Bridger Pennington – Investment Fund Secrets

Bridger Pennington – Investment Fund Secrets
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  • lastupdatedate-icon Last Updated Date: 07-13-2021
  • size-icon Course Size: 87.55 GB
$1,997- 95%

Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)

Bridger Pennington - Investment Fund Secrets
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01-Welcome to IFS - We Work For You Now
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02-The Workbook
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03-The Foundation
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04-Step 1 - Find the Deal
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05-Step 2 - Structure the Deal
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06-Step 3 - Raising Capital
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07-Step 4 - Compliance & Regulations
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08-Fund Management
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09-Fund Documents
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10-Excel Templates & Other Resources
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11-Partnerships & Discounts
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12-Fund Accounting
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13-Online Marketing (506c Funds)
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14-Venture Capital
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15-Private Equity & Small Business Acquisitions
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16-Forex & Futures
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17-Real Estate
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18-Hedge Funds
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19-Impact & Legacy
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20-Best Friday Interviews - Q&A's
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21-BONUS - Access To Live House Flip Training Course (12.5 Hours of Real Estate Training)
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01-Welcome to IFS - We Work For You Now
mp4 icon
01-Welcome To The IFS Mastermind.mp4
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02-Important Disclaimer.mp4
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03-How Bridger Started His First Fund At Age 22.mp4
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04-John Penninton Jr Intro.mp4
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05-Sid K Intro.mp4
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06-Aaron Wagner Intro.mp4
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07-Paul Hutchinson Intro.mp4
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08-Adam Campbell Intro.mp4
02-The Workbook
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01-IFS Workbook.pdf
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01-The Investment Fund Workbook.mp4
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02-IFS Book Recommendations.pdf
03-The Foundation
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01-Motivational Fuel from Matt Foley (Chris Farley) .pdf
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01-[Fast forward to 1 minute 30 seconds] Motivational Fuel from Matt Foley (Chris Farley).mp4
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02-Fund Launch Formula.mp4
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03-Fund vs Syndication.mp4
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04-Basic Fund Structure.mp4
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05-How To Structure A Syndication Deal.mp4
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06-Crucial Terminology.mp4
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07-Capital Stack Explained.mp4
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08-Investments 101 - Alternative Assets.mp4
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09-Regulation Timeline.mp4
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10-Fund Launch Formula 2.0 (Step by Step).mp4
04-Step 1 - Find the Deal
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01-Section 1 Intro.mp4
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02-The Strategy - Blue Ocean Red Ocean.mp4
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03-The Strategy Applied - Blue Ocean Fund Creation.mp4
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04-Creating Your Own Blue Ocean - Key to Uncontested Growth.mp4
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05-Paul's Rise To Success - Bring ON The Track Record, Put Yourself In Good Situations.mp4
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06-Stacking Power Players For Hacked Growth, Crisis Avoidance, and Success.mp4
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07-How to Manage Your Time Between Partners and Projects.mp4
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08-Team, Investment Committee & Board of Advisers.mp4
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09-How to Structure an Investment Committee.mp4
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10-Investment Committee Continued - Meritocracy & Incentivizing Employees.mp4
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11-Portfolio Strategy, What Model Should I Pick.mp4
05-Step 2 - Structure the Deal
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01-Section 2 Intro.mp4
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02-Pre-Module Fuel.mp4
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03-Pref, Catch-Up, and Carried Interest.mp4
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04-Fund Expenses.xlsx
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04-Target AUM - Fund Income & Expenses.mp4
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04-Target AUM - Fund Income & Expenses.pdf
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05-GP LP Structure vs. LLC Structure.mp4
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06-Why the GP LP Structure Protects You.mp4
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07-Regulation D Funds 506(b) vs 506(c).mp4
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08-Intro to Todd & Reg A Funds.mp4
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09-Difference between Reg A, Reg A+, Reg D & Reg CF.mp4
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10-Compliance for Reg A+ Fund - Can I raise Debt or Equity in a Reg A.mp4
