Research.mp4
- 7-The Perfect Lead Profile.mp4
- 9-The Irresistible Repeat Offer 3.0, Explainedl.mp4
- 10-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- The Irresistible Return Offer 3.0 Worksheet.mp4
- 11-Quick Review _ What_s Nextl.mp4
- 11-The M3 Protocol- Message Map, Explainedl.mp4
- 13-The M3 Protocol- Message, Revelation _ Beliefs, Explained.mp4
- 14-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Message Map Worksheetl.mp4
- 16-The M3 Protocol- Funnel Math, Explainedl.mp4
- 17-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Funnel Math Worksheetl.mp4
- 18-The M3 Protocol- Funnel Mechanics, Explained.mp4
- 19-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Your Minimum Viable Funnel Mechanics.mp4
- 20-Launch Your Boomerang Conversion MVF.mp4
- 21-10x Funnel Optimization Process- Part 1, Explained.mp4
- 22-Double Your Return Conversions with Optimizationl.mp4
- 23-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Diagnose _ Researchl.mp4
- 24-The Perfect Return Lead _ Customer Profile, Explained.mp4
- 25-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Prescribe _ Launchl.mp4
- 26-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Hypothesize _ Prioritize.mp4
- 27-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- PI _ CI Worksheetl.mp4
- 28-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- Learn _ Grow.mp4
- 29-The M3 Protocol (Message, Math, Mechanicsl.mp4
- 30-10x Funnel Optimization Process- Part 2, Explained.mp4
- 31-Over-The-Shoulder Tutorial- The Perfect Lead Profile Worksheetl.mp4
- 32-The Final Word on The Boomerang Conversion Funnell.mp4
- 14765 - _Copyhackers School_.jpg
- 14766 - _Copyhackers School_.jpg
- 14767 - _Copyhackers School_.pdf
- 14768 - _M4-Full Boomerang Conversion Funnel [Example] - Documentos de Google_.jpg
- M4-How to Create Your Boomerang Conversion Funnel.pdf
- M4-The M3 Protocol_ Math_ Funnel Math Worksheet [Example].xlsx
- Module4.pdf
- Welcome to 10x Funnels.mp4
10x Web Copy
1 Prewriting
- 1-Intro (and why web copy is so important).mp4
- 2-A pre-req mindset shift on writing copy for the web.mp4
- 3-You need to become a full-stack conversion copywriterl.mp4
- 5-How to identify what_s broken.mp4
- 6-FAST PATH- Page length- How to think about personas.mp4
- 7-The three research methods you_ll use to write a website and how to use theml.mp4
- 8-Setting up to figure out what_s working and notl.mp4
- 10-FAST PATH- Analyzing users tests, with the Believabilityl.mp4
- 11-Thank-you page surveysl.mp4
- 12-FAST PATH- TYP surveys- How to set up your thank-you.mp4
- 13-FAST PATH- Analyzing survey responsesl.mp4
- 14-Analyzing survey responses- Q1.mp4
- 15-The Obstacle Interview.mp4
- 16-FAST PATH- The Obstacle Interview- Worksheetl.mp4
- 17-The Obstacle Analysis- Sortingl.mp4
- 18-The Obstacle Analysis- A brief pause.mp4
- 19-The Obstacle Analysis- Finishing your analysis.mp4
- 20-FAST PATH- Product messagingl.mp4
- 22-FAST PATH- The Optimized Offe.mp4
- 23-FAST PATH- _Bag o_ offers.mp4
- 24-The Optimized Offer- Example of completed page-levell.mp4
- 25-First module done - progress check.mp4
- 1-How to use this training.mp4
2 Assembling the First Draft of Any Web Page
- 6-Thinking about _stages of awareness.mp4
- 7-FAST PATH- The world_s most fundamental copywriting.mp4
- 8-The 8 sections of a 10x web page.mp4
