CopyHackers – CopySchool 2019
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- Last Updated Date: 08-11-2020
- Course Size: 27.34 GB
$999- 95%
Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)
CopyHackers - CopySchool 2019
10x Emails 2.0
10x Facebook Ads by Joanna Wiebe
10x Landing Pages 2.0
10x Launches
10x Sales Pages
Copy School 2018
Six Figure Emails
Special Launch Materials (2019)
9492 - _Dashboard_.jpg
Office Hours 2018 - Lesson 8 - The Golden Guarantee.pdf
10x Emails 2.0
BONUS How to find your message
BONUS Recorded workshops and bonus training
MODULE 1 Plan 10x emails
MODULE 2 Write 10x emails
MODULE 3 10x Copywriting Techniques
MODULE 4 Optimize 10x emails
Office Hours Recordings
4463 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_151898.jpg
How to get the most out of 10x Emails - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
How to write 10x emails with 10x Emails 2.0.pdf
10x Facebook Ads by Joanna Wiebe
1 Facebook and Instagram Ads 101
2 Anatomy of Facebook and Instagram Ads
3 Gathering your Messages
4 Mapping your Messages
5 Writing High-Converting Messages
6 Images and Videos
7 Landing Pages that Convert
8 Testing and How to Know if your Ads are
9 Red Flags
1-Welcome and Start Here!.ts
10x Facebook Ads Course-Workbook_2.pdf
How to Write Facebook Ad Compliant Copy in Difficult Verticals_2.mp4
Step Four - Write your Body Copy.mp4
Step One- Reference your Funnel Map and Pick a Place to Start.mp4
Step Three- Write your Headline Variations.mp4
Step Two- Write Down your Value Prop Variations.mp4
10x Landing Pages 2.0
MODULE 1 Starting Your Process
MODULE 2 Finding Your Message
MODULE 3 Laying Out Your Page
MODULE 4 Writing and Editing In the Awesome
10x Landing Pages Office Hours 1 of 2.pdf
10x Landing Pages Office Hours 2 of 2.pdf
4411 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_137209.jpg
Clinic 1- Tuesday, Oct 11 at 9am Pacific - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
Clinic 2- Tuesday, Oct 25 at 9am Pacific - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
Copywriting Clinic 1 - One Reader and One Offer.pdf
Copywriting Clinic 2 - One Big Idea and One Promise.pdf
How to use this course to write more landing pages that perform better.mp4
Session 1- Lead magnets - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
Session 2- Long-form sales pages - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
10x Launches
Module 1 The _Coaching The Conversion_ Method
Module 2 The 3D, Ever-Evolving Avatar
Module 3 Segmentation and Confirmation
Module 4 Pre Launch
Module 5 Launch
Module 6 Sales
Module 7 Closing
1-Welcome to 10x Launches - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
2-What_s Inside - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
3-How to Get the Most ROI - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
3-Part Webinar Show-Up Sequence.docx
3-Part Webinar Show-Up Sequence.pdf
10x Launches - MVF Slides.pdf
10x Launches - Office Hours 1.pdf
10x Launches - Office Hours 2.pdf
4503 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_151902.jpg
Advanced Story Alchemy w_ Kylie Slavik - Copy Hackers Training(1).mp4
Advanced Story Alchemy w_ Kylie Slavik - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
Bonus 1 - Launch Method Reviews The Minimum Viable Funnel - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
Bonus 2 - Contextology _ -The One Off Wonder- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
Bonus 2 - Contextology _ -The One Off Wonder- - Copy Hackers Training_2.mp4
Bonus 3 - The 3-Part Webinar -Show Up- Sequence - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
Bonus 3 - The 3-Part Webinar -Show Up- Sequence - Copy Hackers Training_2.mp4
Bonus 3 - The 3-Part Webinar -Show Up- Sequence - Copy Hackers Training_3.mp4
Bonus 3 - The 3-Part Webinar -Show Up- Sequence - Copy Hackers Training_4.mp4
How to Create, Launch, and Deliver a 5 Figure Productized Copywriting Service w_ Prerna Malik - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
Session 1 - Bonus Themeplate- -The Piglet- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
Session 2 - Bonus Themeplate- The -Captain Obvious- Close - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
The Future of Funnels _ How to be Fiercely Authentic w_ Scott Oldford - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
The Role of Storytelling in the Conversion Process w_ George Huang - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
10x Sales Pages
1-TRACK 1 Laying a foundation that can bear the weight of long copy
2-TRACK 1 When it_s time to put words on the page
3-TRACK 1 Over-the-shoulder tutorials. because you_re ready to own your first draft
4-TRACK 1 A few useful notes on editing in the awesome
5-TRACK 1 All the worksheets and other downloadables
6-TRACK 2 The 15 Point Sales Page in a Day Method [START HERE]
7-TRACK 2 Module 1 - Coaching The Conversion (The Sales Page Edition)
8-TRACK 2 Module 2 - Coach-Mining _ The Launch Bible
9-TRACK 2 Module 3 - Establishing The Gap
10-TRACK 2 Module 4 - Exploring The Gap
11-TRACK 2 Module 5 - Exiting The Gap
12-TRACK 2 Module 6 - Escaping The Gap
13-TRACK 2 All the worksheets and other downloadables
4515 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_268260.jpg
START HERE- How to get the most out of 10x Sales Pages - Copy Hackers.mp4
Copy School 2018
1-Watch this lesson first - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
2-Workshop 1- What should you say- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
3-Workshop 2- How should you say it- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
4-Workshop 3- The most profitable 50 minutes in marketing history - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
5-Workshop 1- The 3-step path - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
6-Workshop 2- The 3 myths - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
7-Workshop 3- Live-writing, or the most profitable way to spend your Thursday - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
8-Session 1- Kickoff call and surveying customers (Mar 14, 2018) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
9-Session 2- Landing pages and how to optimize a free offer (Mar 21, 2018) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
10-Session 3- Sales emails and how to use hyper-vivid language (Mar 28, 2018) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
11-Session 4- Engaging SaaS users with voice and tone in your onboarding emails (April 4, 2018) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
12-Session 5- Writing long-form sales pages with the -sacred cow- (April 11, 2018) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
4410 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_150676.jpg
Office Hours 2018 - Lesson 2 - Optimizing a free offer.pdf
Office Hours 2018 - Lesson 3 - Strategic Absurdity (Sales Emails).pdf
Office Hours 2018 - Lesson 4 - Write your SaaS emails with tone.pdf
Office Hours 2018 - Lesson 5 - Enginnering Core Beleifs.pdf
Office Hours 2018 kickoff call.pdf
Session 6- How to creative-direct the design of your long-form sales page (April 25, 2018).mp4
Session 7- The 3-stage email sequence to re-engage (May 2, 2018).mp4
Session 8- The wrap-up session, complete with training on optimizing your guarantee (May 9, 2018).mp4
The How to Say It Worksheet_ For Email.pdf
The What to Say Worksheet.pdf
Workshop 3 Template - PERFECT IF.pdf
1-TEMPLATE 1- The User Agreement.mp4
7FE 1 - The User Agreement.pdf
7FE 2 - The Simon Cowell Qualifier Slides.pdf
7FE3 - The _And Justice For All_.pdf
7FE4 - The _Non-Problem Problem_.pdf
7FE5 - The Fab 5, The Traffic Light, No Ghost._2.pdf
7FE5 - The Fab 5, The Traffic Light, No Ghost.pdf
7FE6 - Couple_s Therapy - Deck (1).pdf
7FE6 - Couple_s Therapy - Deck (1)_2.pdf
SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 2 - The Simon Cowell Qualifier.pdf
SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 3 - The _And Justice for All_.docx
SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 3 - The _And Justice for All_.pdf
SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 4 - The _Non-Problem Problem_.docx
SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 4 - The _Non-Problem Problem_.pdf
SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 5 - The Fab 5 The Traffic Light The No Ghosts Shall PAS.docx
SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 5 - The Fab 5 The Traffic Light The No Ghosts Shall PAS.pdf
SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 6 - Couple_s Therapy.docx
SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 6 - Couple_s Therapy.pdf
SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 7 - The Sarcastic Sally.pdf
TEMPLATE 2- The Simon Cowell Qualifier.mp4
TEMPLATE 3- -And Justice For All-.mp4
TEMPLATE 4- The Non-Problem Problem.mp4
TEMPLATE 5- The Fab 5, The Traffic Light, No Ghost Shall PAS (3 Post-Webinar Templates).mp4
TEMPLATE 6- Couple_s Therapy.mp4
Template 7- The Sarcastic Sally (Framing your sales emails).mp4
_SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 1 - The User Agreement.docx
_SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 1 - The User Agreement.pdf
seven figure emails 2 chat.txt
Six Figure Emails