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11-How much money can I raise through Reg CF or Reg A+ - TIER 1 vs TIER 2.mp4
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12-Other questions about Reg A+.mp4
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13-Testing the Waters & Online Marketing.mp4
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14-Investor Contribution Limits.mp4
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15-Does a Reg A+ scare away family offices or institutional investors.mp4
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16-Investment Structure & Secondary Markets for Reg A+.mp4
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17-How to get in touch with Todd.mp4
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18-Lending Money at 8% and Returning a 15% IRR Part 1.mp4
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19-Lending Money at 8% and Returning a 15% IRR Part 2.mp4
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20-Broad Funds vs Narrow Funds.mp4
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21-American vs European Waterfall.mp4
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22-What Licenses Do I Need to Get Started (Part 1).mp4
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23-Example Of Framing Out A Fund.mp4
pdf icon
23-Example Of Framing Out A Fund.pdf
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23-Fund Checklist.xlsx
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23-Mastermind Fund Frame.xlsx
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24-Pitch Deck Template.pdf
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24-Pitch Deck Template.pptx
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24-Pitch Deck Template Video.mp4
06-Step 3 - Raising Capital
mp4 icon
01-Section 3 Intro.mp4
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02-Lean Into Your Constraints.mp4
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03-The 4 Types of Investors.mp4
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04-Hack to Close around 100% of Investors.mp4
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05-Where are the Wealthy People.mp4
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06-How To Get Into The Room + Networking Hacks.mp4
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07-Mid-Module Fuel.mp4
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08-3-Step Framework for Raising Capital - The Room Test & Breaking the Ice.mp4
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09-3-Step Framework for Raising Capital - Edification.mp4
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10-3-Step Framework for Raising Capital - Pitch Deck Necessities & The Meeting Itself.mp4
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11-Best Way To Go About A Pitch.mp4
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12-Institutional vs High Networth Investors.mp4
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13-$75 Million in 45 Days - Sid's Fund Raising Strategy.mp4
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14-How to Make Someone Never Forget You.mp4
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15-Working Vs. Buying Your Way In.mp4
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16-5-Step Framework To Pitching Family Offices.mp4
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17-Applied - Using the 5-Step Framework.mp4
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18-Hidden Responsibility - What Does it Mean to Be Involved with Family Offices.mp4
07-Step 4 - Compliance & Regulations
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01-Section 4 Intro.mp4
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03-How the SEC Started - Overarching Goals of the SEC.mp4
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04-Who do I Have a Fiduciary Responsibility to.mp4
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05-Who Can I Pay Commission to for Raising Money.mp4
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06-What Licenses Do I Need to Get Started (Part 2).mp4
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07-Can I Partner with Someone Who Has Licenses.mp4
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08-Registered Investment Advisor vs Investment Advisor.mp4
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08-Registered Investment Advisor vs Investment Advisor.pdf
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09-Why You CAN'T Charge Accredited Investors Two Fees At The SEC Level.mp4
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09-Why You CAN'T Charge Accredited Investors Two Fees At The SEC Level.pdf
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10-An Expensive Lesson about Placement Agent Fees.mp4
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11-The Difference Between 3c1 vs 3c7.mp4
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12-Offshore vs Onshore Funds.mp4
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13-ADVANCED - Parallel Funds.mp4
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14-ADVANCED - Fund of Funds.mp4
08-Fund Management
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01-Measuring Fund Performance - The Lie of Averages.mp4
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02-Portfolio Management & Risk Mitigation.mp4
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03-Capital Calls & Distribution.mp4
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04-The Flow of Capital (Setting up Bank Accounts).mp4
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05-Fund Admin Overview.mp4
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06-Fund Admin - Intro to Strata.mp4
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07-Fund Admin - Audits & Administration - When do I need one.mp4
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08-Fund Admin - Who needs one.mp4
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09-Fund Admin Tiers.mp4
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10-Fund Admin - Verifying Investors.mp4
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11-Fund Admin - Software.mp4
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12-What are the Costs.mp4
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13-Fund Admin - Contact Info.pdf
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13-Fund Admin - Contact info.mp4
09-Fund Documents