- 9-FAST PATH- Hero sections- Every page starts.mp4
- 10-Hero sections- Add yours to The 10x Page Plan.mp4
- 11-FAST PATH- Proof bars- Pages need, like, several of these.mp4
- 12-Proof bars- Add yours to The 10x Page Plan for the page you_re writing.mp4
- 13-FAST PATH- Agitation- The most edited-outl.mp4
- 14-Agitation- Add yours to The 10x Page Plan.mp4
- 15-A 90-sec pause before you move onl.mp4
- 16-FAST PATH- Crossheads- You may be used to calling.mp4
- 17-Crosshead (value prop)- Add yours to The 10x Page Plan.mp4
- 18-FAST PATH- The How- The core of most pages.mp4
- 19-The How- Add yours to The 10x Page Plan for the page you_re writingl.mp4
- 20-FAST PATH- The Switch- You_ve been ignoring this.mp4
- 21-The Switch- Add yours to The 10x Page Planl.mp4
- 22-FAST PATH- The Close- The close, the closel.mp4
- 23-The Close- Add yours to The 10x Page Plan for the page you_re writing.mp4
- 24-FAST PATH- Now let_s turn that all into your spit draftl.mp4
- 25-Wrapping up Module 2l.mp4
- 2-The 10x Page Planl.mp4
3 Writing, Editing and Wireframing
- 1-Walkthrough- A few home pages we_ve written over the years.mp4
- 2-FAST PATH- Wireframing- Set up your page.mp4
- 3-FAST PATH- Wireframing- Wiring the topl.mp4
- 4-FAST PATH- The You Rulel.mp4
- 5-Good soundin_ stuff- One thought per sentencel.mp4
- 6-Good soundin_ stuff- One thought per sentence.mp4
- 7-Good soundin_ stuff- Keep it unfinished at the top.mp4
- 8-Good soundin_ stuff- Keep it unfinished at the top.mp4
- 9-Good soundin_ stuff- Break your headlinesl.mp4
- 10-Good soundin_ stuff- Break your headlines.mp4
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuff1ThoughtPerSentence-200316-201448.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffAvoidTLDR-200316-202722.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffDontbullet-200316-201758.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffFinishchoppy-200316-201903.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffFinishwithsothat-200316-202005.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffFirstperson-200316-202123.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffFormatting-200316-202236.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffHeadlinebreaks-200316-201619.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffModernFamily-200316-202613.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffOpenEndedQs-200316-202839.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffStackalliteration-200316-202959.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffStacksimilars-200316-203107.pdf
- 10xWebCopyGoodsoundinstuffXverbY-200316-203244.pdf
- 11-Good soundin_ stuff- The _first personl.mp4
- 13-Good soundin_ stuff- No more closed questions.mp4
- 14-Good soundin_ stuff- No more closed questions.mp4
- 15-Good soundin_ stuff- Formatting big textl.mp4
- 16-Good soundin_ stuff- Formatting big text.mp4
- 17-Good soundin_ stuff- Stack alliteration.mp4
- 19-Good soundin_ stuff- X verb Y.mp4
- 20-Good soundin_ stuff- X verb Yl.mp4
- 21-Good soundin_ stuff- Not another bullet listl.mp4
- 22-Good soundin_ stuff- Not another bullet list.mp4
- 23-Good soundin_ stuff- Stack similar sentences.mp4
- 24-Good soundin_ stuff- Stack similar sentencesl.mp4
- 25-Good soundin_ stuff- How to finish your body copy, Bl.mp4
- 26-Good soundin_ stuff- How to finish your body copy, Bl.mp4