4502 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_136317.jpg
TEMPLATE 1- Market_s Search For Meaning - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
TEMPLATE 2- The Anti-Launch Launch - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
TEMPLATE 3- The Time Compressor - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
TEMPLATE 4- The Spoiler Alert - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
TEMPLATE 5- The DMV Downsell - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
TEMPLATE 6- The Anthropomorphic Activator - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
Special Launch Materials (2019)
Chat Transcript ROI Room_ Session 1.txt
GMT20190515-150351_ROI-Rooms- (1).txt
ROI Room 9- Emails.mp4
ROI Room 10 - Live-Chat Playbook [BONUS].docx
ROI Room 10- Sales Pages.mp4
Week 1 - ROI Rooms - April 3.mp4.mp4
Week 1 - ROI Rooms - April 3.mp4_(new).mp4
Week 2 - ROI Rooms - April 10.mp4.mp4
Week 3 - ROI Rooms - April 17.mp4.mp4
Week 4 - ROI Rooms - April 24.mp4.mp4
Week 5 - ROI Rooms - May 1.mp4.mp4
Week 6 - ROI Rooms - May 8.mp4.mp4
Week 7 - ROI Rooms - May 15.mp4
Week 8 - ROI Rooms - May 22.mp4
10x Emails 2.0
- 4463 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_151898.jpg
BONUS How to find your message
- 1-How to find your message- Surveying - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-How to find your message- On-site polls - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-How to find your message- Review mining - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-How to find your message- Interviews - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 5-Competitor content audits - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 6-The 5 stages of awareness - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 7-What stage of awareness is my visitor in- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Amazon Review Mining Worksheet.docx
- Content Audit.pptx
BONUS Recorded workshops and bonus training
#4497 - _Plan a SaaS onboarding campaign (presented live Wednesday, August 3 from 9am to 12pm PDT) I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com.pdf
- 1-Plan a SaaS onboarding campaign (presented live Wednesday, August 3 from 9am to 12pm PDT) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-Write a SaaS onboarding campaign (presented live Tuesday, August 9 from 9am to 12pm PDT) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-Plan a sales email campaign (presented live Thursday, August 11 from 9am to 12pm PDT) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-Write a sales email campaign (presented live Monday, August 15 from 9am to 12pm PDT) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- How to plan your SaaS email campaign.pdf
- How to write your SaaS email campaign.pdf
- Sales Workshop 1.pdf
- Sales Workshop Part 2.pdf
- How to get the most out of 10x Emails - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- How to write 10x emails with 10x Emails 2.0.pdf
MODULE 1 Plan 10x emails
- 1-Intro- How to use this module - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-All businesses are email businesses - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3 to 1 Planner.pdf
- 3-The 3-1 Rule - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-The segmentation essentials - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 5-A deeper look at segmentation - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 6-How to plot a drip or lead nurturing campaign - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 7-How to plot a drip or lead nurturing campaign - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 8-How to structure the content of your drip campaign OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-Using PASOP - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 9-How to structure the content of your drip campaign OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-Using PASOP - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 10-How to plot a SaaS onboarder - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 11-Bag o_ emails - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 12-Newsletters- You need a USP - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 13-Newsletters- What should I write about- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 14-Newsletters- What should I write about- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4464 - _All businesses are email businesses I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257018.jpg
- 4465 - _The 3_1 Rule I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257019.jpg
- 4466 - _The segmentation essentials I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257020.jpg
- 4467 - _A deeper look at segmentation I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257021.jpg
- 4468 - _How to plot a drip or lead nurturing campaign I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257022.jpg
- 4469 - _How to structure the content of your drip campaign OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL_Using PASOP I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com.jpg
- 4470 - _How to plot a SaaS onboarder I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257024.jpg
- 4471 - _Bag o_ emails I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257025.jpg
- 4472 - _Newsletters_ You need a USP I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257026.jpg
- 4473 - _Newsletters_ What should I write about_ I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257027.jpg
- Bag O_ Emails.pdf
- Fibonacci Planner.pdf
- How to plot a drip or nurturing campaign.pdf
- How to write a SaaS email campaign.pdf
- PASOP Worksheet.pdf
- Segmentation.pdf
- Segmentation Worksheet - Start Here.pdf
- Segmentation Worksheet.pdf
- Value Proposition Scorecard.pdf
MODULE 2 Write 10x emails
- 1 to 1 Rule Checklist.pdf
- 1-How to use this module - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-Copywriting essentials- From lines OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL- Assessing From Names in Gmail - Copy Hackers Training_(new).mp4
- 3-Copywriting essentials- From lines OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL- Assessing From Names in Gmail - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-Copywriting essentials- Subject lines Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial-What Should Your Subject Line Be- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 5-Copywriting essentials- Subject lines Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial-What Should Your Subject Line Be- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 6-Copywriting essentials- 1-to-1 OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-Writing to 1 Person - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 7-Copywriting essentials- 1-to-1 OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-Writing to 1 Person - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 8-Copywriting essentials- AIDA OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL- How to Write with AIDA - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 9-Copywriting essentials- AIDA OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL- How to Write with AIDA - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 10-Copywriting essentials- PASOP OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL- PASO vs AIDA - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 11-Copywriting essentials- PASOP OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL- PASO vs AIDA - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 12-Copywriting essentials- How to be specific OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-How to Be Specific - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 13-Copywriting essentials- How to be specific OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-How to Be Specific - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 14-Storytelling- Why stories in email- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 15-Storytelling- Hooks OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-How to Edit-in Your Hook - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 16-Storytelling- Hooks OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-How to Edit-in Your Hook - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 17-Storytelling- Voice - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4474 - _Copywriting essentials_ From lines OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL_ Assessing From Names in Gmail I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers.jpg
- 4475 - _Copywriting essentials_ Subject lines Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial_What Should Your Subject Line Be_ I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyha.jpg
- 4476 - _Copywriting essentials_ 1-to-1 OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL_Writing to 1 Person I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151.jpg
- 4477 - _Copywriting essentials_ AIDA OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL_ How to Write with AIDA I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_1.jpg