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01-Legal Questionnaire - DO THIS BEFORE CONTACTING A LAWYER.mp4
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01-PPM Questionnaire.pdf
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02-Private Placement Memorandum - Examples Download.mp4
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02-Private Placement Memorandum - Examples Download.pdf
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02-Real Estate PPM.pdf
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02-SPV Fund PPM doc.docx
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02-SPV Fund PPM pdf.pdf
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02-VC Fund PPM doc.docx
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02-VC Fund PPM pdf.pdf
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03-Limited Partnership Agreement - Examples Download.pdf
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03-RE Fund LPA.pdf
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03-VC Fund LPA doc.docx
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03-VC Fund LPA pdf.pdf
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04-Operating Agreement For LLC doc.docx
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04-Operating Agreement For LLC pdf.pdf
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04-Operating Agreements For LLC Examples.mp4
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04-Operating Agreements For LLC Examples.pdf
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05-Sub Docs doc.docx
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05-Sub Docs pdf.pdf
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05-Subscription Documents Example.mp4
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05-Subscription Documents Example.pdf
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06-LLC Fund Construct - Examples Download.pdf
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06-LLC Fund LPA doc.docx
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06-LLC Fund LPA pdf.pdf
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06-LLC Fund PPM doc.docx
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06-LLC Fund Questionnaire doc.docx
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06-LLC Fund Questionnaire pdf.pdf
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06-LLC Fund Subscription Docs doc.docx
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06-LLC Fund Subscription Docs pdf.pdf
10-Excel Templates & Other Resources
mp4 icon
01-Basic Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model.mp4
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02-Advanced Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model.mp4
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02-Advanced Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model.pdf
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02-DCF Example Dec 2019.xlsx
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03-Cap Table and Exit Waterfall Template.xlsx
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03-Cap Tables - Option Pools, Convertible Notes, & Share Dilution.mp4
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03-Cap Tables - Option Pools, Convertible Notes, & Share Dilution.pdf
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04-Advanced Private Equity Excel Model.mp4
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04-Advanced Private Equity Excel Model.pdf
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04-Complete Private Equity Model.xlsx
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05-Share Distribution & Re-balancing Template.mp4
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05-Share Distribution & Re-balancing Template.pdf
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05-Share Distribution Template 2020.xlsx
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06-Pitch Deck Template.pdf
pptx icon
06-Pitch Deck Template.pptx
mp4 icon
06-Pitch Deck Template Video.mp4
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07-Example Of Opportunity Zone Pitch Deck.mp4
pptx icon
07-Pitch Deck Investment Fund Secrets.pptx
11-Partnerships & Discounts
mp4 icon
01-Real Estate Excel Model 20% Discount.mp4
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01-Real Estate Excel Model 20% Discount.pdf
mp4 icon
02-Fund Admin - 10% Discount @ Strata.mp4
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02-Fund Admin - 10% Discount @ Strata.pdf
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03-Pitch Deck - 10% Discount @ Sketchdeck.mp4
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03-Pitch Deck - 10% Discount @ Sketchdeck.pdf
mp4 icon
04-506(c) Fund Syndication Software - 10% Discount @ eVest Technologies.mp4
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04-506(c) Fund Syndication Software - 10% Discount @ eVest Technologies.pdf
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05-FINRA Licensing - 10% Discount @ Kaplan.pdf
12-Fund Accounting
mp4 icon
01-Fund Accounting - 4-Step Framework.mp4
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02-In-House Accounting vs 3rd Party Accounting.mp4
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03-What If You Don't Call All the Capital.mp4
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04-Financial Statement (Balance Sheet).mp4
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05-Financial Statements (Statement of Operations).mp4
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06-Financial Statements (Partner Capital).mp4
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07-Financial Statements (Cashflows).mp4
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08-Financial Statements (Schedule of Investments).mp4
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09-Why You Need to Know Fund Accounting (and Then You Can Hire).mp4
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10-Capital Calls & Distribution.mp4
13-Online Marketing (506c Funds)
mp4 icon
01-Intro to Online Marketing.mp4
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02-Mental Triggers & Marketing Psychology.mp4
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03-Basic Marketing.mp4
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03-Basic Marketing.pdf
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04-Advanced Marketing - Funnel Strategy.mp4
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05-Advanced Marketing - Optimization.mp4