- 27-Good soundin_ stuff- _Modern Family_ your body copy.mp4
- 28-Good soundin_ stuff- _Modern Family_ your body copyl.mp4
- 29-Good soundin_ stuff- How to finish your body copy, Al.mp4
- 30-Good soundin_ stuff- How to finish your body copy, A.mp4
- 31-Good soundin_ stuff- One thought per sentence.mp4
- 32-FAST PATH- Wireframing- Finishing the second draft of your page.mp4
- 33-FAST PATH- Wireframing- Fix problems by comparingl.mp4
- 34-An introduction to wireframing.mp4
- 35-Editing- Sweep that copy.mp4
- 36-FAST PATH- Sweeping Through Your Editing Process.mp4
- 37-FAST PATH- Sweeping Through Your Editing Process.mp4
- 38-Wrapping up Module 3.mp4
- 15062 - _Copyhackers School_.pdf
- 3-OTS walkthrough for full workbook.mp4
4 Validation and Optimization
- 1-How to get the most out of this phase of the work.mp4
- 2-FAST PATH- Validation- Setting up and running your validation test.mp4
- 3-Validation- Figuring out what you need to validate.mp4
- 5-FAST PATH- Implementationl.mp4
- 6-FAST PATH- Experimentationl.mp4
- 7-How to optimize your copy.mp4
- 8-Optimization- How to reduce bouncel.mp4
- 9-Optimization- How to get more leads in general.mp4
- 10-What to do next.mp4
- 10x_Web_Copy_-_Believability_Boosters_and_Friction_Reducers_-_Editable.pdf
- 10x_Web_Copy_-_Offer_Optimization_-_Editable.pdf
- 10x_Web_Copy_-_Product_-_Feature_Messaging_-_Editable.pdf
- 10x_Web_Copy_-_The_10x_Page_Plan_-_Editable.pdf
- 10x_Web_Copy_-_The_Obstacle_Analysis_-_Editable.pdf
- 10x_Web_Copy_-_The_Transformation_Message_Map_-_Editable.pdf
- 10x_Web_Copy_-_The_worlds_most_fundamental_copywriting_argument_-_Editable.pdf
- Copia de 10x Web Copy - The 10x Page Plan_ Replace me with name of page you_re writing_.docx
- Copia de 10x Web Copy_ Thank-you page survey questions_.docx
- Copia de 10x Web Copy by Copyhackers_ Master Workbook for Student Use_ (1).xlsx
- Copia de 10x Web Copy by Copyhackers_ Master Workbook for Student Use_.xlsx
- Packrat - Everything in one link.html
Packrat - Everything in one link_files
- 2.764ccc25.chunk.css
- 9520b0a2dedeb764853feeaa41210d96.png
- js
- main.2bc8ec99.chunk.css
- recurly.css
- sticker.png
- Wireframe_-_Copyhackers_Home_-_2020.png
- Wireframe_-_Copyhackers_Home_-_2020.psd
AB Testing for Copywriters
- 2-Why do companies test in the first place-.mp4
- 3-Anatomy of an AB test.mp4
- 4-Common types of tests you_ll encounter.mp4
- 5-Choosing what to test (fun!).ts
- 6-Ask a question to create a hypothesis.mp4
- 7-Knowing when to stop a test.mp4
- 8-AB testing FAQ.mp4
- ABTestingforFreelancersFullPresentation-191115-114555.pdf
Special Launch Materials
- 7 Money Words Masterclass.mp4
- 2020PersuasionPlaybookforDigitalMarketers.pdf
- Extreme Execution Video 1- Moment of Highest Tensionl.mp4
- Extreme Execution Video 2- Optimized Offe.mp4
- Extreme Execution Video 3- Big Ideal.mp4
- Extreme Execution Video 4- Golden Guaranteel.mp4
- Extreme Execution Video 5- Perfect for you if.mp4
- MoneyWords-ThinkificPresentsCopyhackers.pdf
- ObsessiveOwnership-TheWorkbook-Editable.pdf
- Obsessive Ownership Masterclass.mp4
- Persuasive Copywriting Playbook for Content Marketers _ Copywriters.mp4
CopyHackers – CopySchool 2020
CopyHackers – CopySchool 2020 Cheap
CopyHackers – CopySchool 2020 Download
CopyHackers – CopySchool 2020 Course
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