- 4478 - _Copywriting essentials_ PASOP OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL_ PASO vs AIDA I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lec.jpg
- 4479 - _Copywriting essentials_ How to be specific OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL_How to Be Specific I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com.jpg
- 4480 - _Storytelling_ Why stories in email_ I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257036.jpg
- 4481 - _Storytelling_ Hooks OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL_How to Edit-in Your Hook I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_le.jpg
- 4482 - _Storytelling_ Voice I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257038.jpg
- AIDA Worksheet.pdf
- Email Subject Line Formulas.pdf
- From Line Checklist.pdf
- PASOP Worksheet.pdf
- Storytelling Checklist.pdf
- Storytelling Checklist_2.pdf
- Subject Line Formatting Checklist.pdf
MODULE 3 10x Copywriting Techniques
- 1-How to use this module - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-Copywriting techniques- The open loop - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-Copywriting techniques- The open loop - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-Copywriting techniques- The Battlefield Principle OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-In Media Res in Action - Copy Hackers Training_(new).mp4
- 5-Copywriting techniques- The Battlefield Principle OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-In Media Res in Action - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 6-Copywriting techniques- The CPTS Technique - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 7-Copywriting techniques- The CPTS Technique - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 8-Copywriting techniques- The Superman Principle - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 9-Copywriting techniques- Future pacing OVER-THE-SHOULDER LESSON-How to Edit in Future Pacing - Copy Hackers Training_(new).mp4
- 10-Copywriting techniques- Future pacing OVER-THE-SHOULDER LESSON-How to Edit in Future Pacing - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 11-Copywriting techniques- The Even If Technique OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-The Even If Clause - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 12-Copywriting techniques- The Even If Technique OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-The Even If Clause - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 13-Copywriting techniques- Loss aversion OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-Using Loss Aversion - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 14-Copywriting techniques- Loss aversion OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL-Using Loss Aversion - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 15-Copywriting techniques- Urgency - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 16-Copywriting techniques- Scarcity - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 17-Copywriting techniques- Ask for what you want - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4483 - _Copywriting techniques_ The open loop I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257040.jpg
- 4484 - _Copywriting techniques_ The Battlefield Principle OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL_In Media Res in Action I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyh.jpg
- 4485 - _Copywriting techniques_ The CPTS Technique OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL_The CPTS Rule I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_cours.jpg
- 4486 - _Copywriting techniques_ The Superman Principle I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257043.jpg
- 4487 - _Copywriting techniques_ Future pacing OVER-THE-SHOULDER LESSON_How to Edit in Future Pacing I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_c.jpg
- 4488 - _Copywriting techniques_ The Even If Technique OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL_The Even If Clause I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_c.jpg
- 4489 - _Copywriting techniques_ Loss aversion OVER-THE-SHOULDER TUTORIAL_Using Loss Aversion I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_cour.jpg
- 4490 - _Copywriting techniques_ Urgency I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257047.jpg
- 4491 - _Copywriting techniques_ Scarcity I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257048.jpg
- 4492 - _Copywriting techniques_ Ask for what you want I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257049.jpg
- Bag of Tricks Cheatsheet.pdf
MODULE 4 Optimize 10x emails
- 1-How to use this module - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-Test your opt-in bait - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-Why your opens and clicks suck - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-Why you don_t always have to sell hard - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 5-A_B testing - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 6-INTERVIEW- Ry and Jo talk about common email mistakes - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 7-INTERVIEW- Ry and Jo talk about personalization - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 8-INTERVIEW- Ry and Jo talk about measuring your email copy_s success and The 10x Goal - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4493 - _Test your opt-in bait I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257051.jpg
- 4494 - _Why your opens and clicks suck I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257052.jpg
- 4495 - _Why you don_t always have to sell hard I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257053.jpg
- 4496 - _A_B testing I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257054.jpg
Office Hours Recordings
- 10x Emails Office Hours 1.pdf
- Session 1- Sales Emails - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Session 2- SaaS Emails - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Session 3- Sales Emails - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Session 4- SaaS Emails - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 1 to 1 Rule Checklist.pdf
- 3 to 1 Planner.pdf
- 10x Emails Templates.pdf
- 10x Emails Templates_2.pdf
- 4498 - _Tools to make emails perform insanely well I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257066.pdf
- 4499 - _Tools for more opt-ins and landing pages I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257067.pdf
- 4500 - _How to use Drip to send better sequences I Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_151898_lectures_2257070.pdf
- AIDA Worksheet.pdf
- Bag of Tricks Cheatsheet.pdf
- Email Subject Line Formulas.pdf
- Fibonacci Planner.pdf
- From Line Checklist.pdf
- How to use Drip to send better sequences - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- InterviewwithGreg.mp3
- PASOP Worksheet.pdf
- Segmentation Worksheet - Start Here.pdf
- Segmentation Worksheet.pdf
- Storytelling Checklist.pdf
- Subject Line Formatting Checklist.pdf
- Upgrade Your Account.txt
- Value Proposition Scorecard.pdf
10x Facebook Ads by Joanna Wiebe
1 Facebook and Instagram Ads 101
- 1-Facebook and Instagram Ads 101.mp4
- 2-How to Map a Lead Generation Funnel.mp4
- 3-How to Map a Webinar Funnel.mp4
- 4-How to Map a Challenge or Video Series Funnel.mp4
- 5-How to Map an Ecommerce Funnel.mp4
- 6-How to Map a Funnel from Scratch.mp4
- Screen Shot 2019-03-09 at 3.55.42 PM (1).png
- 1-Welcome and Start Here!.ts
2 Anatomy of Facebook and Instagram Ads
- 1-Anatomy of Facebook and Instagram ads.mp4
- 2-An Over the Shoulder Walk-Through of Ad Types.mp4
3 Gathering your Messages
- 1-Gathering your Messages.mp4
- 2-Ninja Technique- Facebook Group Message Mining.mp4
- 3-Ninja Technique- How to Mine Amazon Reviews.mp4
- 4-Ninja Technique- How to Mine Twitter for Messages.mp4
- 5-Ninja Technique- Facebook Ad Competitor Research.mp4
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.34.08 PM (1).png
4 Mapping your Messages
- 1-Mapping your Messages.mp4
5 Writing High-Converting Messages
- 1-Writing High-Converting Ad Copy.mp4
- 2-Value Proposition Rehab.mp4
- 3-Long Copy vs Short Copy.mp4
- 4-When You_re Ready to Write - Do This First.mp4
- 5-Step One- Reference your Funnel Map and Pick a Place to Start.mp4
- 6-Step Two- Write Down your Value Prop Variations.mp4
- 7-Step Three - Write your Headline Variations.mp4
- 8-Step Four - Write your Body Copy.mp4
- Copy worksheet (1).docx
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.31.05 PM (1).png
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.52.34 PM (1).png
6 Images and Videos
- 1-Images and Videos.mp4
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.36.35 PM (1).png
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.41.01 PM (1).png
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.42.23 PM (1).png
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.44.24 PM (1).png
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.45.58 PM (1).png
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.55.45 PM (1).png
7 Landing Pages that Convert
- 1-Landing Pages that Convert.mp4