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07-Should I Hire Someone To Do This For Me.mp4
14-Venture Capital
mp4 icon
01-Venture Capital Overview.mp4
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02-Venture Capital Deals & Terms.mp4
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03-Venture Capital Strategy Examples.mp4
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04-Sid's Rise in the Venture Capital World.mp4
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05-What Makes A Perfect Deal.mp4
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06-Leveraging Your Fund & Equity Investments.mp4
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07-Full Stack VC Format.mp4
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08-Do You Ask For Money - If so, How Much.mp4
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09-Raising VC Funds with Institutional Investors.mp4
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10-How to Get Your Portfolio Founders to Love You.mp4
15-Private Equity & Small Business Acquisitions
mp4 icon
01-Private Equity Overview.mp4
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02-PE Strategies & Examples.mp4
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03-The 3 Types of Leverage.mp4
mp4 icon
04-Finding Deals & Managing Deal Flow.mp4
pdf icon
04-Finding Deals & Managing Deal Flow.pdf
docx icon
05-Cann License LOI Template.docx
mp4 icon
05-Making an Offer - LOI's & NDA's.mp4
mp4 icon
06-Due Diligence.mp4
mp4 icon
07-Financing & Deal Closing.mp4
mp4 icon
16-Forex & Futures
png icon
00-Important Updates.png
mp4 icon
01-Terry's Origin Story.mp4
mp4 icon
02-Why Forex.mp4
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03-Forex Leverage w Lot Sizes.mp4
mp4 icon
mp4 icon
05-How You Make & Lose Money In Forex.mp4
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06-Who Loses Money When You Win (Zero-Sum).mp4
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07-Does More Leverage = More Risk + Scaling For Beginners.mp4
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08-International Accounts.mp4
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09-#1 Commandment of Forex.mp4
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10-Terry Trading LIVE.mp4
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11-The Power of an Auto-Trader.mp4
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12-When To Get Out Of A Trade.mp4
mp4 icon
13-Secret Sauce - Combining Micro & Macro.mp4
mp4 icon
14-Where To Learn More.mp4
pdf icon
14-Where To Learn More.pdf
17-Real Estate
mp4 icon
01-Intro to Real Estate Module.mp4
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02-Real Estate Oceans.mp4
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03-Real Estate Markets.mp4
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04-Real Estate Approaches.mp4
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05-Real Estate Teams.mp4
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06-Real Estate 3(c)(5) Exemption.mp4
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07-REIT vs Real Estate Funds.mp4
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08-Real Estate Excel Model.mp4
pdf icon
08-Real Estate Excel Model.pdf
18-Hedge Funds
mp4 icon
01-Intro to Hedge Fund Module.mp4
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02-Hedge Fund Strategies.mp4
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03-Hedge Fund Structure.mp4
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04-Hedge Funds Overview & Increasing Exposure.mp4
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05-Licences, Loopholes & Ponzi Schemes.mp4
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05-Licences, Loopholes & Ponzi Schemes.pdf
mp4 icon
06-Why Hedge Funds are Different.mp4
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07-Why Hedge Funds Fail - A Lesson from the Past.mp4
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08-Hedge Funds Incubator Concept.mp4
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09-Hedge Fund Lawyer Interview.mp4
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09-Hedge Fund Lawyer Interview.pdf
19-Impact & Legacy
mp4 icon
01-Passing Money Down To Your Offspring (G2).mp4
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01-Passing Money Down To Your Offspring (G2).pdf
mp4 icon
02-Dealing with Naysayers and Raising Good Kids.mp4
mp4 icon
03-Sid's Charities.mp4
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04-Paul's Mindset on Charities.mp4
20-Best Friday Interviews - Q&A's
mp4 icon
01-Q&A with John Pennington.mp4
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02-Q&A with Sid Krommenhoek.mp4
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03-Q&A with Adam Campbell.mp4
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04-Q&A with Jeff Sekinger - How to utilize 0% credit cards.mp4
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05-Q&A with Securities Attorney.mp4
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06-Q&A with Aaron Wagner.mp4
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07-Q&A with Dan Young.mp4
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08-Q&A with Jason Newby - Made over $10mm in Crypto (April 30, 2021).mp4
21-BONUS - Access To Live House Flip Training Course (12.5 Hours of Real Estate Training)
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01-Getting Started
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02-Bridger's LIVE Wholesale
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03-Build Cash Buyer List (Step #1)
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04-Find The Deal (Step #2)
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05-Value The Home And Submit An Offer (Step #3)
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06-Put The House Under Contract (Step #4)
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07-Market The House (Step #5)
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08-Close The Deal And Make $5,000 (Step #6)
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09-Legal Documents
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10-Bonus Videos
mp4 icon
00-BONUS - Access To Live House Flip Training Course (12.5 Hours of Real Estate Training).mp4
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Facebook Files
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Facebook Videos
  • 01-Welcome to IFS - We Work For You Now