- Screen Shot 2019-03-09 at 8.00.53 PM (1).png
8 Testing and How to Know if your Ads are
- 1-Testing and How to Know if your Ads are -Working-.mp4
- 2-How to Troubleshoot a Campaign.mp4
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.38.44 PM (1).png
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.48.46 PM (1).png
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.50.45 PM (1).png
9 Red Flags
- 1-How to Spot and Avoid Red Flag Situations.mp4
- Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 6.47.40 PM (1).png
- 10x Facebook Ads Course-Workbook_2.pdf
- How to Write Facebook Ad Compliant Copy in Difficult Verticals_2.mp4
- Step Four - Write your Body Copy.mp4
- Step One- Reference your Funnel Map and Pick a Place to Start.mp4
- Step Three- Write your Headline Variations.mp4
- Step Two- Write Down your Value Prop Variations.mp4
10x Landing Pages 2.0
- 10x Landing Pages Office Hours 1 of 2.pdf
- 10x Landing Pages Office Hours 2 of 2.pdf
- 4411 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_137209.jpg
- Clinic 1- Tuesday, Oct 11 at 9am Pacific - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Clinic 2- Tuesday, Oct 25 at 9am Pacific - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Copywriting Clinic 1 - One Reader and One Offer.pdf
- Copywriting Clinic 2 - One Big Idea and One Promise.pdf
- How to use this course to write more landing pages that perform better.mp4
MODULE 1 Starting Your Process
- 1-How to use Module 1.mp4
- 2-The conversion copywriting approach and process.mp4
- 3-Before You Write - Think like a successful copywriter.mp4
- 4-Conversion Copy - Move the prospect to act.mp4
- 5 Stages of Awareness - 10XLP.pdf
- 5-Barriers to Conversion - Fight back with copy.mp4
- 6-Stages of Awareness - Understand prospect mindsets.mp4
- 7 Maxims for Successful Converting Copy - 10XLP.pdf
- 7-Rule of One - Engineer consistently great copy.mp4
- 8 Factors that Influence Intent - 10XLP.pdf
- 8-One Reader - Write for your ideal prospect.mp4
- 9-One Big Idea - Find your most powerful benefit.mp4
- 10-One Promise - Amplify your guarantee Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 11-One Promise - Amplify your guarantee Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 12-One Offer - Match your offer to your reader.mp4
- 13-The AI Spectrum - Identify awareness and influence intent.mp4
- 14-Where Does It Hurt- - Identify and kill prospect pain.mp4
- 4412 - _Conversion Copy - Move the prospect to act_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025101.jpg
- 4413 - _Barriers to Conversion - Fight back with copy_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025102.jpg
- 4414 - _Stages of Awareness - Understand prospect mindsets_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025103.jpg
- 4415 - _Rule of One - Engineer consistently great copy_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025104.jpg
- 4416 - _One Reader - Write for your ideal prospect_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025105.jpg
- 4417 - _One Big Idea - Find your most powerful benefit_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025106.jpg
- 4418 - _One Promise - Amplify your guarantee Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025107.jpg
- 4419 - _One Offer - Match your offer to your reader_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025108.jpg
- 4420 - _The AI Spectrum - Identify awareness and influence intent_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025109.jpg
- 4421 - _Where Does It Hurt_ - Identify and kill prospect pain_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025110.jpg
- Elements of Conversion Copywriting - 10XLP.pdf
- Rule of One - 10XLP.pdf
- The conversion copywriting approach and process.pdf
MODULE 2 Finding Your Message
- 1-How to use Module 2.mp4
- 2-Where Do I Start- - Ask the right questions.mp4
- 3-Surveys - What to say (and how to say it) to find deeper reasons.mp4
- 4-On-site Polls - Learn what works and what doesn_t on your page.mp4
- 5-Review Mining - Listen to what your prospects are saying.mp4
- - Optimize pages by watching people use them.mp4
- 7-Interviews - Explore deep motivators with first hand emotion.mp4
- 8-Bonus- Letter-writing exercise, part 1.mp4
- 9-Bonus- Letter-writing exercise, part 2.mp4
- 4422 - _Where Do I Start_ - Ask the right questions_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025153_questions_1.jpg
- 4423 - _Surveys - What to say (and how to say it) to find deeper reasons_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025154_questions_1.jpg
- 4424 - _On-site Polls - Learn what works and what doesn_t on your page_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025155_questions_1.jpg
- 4425 - _Review Mining - Listen to what your prospects are saying_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025156_questions_1.jpg
- 4426 - _Usertesting_com - Optimize pages by watching people use them_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025157_questions_1.jpg
- 4427 - _Interviews - Explore deep motivators with first hand emotion_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025158_questions_1.jpg
- 4428 - _Bonus_ Letter-writing exercise, part 1_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2337203_questions_1.jpg
- 4429 - _Bonus_ Letter-writing exercise, part 2_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2337205_questions_1.jpg
- Competitor Review Mining Worksheet - 10XLP.pdf
- Interview Talking Points - 10XLP.pdf
- Pre-interview Checklist - 10XLP.pdf
- Survey Goals Cheatsheet - 10XLP.pdf
- Survey Questions Worksheet - 10XLP.pdf
- The Copy Link_ What to say and how to say it.xlsx
MODULE 3 Laying Out Your Page
- 1-How to use Module 3.mp4
- 2-Spit Drafts - Start with your _what_ messages.mp4
- 3-What vs How - Separate strategy from execution.mp4
- 4-AIDA Framework - Attention, Interest, Desire, Action Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 5-AIDA Framework - Attention, Interest, Desire, Action Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 6-PAS Framework - Problem, Agitation, Solution Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 7-PAS Framework - Problem, Agitation, Solution Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 8-10_90 - Divide your page to connect and convince.mp4
- 9-Top 10_ - Match your prospects expectations Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 10-Top 10_ - Match your prospects expectations Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 11-The Low-Hanging Hook - Awareness and the top of your page.mp4
- 12-Bottom 90_ - Exceed your prospects expectations.mp4
- 13-Hero Section - Lead with what_s right, not what_s fashionable Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 14-Hero Section - Lead with what_s right, not what_s fashionable Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 15-Decision Management - Limit options to boost confidence.mp4
- 16-Attention Management - Get visitors to focus on your goal.mp4
- 4431 - _Spit Drafts - Start with your _what_ messages_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025135.jpg
- 4432 - _What vs How - Separate strategy from execution_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025136.jpg
- 4433 - _AIDA Framework - Attention, Interest, Desire, Action Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025137.jpg
- 4434 - _PAS Framework - Problem, Agitation, Solution Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025138.jpg
- 4435 - _10_90 - Divide your page to connect and convince_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025139.jpg
- 4436 - _Top 10_ - Match your prospects expectations Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025140.jpg
- 4437 - _The Low-Hanging Hook - Awareness and the top of your page_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025141.jpg
- 4438 - _Bottom 90_ - Exceed your prospects expectations_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025142.jpg
- 4439 - _Hero Section - Lead with what_s right, not what_s fashionable Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures.jpg
- 4440 - _Decision Management - Limit options to boost confidence_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025144.jpg
- 4441 - _Attention Management - Get visitors to focus on your goal_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025145_questions_1.jpg
- AIDA Framework Worksheet - 10XLP.pdf
- Beliefs-focused hook worksheet.pdf
- PAS Framework Worksheet - 10XLP.pdf
- Stages of awareness - Hooks.pdf
MODULE 4 Writing and Editing In the Awesome
#4443 - _What_s In It for Me_ - Turn features into tangible benefits Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_20.jpg
#4444 - _Mind-Reader Shortcuts - A grab-bag of ways to join the convo and keep it alive_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025115#_q.jpg
#4445 - __So What__ and _Prove It_ - Because people don_t believe you_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025116#_questions_1.jpg
#4447 - _Headlines and Buttons - Make them work together Over-the-Shoulder T__ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025118#_questions_1.jpg
#4448 - _Crossheads - Introduce the why of a section, not the what Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_13720.jpg
#4449 - _Bullet Lists and Mega Lists - Use lists to inspire visitors I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025120#_quest.jpg
#4450 - _Beyond Bullets - How to create fascinations that keep your One Reader reading I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectu.jpg
#4451 - _Pricing Tables - Increase conversions with comparison I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025122#_questions_1.jpg
#4452 - _The Close - Lower the risk of taking your One Offer I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025123#_questions_1.jpg
#4453 - _Videos - Use the right thumbnails to boost plays I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025124#_questions_1.jpg
#4454 - _Intros _ Conclusions - Cut out the fluff and get to the point Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_1.jpg
#4455 - _Clarity - Edit to make targets pay attention, not think harder Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses.jpg
#4456 - _Specificity - Use real numbers to persuade targets Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyha.jpg
#4457 - _Stickiness - Play with language intentionally Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers.jpg
#4458 - _Social Proof - Who_s the right person to deliver the message_ I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025129#_que.jpg
#4459 - _Copywriting Trick - The 7 Deadly Sins Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_cou.jpg
#4460 - _Copywriting Trick - _Blank for your blank_ Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025.jpg
#4461 - _Quick Consumption - Really simple, really effective ways to make your copy read better I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137.jpg
- 1-How to use Module 4.mp4
- 2-Two Simple Steps - Brief yourself, and do quick tests.mp4
- 3-What_s In It for Me- - Turn features into tangible benefits Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 4-What_s In It for Me- - Turn features into tangible benefits Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial.mp4
- 5-Mind-Reader Shortcuts - A grab-bag of ways to join the convo and keep it alive.mp4
- 6--So What-- and -Prove It- - Because people don_t believe you.mp4
- 7 Deadly Sins Exercise - 10XLP.pdf
- 7-Personality, Voice and Tone - Connect with your targets.mp4
- 8 Ways to Get Customers To Say -Yes- - 10XLP.pdf
- 9 Points About Headlines _ Buttons - 10XLP.pdf
- 9-Headlines and Buttons - Make them work together - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 10-Headlines and Buttons - Make them work together - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 10x Landing Pages - Mind Reader Shortcuts.pdf
- 10x Landing Pages Brief.pdf
- 11-Headlines and Buttons - Make them work together - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 12-Crossheads - Introduce the why of a section, not the what Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial - Copy Hackers_(new).mp4
- 13-Crossheads - Introduce the why of a section, not the what Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 14-Bullet Lists and Mega Lists - Use lists to inspire visitors - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 15-Beyond Bullets - How to create fascinations that keep your One Reader reading - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 16-Pricing Tables - Increase conversions with comparison - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 17-The Close - Lower the risk of taking your One Offer - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 18-Videos - Use the right thumbnails to boost plays - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 19-Intros _ Conclusions - Cut out the fluff and get to the point Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial - Copy Hackers_(new).mp4
- 20-Intros _ Conclusions - Cut out the fluff and get to the point Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 21-Clarity - Edit to make targets pay attention, not think harder Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 22-Clarity - Edit to make targets pay attention, not think harder Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 23-Specificity - Use real numbers to persuade targets Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 24-Specificity - Use real numbers to persuade targets Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 25-Specificity - Use real numbers to persuade targets Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 26-Stickiness - Play with language intentionally Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 27-Stickiness - Play with language intentionally Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 28-Stickiness - Play with language intentionally Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 30-Copywriting Trick - The 7 Deadly Sins Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 30-Copywriting Trick - The 7 Deadly Sins Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 - Copy Hackers_(new).mp4
- 31-Copywriting Trick - The 7 Deadly Sins Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 32-Copywriting Trick - The 7 Deadly Sins Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 1Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial 2 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 33-Copywriting Trick - -Blank for your blank- Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 34-Copywriting Trick - -Blank for your blank- Over-the-Shoulder Tutorial - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 35-Quick Consumption - Really simple, really effective ways to make your copy read better - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 4442 - _Two Simple Steps - Brief yourself, and do quick tests_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025113_questions_1.jpg
- 4446 - _Personality, Voice and Tone - Connect with your targets_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025117_questions_1.jpg
- Beyond Bullets - How to use fascinations.pdf
- How to make your copy more readable.pdf
- Mind-reader shortcuts.pdf
- The Copy Link_ Personality revision exercise.xlsx
- Two simple steps.pdf
- What_s in it for me- Worksheet - 10XLP.pdf
- Writing with Personality Exercise - 10XLP.pdf
- 5 Stages of Awareness - 10XLP.pdf
- 7 Deadly Sins Exercise - 10XLP.pdf
- 7 Maxims for Successful Converting Copy - 10XLP.pdf
- 8 Factors that Influence Intent - 10XLP.pdf
- 8 Ways to Get Customers To Say _Yes_ - 10XLP.pdf
- 9 Points About Headlines _ Buttons - 10XLP.pdf
- 10x Landing Pages - Mind Reader Shortcuts.pdf
- 10x Landing Pages Brief.pdf
- 4462 - _Tools and tech to write 10x landing pages I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_137209_lectures_2025149_questions_1.pdf
- AIDA Framework Worksheet - 10XLP.pdf
- Beliefs-focused hook worksheet.pdf
- Beyond Bullets - How to use fascinations.pdf
- Competitor Review Mining Worksheet - 10XLP.pdf
- Elements of Conversion Copywriting - 10XLP.pdf
- How to make your copy more readable.pdf
- How to write 10x landing pages with 10x Landing Pages - USE THIS.pdf
- Interview Talking Points - 10XLP.pdf
- Mind-reader shortcuts.pdf
- PAS Framework Worksheet - 10XLP.pdf
- Pre-interview Checklist - 10XLP.pdf
- Rule of One - 10XLP.pdf
- Stages of awareness - Hooks.pdf
- Survey Goals Cheatsheet - 10XLP.pdf
- Survey Questions Worksheet - 10XLP.pdf
- The conversion copywriting approach and process.pdf
- Two simple steps.pdf
- What_s in it for me- Worksheet - 10XLP.pdf
- Writing with Personality Exercise - 10XLP.pdf
- Session 1- Lead magnets - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Session 2- Long-form sales pages - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
10x Launches
- 1-Welcome to 10x Launches - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-What_s Inside - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-How to Get the Most ROI - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-Part Webinar Show-Up Sequence.docx
- 3-Part Webinar Show-Up Sequence.pdf
- 10xLaunches-BonusThemeplate-ThePiglet.pdf
- 10xLaunches-BonusThemeplate2-CaptainObvious.pdf
- 10x Launches - MVF Slides.pdf
- 10x Launches - Office Hours 1.pdf
- 10x Launches - Office Hours 2.pdf
- 4503 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_151902.jpg
- Advanced Story Alchemy w_ Kylie Slavik - Copy Hackers Training(1).mp4
- Advanced Story Alchemy w_ Kylie Slavik - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Bonus 1 - Launch Method Reviews The Minimum Viable Funnel - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Bonus 2 - Contextology _ -The One Off Wonder- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Bonus 2 - Contextology _ -The One Off Wonder- - Copy Hackers Training_2.mp4
- Bonus 3 - The 3-Part Webinar -Show Up- Sequence - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Bonus 3 - The 3-Part Webinar -Show Up- Sequence - Copy Hackers Training_2.mp4
- Bonus 3 - The 3-Part Webinar -Show Up- Sequence - Copy Hackers Training_3.mp4
- Bonus 3 - The 3-Part Webinar -Show Up- Sequence - Copy Hackers Training_4.mp4
- How to Create, Launch, and Deliver a 5 Figure Productized Copywriting Service w_ Prerna Malik - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