    • 01-Welcome To The IFS Mastermind.mp4
    • 02-Important Disclaimer.mp4
    • 03-How Bridger Started His First Fund At Age 22.mp4
    • 04-John Penninton Jr Intro.mp4
    • 05-Sid K Intro.mp4
    • 06-Aaron Wagner Intro.mp4
    • 07-Paul Hutchinson Intro.mp4
    • 08-Adam Campbell Intro.mp4
  • 02-The Workbook

    • 01-IFS Workbook.pdf
    • 01-The Investment Fund Workbook.mp4
    • 02-IFS Book Recommendations.pdf
  • 03-The Foundation

    • 01-Motivational Fuel from Matt Foley (Chris Farley) .pdf
    • 01-[Fast forward to 1 minute 30 seconds] Motivational Fuel from Matt Foley (Chris Farley).mp4
    • 02-Fund Launch Formula.mp4
    • 03-Fund vs Syndication.mp4
    • 04-Basic Fund Structure.mp4
    • 05-How To Structure A Syndication Deal.mp4
    • 06-Crucial Terminology.mp4
    • 07-Capital Stack Explained.mp4
    • 08-Investments 101 - Alternative Assets.mp4
    • 09-Regulation Timeline.mp4
    • 10-Fund Launch Formula 2.0 (Step by Step).mp4
  • 04-Step 1 - Find the Deal

    • 01-Section 1 Intro.mp4
    • 02-The Strategy - Blue Ocean Red Ocean.mp4
    • 03-The Strategy Applied - Blue Ocean Fund Creation.mp4
    • 04-Creating Your Own Blue Ocean - Key to Uncontested Growth.mp4
    • 05-Paul's Rise To Success - Bring ON The Track Record, Put Yourself In Good Situations.mp4
    • 06-Stacking Power Players For Hacked Growth, Crisis Avoidance, and Success.mp4
    • 07-How to Manage Your Time Between Partners and Projects.mp4
    • 08-Team, Investment Committee & Board of Advisers.mp4
    • 09-How to Structure an Investment Committee.mp4
    • 10-Investment Committee Continued - Meritocracy & Incentivizing Employees.mp4
    • 11-Portfolio Strategy, What Model Should I Pick.mp4
  • 05-Step 2 - Structure the Deal