Module 1 The _Coaching The Conversion_ Method
- 1-Module Overview - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-Introduction to the Coaching The Conversion Method - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-The 4 Foundations of Coaching The Conversion - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-The Art of Sequencing - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 6-Direct Response 2.0 - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 7-The 5Cs of a Successful Conversion Coach - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 55 Core Subsequences of Every Launch - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Coaching The Conversion Process Map.pdf
Module 2 The 3D, Ever-Evolving Avatar
- 1-Welcome - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-7 Milestones of the Buyer’s Journey - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-7 Milestones of the Buyer’s Journey - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-The 3D Avatar - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 5-The 3D Avatar - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 6-The 3D Avatar - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 7-47 Golden Questions Walkthrough - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 8-Anatomy of a Buyer - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 47 Golden Questions Workbook.pdf
- The 3D Avatar Workbook.pdf
- The 6th Level of Awareness Worksheet.pdf
Module 3 Segmentation and Confirmation
- 1-Welcome - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-Segmentation and Confirmation - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-Workbook Walkthrough - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-TEMPLATE 1- The Exclusively Empowered Callout - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 5-TEMPLATE 2- The Bieber - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 6-TEMPLATE 3- The Way Too Early Ultimatum - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 7-TEMPLATE 4- The WTSAY Confirmation - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 8-TEMPLATE 5- The WTSAY Confirmation Version B - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Workbook Themeplate Pack 3.pdf
Module 4 Pre Launch
- 1-Pre Launch - Main Lesson - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-Workbook Walkthrough - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-TEMPLATE 6- Slaughterhouse V - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-TEMPLATE 7- Slaughterhouse IV - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Module 4 - Workbook Themeplate Pack.pdf
Module 5 Launch
- 1-Launch - Main Lesson - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-Workbook Walkthrough - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-TEMPLATE 8- The Calm Before - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-TEMPLATE 9- The Anti-Launch Launch - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 5-TEMPLATE 10- The Aladdin - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Workbook Themeplate Pack 5.pdf
Module 6 Sales
- 1-Sales - Main Lesson - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-Workbook Walkthrough - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-TEMPLATE 11- The Upgraded FAQ - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-TEMPLATE 12- The Curious Case - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 5-TEMPLATE 13- The Point of No Return - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 6-TEMPLATE 14- The Blind Eye - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Workbook Themeplate Pack 6.pdf
Module 7 Closing
- 1-Closing - Main Lesson - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-Workbook Walkthrough - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-TEMPLATE 15- The Perfect For You If - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-TEMPLATE 16- The 7-Digit Doubt Destroyer - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 5-TEMPLATE 17- The Psycho Cybernetic - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 6-TEMPLATE 18- The Danny Tanner - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 7-TEMPLATE 19- The Co-Creative Close - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Workbook Themeplate Pack 7.pdf
- PDF-Contextology.pdf
- Session 1 - Bonus Themeplate- -The Piglet- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- Session 2 - Bonus Themeplate- The -Captain Obvious- Close - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- The Future of Funnels _ How to be Fiercely Authentic w_ Scott Oldford - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- The Role of Storytelling in the Conversion Process w_ George Huang - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
10x Sales Pages
1-TRACK 1 Laying a foundation that can bear the weight of long copy
#4504 - _1_ Begin with the Rule of One (there is never an exception to this starting step) I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_l.jpg
#4505 - _2_ Your One Reader, or what you_re really selling I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4572559.jpg
#4506 - _3_ Define your One Reader, aka the foundation of the highest-converting sales pages I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260.jpg
#4507 - _4_ We interrupt the Rule of One to start our research I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4572565.jpg
#4508 - _5_ What exactly is _voice of customer_ research and why is it, like, THE thing__ I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_le.jpg
#4509 - _6_ Combine a recorder app with a transcription service for mega copy awesomeness I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_le.jpg
#4510 - _7_ Don_t research like a researcher - you_re researching to write better copy! I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lect.jpg
#4511 - _8_ Boost your One Offer with this deep-dive on the most unexpected of the offer-optimization levers I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_co.jpg
#4512 - _9_ And now the moment you_ve been dreading_ Your One Big Idea I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4572558.jpg
#4513 - _10_ If you_re struggling to pinpoint your One Big Idea, try this I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4246419.jpg
#4514 - _11_ Finish out your Rule of One with this_ Your One Promise I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4572560.jpg
- 1. Begin with the Rule of One (there is never an exception to this starting step) - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 2. Your One Reader, or what you_re really selling - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 3. Define your One Reader, aka the foundation of the highest-converting sales pages - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 4. We interrupt the Rule of One to start our research - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 5. What exactly is -voice of customer- research and why is it, like, THE thing-- - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 6. Combine a recorder app with a transcription service for mega copy awesomeness - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 7. Don_t research like a researcher - you_re researching to write better copy! - Copy Hackers.TS
8. Boost your One Offer with this deep-dive on the most unexpected of the offer-optimization levers - Copy Hackers_check.mp4
- 9. And now the moment you_ve been dreading- Your One Big Idea - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 10. If you_re struggling to pinpoint your One Big Idea, try this - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 10X SALES PAGES - A guide to research.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - A guide to research_2.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - Awareness meets sophistication.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - One Big Idea.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - One Big Idea_2.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - One Offer.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - One Promise.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - Where to do your research.pdf
- 11. Finish out your Rule of One with this- Your One Promise - Copy Hackers.mp4
2-TRACK 1 When it_s time to put words on the page
#4516 - _12_ Start filling your page with the PAS-on-Steroids framework (i_e_, what you should always default to) I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhacke.jpg
#4517 - _13_ Take a page from the Glee Club school of long copywriting I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4246411.jpg
#4518 - _14_ Where to start when you actually start putting words on the page I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_42464.jpg
#4521 - _17_ Go back up to the top of the page and find your hook using this lesson I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures.jpg
- 10X SALES PAGES - 6 Hooks or Genres.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - The Value Prism.pdf