    • 01-Section 2 Intro.mp4
    • 02-Pre-Module Fuel.mp4
    • 03-Pref, Catch-Up, and Carried Interest.mp4
    • 04-Fund Expenses.xlsx
    • 04-Target AUM - Fund Income & Expenses.mp4
    • 04-Target AUM - Fund Income & Expenses.pdf
    • 05-GP LP Structure vs. LLC Structure.mp4
    • 06-Why the GP LP Structure Protects You.mp4
    • 07-Regulation D Funds 506(b) vs 506(c).mp4
    • 08-Intro to Todd & Reg A Funds.mp4
    • 09-Difference between Reg A, Reg A+, Reg D & Reg CF.mp4
    • 10-Compliance for Reg A+ Fund - Can I raise Debt or Equity in a Reg A.mp4
    • 11-How much money can I raise through Reg CF or Reg A+ - TIER 1 vs TIER 2.mp4
    • 12-Other questions about Reg A+.mp4
    • 13-Testing the Waters & Online Marketing.mp4
    • 14-Investor Contribution Limits.mp4
    • 15-Does a Reg A+ scare away family offices or institutional investors.mp4
    • 16-Investment Structure & Secondary Markets for Reg A+.mp4
    • 17-How to get in touch with Todd.mp4
    • 18-Lending Money at 8% and Returning a 15% IRR Part 1.mp4
    • 19-Lending Money at 8% and Returning a 15% IRR Part 2.mp4
    • 20-Broad Funds vs Narrow Funds.mp4
    • 21-American vs European Waterfall.mp4
    • 22-What Licenses Do I Need to Get Started (Part 1).mp4
    • 23-Example Of Framing Out A Fund.mp4
    • 23-Example Of Framing Out A Fund.pdf
    • 23-Fund Checklist.xlsx
    • 23-Mastermind Fund Frame.xlsx
    • 24-Pitch Deck Template.pdf
    • 24-Pitch Deck Template.pptx
    • 24-Pitch Deck Template Video.mp4
  • 06-Step 3 - Raising Capital

    • 01-Section 3 Intro.mp4
    • 02-Lean Into Your Constraints.mp4
    • 03-The 4 Types of Investors.mp4
    • 04-Hack to Close around 100% of Investors.mp4
    • 05-Where are the Wealthy People.mp4
    • 06-How To Get Into The Room + Networking Hacks.mp4
    • 07-Mid-Module Fuel.mp4
    • 08-3-Step Framework for Raising Capital - The Room Test & Breaking the Ice.mp4
    • 09-3-Step Framework for Raising Capital - Edification.mp4
    • 10-3-Step Framework for Raising Capital - Pitch Deck Necessities & The Meeting Itself.mp4
    • 11-Best Way To Go About A Pitch.mp4
    • 12-Institutional vs High Networth Investors.mp4
    • 13-$75 Million in 45 Days - Sid's Fund Raising Strategy.mp4
    • 14-How to Make Someone Never Forget You.mp4
    • 15-Working Vs. Buying Your Way In.mp4
    • 16-5-Step Framework To Pitching Family Offices.mp4
    • 17-Applied - Using the 5-Step Framework.mp4
    • 18-Hidden Responsibility - What Does it Mean to Be Involved with Family Offices.mp4
  • 07-Step 4 - Compliance & Regulations

    • 01-Section 4 Intro.mp4
    • 03-How the SEC Started - Overarching Goals of the SEC.mp4
    • 04-Who do I Have a Fiduciary Responsibility to.mp4
    • 05-Who Can I Pay Commission to for Raising Money.mp4
    • 06-What Licenses Do I Need to Get Started (Part 2).mp4
    • 07-Can I Partner with Someone Who Has Licenses.mp4
    • 08-Registered Investment Advisor vs Investment Advisor.mp4
    • 08-Registered Investment Advisor vs Investment Advisor.pdf
    • 09-Why You CAN'T Charge Accredited Investors Two Fees At The SEC Level.mp4
    • 09-Why You CAN'T Charge Accredited Investors Two Fees At The SEC Level.pdf
    • 10-An Expensive Lesson about Placement Agent Fees.mp4
    • 11-The Difference Between 3c1 vs 3c7.mp4
    • 12-Offshore vs Onshore Funds.mp4
    • 13-ADVANCED - Parallel Funds.mp4
    • 14-ADVANCED - Fund of Funds.mp4
  • 08-Fund Management