- 12. Start filling your page with the PAS-on-Steroids framework (i.e., what you should always default to) - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 13. Take a page from the Glee Club school of long copywriting - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 14. Where to start when you actually start putting words on the page - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 15. Optimize your -Why- section with this - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 16. What about your buttons- - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 17. Go back up to the top of the page and find your hook using this lesson - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 4519 - _15_ Optimize your _Why_ section with this I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4246421.jpg
- 4520 - _16_ What about your buttons_ I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4267598.jpg
3-TRACK 1 Over-the-shoulder tutorials. because you_re ready to own your first draft
#4522 - _How to work your way through these tutorials I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4267476.pdf
#4523 - _i_ Starting your long-form sales page, draft 1 I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4267477.pdf
#4524 - _ii_ Finding voice-of-customer data using online research, like review mining I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectur.pdf
#4525 - _iii_ Finding voice-of-customer data using surveys I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4267487.pdf
#4526 - _iv_ How to tag your research (with a bonus_ finding your Big Idea) I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4267500.pdf
#4527 - _v_ Organizing your research on the page I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4267605.pdf
#4528 - _vi_ Starting at Introducing I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4267606.pdf
#4529 - _vii_ Continuing with Introducing I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4601815.pdf
#4530 - _viii_ Completing the Introducing section (and moving on!) I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4601817.pdf
#4531 - _ix_ Moving on to the Why section I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4601818.pdf
#4534 - _xii_ Revising the Rule of One for the One Big Idea I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4601824.pdf
#4536 - _xiv_ Merging it all into one long-form sales page I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4601826.pdf
#4537 - _xv_ Cleaning up your first draft I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4601856.pdf
#4538 - _xvi_ Finishing Draft One I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4601858.pdf
- 4532 - _x_ Writing Try I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4601821.pdf
- 4533 - _xi_ Writing Buy I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4601822.pdf
- 4535 - _xiii_ Writing PAS I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4601825.pdf
- How to work your way through these tutorials - Copy Hackers.mp4
- i. Starting your long-form sales page, draft 1 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- ii. Finding voice-of-customer data using online research, like review mining - Copy Hackers.mp4
- iii. Finding voice-of-customer data using surveys - Copy Hackers.mp4
- iv. How to tag your research (with a bonus- finding your Big Idea) - Copy Hackers.mp4
- ix. Moving on to the Why section - Copy Hackers.mp4
- v. Organizing your research on the page - Copy Hackers.mp4
- vi. Starting at Introducing - Copy Hackers.mp4
- vii. Continuing with Introducing - Copy Hackers.mp4
- viii. Completing the Introducing section (and moving on!) - Copy Hackers.TS
- x. Writing Try - Copy Hackers.mp4
- xi. Writing Buy - Copy Hackers.mp4
- xii. Revising the Rule of One for the One Big Idea - Copy Hackers.mp4
- xiii. Writing PAS - Copy Hackers.mp4
- xiv. Merging it all into one long-form sales page - Copy Hackers.mp4
- xv. Cleaning up your first draft - Copy Hackers.mp4
- xvi. Finishing Draft One - Copy Hackers.mp4
4-TRACK 1 A few useful notes on editing in the awesome
#4539 - _18_ Never delete anything! You_ll use your discards off the page I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4246414.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - Phrases to strengthen your argument.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - The Greek Sweep.pdf
- 18. Never delete anything! You_ll use your discards off the page - Copy Hackers.TS
- 19. Strengthen your argument with words like these - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 20. Finish with the Greek Sweep - Copy Hackers.mp4
4540 - _19_ Strengthen your argument with words like these I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4522148.jpg
- 4541 - _20_ Finish with the Greek Sweep I Copy Hackers_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_268260_lectures_4246415.jpg
5-TRACK 1 All the worksheets and other downloadables
- 10X SALES PAGES - 6 Hooks or Genres.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - A guide to research.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - Awareness meets sophistication.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - One Big Idea.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - One Offer.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - One Promise.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - Phrases to strengthen your argument.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - The Greek Sweep.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - The Value Prism.pdf
- 10X SALES PAGES - Where to do your research.pdf
- Freelancer course sales page - part 1.psd
- Freelancer course sales page - part 2.psd
6-TRACK 2 The 15 Point Sales Page in a Day Method [START HERE]
- 0.1.pdf
- 1-About Track 2 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 2-How this track is structured - Copy Hackers.mp4
7-TRACK 2 Module 1 - Coaching The Conversion (The Sales Page Edition)
- 1-Coaching The Conversion (on your sales page) - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 2-The 15 Point Sales Page in a Day Themeplate - Copy Hackers.mp4
- The 15 point overview.pdf
- The 15-Point SPIAD Themeplate.pdf
8-TRACK 2 Module 2 - Coach-Mining _ The Launch Bible
- 1-Welcome to Module 2 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 2-67 Golden Questions to Fuel Your Funnel - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 2.1.pdf
- 2.2-67 questions WT.pdf
- 2.2-67-Golden-Questions-final.compressed.pdf
- 2.2-Advanced-Empathy-Exercises-Supplement-final.compressed.pdf
- 2.3 - MOHT - WT.pdf
- 2.4-PerfectTestimonial-WT.pdf
- 2.5-MicStand-WT.pdf
- 2.6-champagneclink-WT.pdf
- 2.7-millionbet-WT.pdf
- 2.8 - enrollment extractor.pdf
- 2.8-Coach-Mining-Workbook-final-compressed.pdf
- 2.9-The-Launch-Bible-final.compressed.pdf
- 2.9-launch bible wt.pdf
- 3-Advanced Exercise - Moment of Highest Tension - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 4-Advanced Exercise - The Perfect Testimonial - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 5-Advanced Exercise - The Mic Stand Moment - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 6-Advanced Exercise - The Champagne Clink - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 7-Advanced Exercise - The Million Dollar Bet - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 8-Coach-Mining _ The Enrollment Extractor Workbook - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 9-The Launch Bible - Copy Hackers.mp4
9-TRACK 2 Module 3 - Establishing The Gap
- 1-Welcome to Module 3 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 2-Section 1 - The Pre Headline Qualifier - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 3-Section 2 - The Question Loop Headline - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 3.0-Workbook-and-Example-Pack-final-compressed.pdf
- 3.0.pdf
- 3.1.pdf
- 3.2.pdf
- 3.3.pdf
- 3.4 - MOHT - Example Walkthrough 1.pdf
- 3.4 - MOHT - Example Walkthrough 2 - Amy.pdf
- 3.4.pdf
- 3.5 - MOHP Example Walkthrough.pdf
- 3.5.pdf
- 4-Section 3 - The Lead - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 5-Section 4 - The Moment of Highest Tension - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 6-Section 4 - The Moment of Highest Tension - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 7-Section 4 - The Moment of Highest Tension - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 8-Section 5 - The Moment of Highest Pleasure - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 9-Section 5 - The Moment of Highest Pleasure - Copy Hackers.mp4
10-TRACK 2 Module 4 - Exploring The Gap
- 1-Welcome to Module 4 - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 2-Section 6 - Slaughtering Sacred Cows _ Belief Installation - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 3-Section 6 - Slaughtering Sacred Cows _ Belief Installation - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 4-Section 7 - The Blue Ocean Bridge - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 4.0-Workbook-and-Example-Pack-final.compressed.pdf
- 4.0.pdf
- 4.1 - Example walkthrough Amy.pdf
- 4.1.pdf
- 4.2 -Example Walkthrough - Amy.pdf
- 4.2.pdf
- 4.3.pdf
- 4.4.pdf
- 5-Section 7 - The Blue Ocean Bridge - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 6-Section 8 - Solidifying Beliefs Part 1 (Your Bio) - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 7-Section 9 - Solidifying Beliefs Part 2 (Testimonials) - Copy Hackers.mp4
11-TRACK 2 Module 5 - Exiting The Gap
- 5.0-Workbook-and-Example-Pack-final.compressed.pdf
- 5.0.pdf
- 5.1.pdf
- 5.2-product-tour-Example walkthrough.pdf
- 5.2.pdf
- 5.3.pdf
- Section 10 - The Product Reveal - Copy Hackers.mp4
- Section 11 - The Aladdin Product Tour - Copy Hackers.mp4
- Section 11 - The Aladdin Product Tour - Copy Hackers_2.mp4
- Section 12 - The Golden Guarantee - Copy Hackers.mp4
- Welcome to Module 5 - Copy Hackers.mp4
12-TRACK 2 Module 6 - Escaping The Gap
- 2-Section 13 - The Upgraded FAQ Close - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 3-Section 13 - The Upgraded FAQ Close - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 4-Section 14 - The Perfect For You If Close - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 5-Section 14 - The Perfect For You If Close - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 6-Section 15 - The Final Confident Appeal - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 6.0-Workbook-and-Example-Pack-final-compressed.pdf
- 6.0.pdf
- 6.1-upgradedFAQ-example WT.pdf
- 6.1.pdf
- 6.2-pfyi-example-wt.pdf
- 6.2.pdf
- 6.3.pdf
- 6.4.pdf
- 6.5.pdf
- 7-Bonus Close - The Risk Mitigator - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 8-Bonus Close - The MVC _ QVW Close - Copy Hackers.mp4
- Welcome to Module 6 - Copy Hackers.mp4
13-TRACK 2 All the worksheets and other downloadables
- 2.2-67-Golden-Questions-final.compressed.pdf
- 2.2-Advanced-Empathy-Exercises-Supplement-final.compressed.pdf
- 2.8-Coach-Mining-Workbook-final-compressed.pdf
- 2.9-The-Launch-Bible-final.compressed.pdf
- 3.0-Workbook-and-Example-Pack-final-compressed.pdf
- 4.0-Workbook-and-Example-Pack-final.compressed.pdf
- 5.0-Workbook-and-Example-Pack-final.compressed.pdf
- 6.0-Workbook-and-Example-Pack-final-compressed.pdf
- 10x Emails Mastery - An Introduction for New Students.pdf
- LBL 2.0 - Full Page 1 of 2.png
- LBL 2.0 - Full Page 2 of 2.png
- The 15-Point SPIAD Themeplate.pdf
- 4515 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_268260.jpg
- START HERE- How to get the most out of 10x Sales Pages - Copy Hackers.mp4
- 9492 - _Dashboard_.jpg
Copy School 2018
- 1-Watch this lesson first - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 2-Workshop 1- What should you say- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 3-Workshop 2- How should you say it- - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4-Workshop 3- The most profitable 50 minutes in marketing history - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 5-Workshop 1- The 3-step path - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 6-Workshop 2- The 3 myths - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 7-Workshop 3- Live-writing, or the most profitable way to spend your Thursday - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 8-Session 1- Kickoff call and surveying customers (Mar 14, 2018) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 9-Session 2- Landing pages and how to optimize a free offer (Mar 21, 2018) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 10-Session 3- Sales emails and how to use hyper-vivid language (Mar 28, 2018) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 11-Session 4- Engaging SaaS users with voice and tone in your onboarding emails (April 4, 2018) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 12-Session 5- Writing long-form sales pages with the -sacred cow- (April 11, 2018) - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- 4410 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_150676.jpg
- LiveWriting-Emails.mp4.mp4
- LiveWriting-SalesPages.mp4.mp4
- MoneyWords.mp4.mp4
- Office Hours 2018 - Lesson 2 - Optimizing a free offer.pdf
- Office Hours 2018 - Lesson 3 - Strategic Absurdity (Sales Emails).pdf
- Office Hours 2018 - Lesson 4 - Write your SaaS emails with tone.pdf
- Office Hours 2018 - Lesson 5 - Enginnering Core Beleifs.pdf
- Office Hours 2018 kickoff call.pdf
- Session 6- How to creative-direct the design of your long-form sales page (April 25, 2018).mp4
- Session 7- The 3-stage email sequence to re-engage (May 2, 2018).mp4
- Session 8- The wrap-up session, complete with training on optimizing your guarantee (May 9, 2018).mp4
- The How to Say It Worksheet_ For Email.pdf
- The What to Say Worksheet.pdf
- Workshop 3 Template - PERFECT IF.pdf
- Office Hours 2018 - Lesson 8 - The Golden Guarantee.pdf
- 1-TEMPLATE 1- The User Agreement.mp4
- 7FE 1 - The User Agreement.pdf
- 7FE 2 - The Simon Cowell Qualifier Slides.pdf
- 7FE3 - The _And Justice For All_.pdf
- 7FE4 - The _Non-Problem Problem_.pdf
- 7FE5 - The Fab 5, The Traffic Light, No Ghost._2.pdf
- 7FE5 - The Fab 5, The Traffic Light, No Ghost.pdf
- 7FE6 - Couple_s Therapy - Deck (1).pdf
- 7FE6 - Couple_s Therapy - Deck (1)_2.pdf
- 7FEChat.txt
- SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 2 - The Simon Cowell Qualifier.pdf
- SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 3 - The _And Justice for All_.docx
- SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 3 - The _And Justice for All_.pdf
- SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 4 - The _Non-Problem Problem_.docx
- SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 4 - The _Non-Problem Problem_.pdf
- SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 5 - The Fab 5 The Traffic Light The No Ghosts Shall PAS.docx
- SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 5 - The Fab 5 The Traffic Light The No Ghosts Shall PAS.pdf
- SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 6 - Couple_s Therapy.docx
- SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 6 - Couple_s Therapy.pdf
- SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 7 - The Sarcastic Sally.pdf
- TEMPLATE 2- The Simon Cowell Qualifier.mp4
- TEMPLATE 3- -And Justice For All-.mp4
- TEMPLATE 4- The Non-Problem Problem.mp4
- TEMPLATE 5- The Fab 5, The Traffic Light, No Ghost Shall PAS (3 Post-Webinar Templates).mp4
- TEMPLATE 6- Couple_s Therapy.mp4
- Template 7- The Sarcastic Sally (Framing your sales emails).mp4
- _SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 1 - The User Agreement.docx
- _SEVEN FIGURE EMAILS 1 - The User Agreement.pdf
- seven figure emails 2 chat.txt
- Seven-Most-Profitable-Words-and-Phrases.pdf
Six Figure Emails
- 4502 - _Copy Hackers Training_ - training_copyhackers_com_courses_enrolled_136317.jpg
- Markets-Search-For-Meaning-Slide-Deck.pdf
- SIX-FIGURE-EMAIL-1-Markets-Search-for-Meaning-Workbook.pdf
- SIX-FIGURE-EMAIL-2-AntiLaunch-Launch.pdf
- SIX-FIGURE-EMAIL-3-Time-Compressor.pdf
- SIX-FIGURE-EMAIL-3-Time-Condenser.pdf
- SIX-FIGURE-EMAIL-4-Spoiler-Alert-Presentation.pdf
- SIX-FIGURE-EMAIL-4-Spoiler-Alert.pdf
- SIX-FIGURE-EMAIL-5-presentation.pdf
- SIX-FIGURE-EMAIL-5-template.pdf
- SIX-FIGURE-EMAIL-6-presentation.pdf
- SIX-FIGURE-EMAIL-6-template.pdf
- TEMPLATE 1- Market_s Search For Meaning - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- TEMPLATE 2- The Anti-Launch Launch - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- TEMPLATE 3- The Time Compressor - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- TEMPLATE 4- The Spoiler Alert - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- TEMPLATE 5- The DMV Downsell - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- TEMPLATE 6- The Anthropomorphic Activator - Copy Hackers Training.mp4
- market-search-for-meaning-slide-deck.pdf
- market-search-for-meaning-workbook.pdf
- the-anthropomorphic-activator-slide-deck.pdf
- the-anthropomorphic-activator-workbook.pdf
- the-antilaunch-launch-slide-deck.pdf
- the-antilaunch-launch-workbook.pdf
- the-dmv-downsell-slide-deck.pdf
- the-dmv-downsell-workbook.pdf
- the-spoiler-alert-slide-deck.pdf
- the-spoiler-alert-workbook.pdf
- the-time-compressor-slide-deck.pdf
- the-time-compressor-workbook.pdf
Special Launch Materials (2019)
- Chat Transcript ROI Room_ Session 1.txt
- GMT20190410-150112_ROI-Rooms-.txt
- GMT20190417-150211_ROI-Rooms-.txt
- GMT20190424-150559_ROI-Rooms-.txt
- GMT20190501-150034_ROI-Rooms-.txt
- GMT20190508-150213_ROI-Rooms-.txt
- GMT20190515-150351_ROI-Rooms- (1).txt
- GMT20190522-150158_ROI-Rooms-.txt
- GMT20190529-150148_ROI-Rooms-.txt
- GMT20190605-150154_ROI-Rooms-.txt
- LiveWriting-Emails.mp4_2.mp4
- LiveWriting-SalesPages.mp4_2.mp4
- MoneyWords.mp4_2.mp4
- ROI Room 9- Emails.mp4
- ROI Room 10 - Live-Chat Playbook [BONUS].docx
- ROI Room 10- Sales Pages.mp4
- ReadMe-IMP.txt
- Seven-Most-Profitable-Words-and-Phrases_2.pdf
- The-15-pt-Sales-Page-Template_2.pdf
- The-Couples-Therapy-Themeplate_2.pdf
- Week 1 - ROI Rooms - April 3.mp4.mp4
- Week 1 - ROI Rooms - April 3.mp4_(new).mp4
- Week 2 - ROI Rooms - April 10.mp4.mp4
- Week 3 - ROI Rooms - April 17.mp4.mp4
- Week 4 - ROI Rooms - April 24.mp4.mp4
- Week 5 - ROI Rooms - May 1.mp4.mp4
- Week 6 - ROI Rooms - May 8.mp4.mp4
- Week 7 - ROI Rooms - May 15.mp4
- Week 8 - ROI Rooms - May 22.mp4
- The-15-pt-Sales-Page-Template.pdf
- The-Couples-Therapy-Themeplate.pdf
CopyHackers – CopySchool 2019
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CopyHackers – CopySchool 2019 Course
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