    • 01-Measuring Fund Performance - The Lie of Averages.mp4
    • 02-Portfolio Management & Risk Mitigation.mp4
    • 03-Capital Calls & Distribution.mp4
    • 04-The Flow of Capital (Setting up Bank Accounts).mp4
    • 05-Fund Admin Overview.mp4
    • 06-Fund Admin - Intro to Strata.mp4
    • 07-Fund Admin - Audits & Administration - When do I need one.mp4
    • 08-Fund Admin - Who needs one.mp4
    • 09-Fund Admin Tiers.mp4
    • 10-Fund Admin - Verifying Investors.mp4
    • 11-Fund Admin - Software.mp4
    • 12-What are the Costs.mp4
    • 13-Fund Admin - Contact Info.pdf
    • 13-Fund Admin - Contact info.mp4
  • 09-Fund Documents

    • 01-Legal Questionnaire - DO THIS BEFORE CONTACTING A LAWYER.mp4
    • 01-PPM Questionnaire.pdf
    • 02-Private Placement Memorandum - Examples Download.mp4
    • 02-Private Placement Memorandum - Examples Download.pdf
    • 02-Real Estate PPM.pdf
    • 02-SPV Fund PPM doc.docx
    • 02-SPV Fund PPM pdf.pdf
    • 02-VC Fund PPM doc.docx
    • 02-VC Fund PPM pdf.pdf
    • 03-Limited Partnership Agreement - Examples Download.pdf
    • 03-RE Fund LPA.pdf
    • 03-VC Fund LPA doc.docx
    • 03-VC Fund LPA pdf.pdf
    • 04-Operating Agreement For LLC doc.docx
    • 04-Operating Agreement For LLC pdf.pdf
    • 04-Operating Agreements For LLC Examples.mp4
    • 04-Operating Agreements For LLC Examples.pdf
    • 05-Sub Docs doc.docx
    • 05-Sub Docs pdf.pdf
    • 05-Subscription Documents Example.mp4
    • 05-Subscription Documents Example.pdf
    • 06-LLC Fund Construct - Examples Download.pdf
    • 06-LLC Fund LPA doc.docx
    • 06-LLC Fund LPA pdf.pdf
    • 06-LLC Fund PPM doc.docx
    • 06-LLC Fund Questionnaire doc.docx
    • 06-LLC Fund Questionnaire pdf.pdf
    • 06-LLC Fund Subscription Docs doc.docx
    • 06-LLC Fund Subscription Docs pdf.pdf
  • 10-Excel Templates & Other Resources

    • 01-Basic Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model.mp4
    • 02-Advanced Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model.mp4
    • 02-Advanced Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model.pdf
    • 02-DCF Example Dec 2019.xlsx
    • 03-Cap Table and Exit Waterfall Template.xlsx
    • 03-Cap Tables - Option Pools, Convertible Notes, & Share Dilution.mp4
    • 03-Cap Tables - Option Pools, Convertible Notes, & Share Dilution.pdf
    • 04-Advanced Private Equity Excel Model.mp4
    • 04-Advanced Private Equity Excel Model.pdf
    • 04-Complete Private Equity Model.xlsx
    • 05-Share Distribution & Re-balancing Template.mp4
    • 05-Share Distribution & Re-balancing Template.pdf
    • 05-Share Distribution Template 2020.xlsx
    • 06-Pitch Deck Template.pdf
    • 06-Pitch Deck Template.pptx
    • 06-Pitch Deck Template Video.mp4
    • 07-Example Of Opportunity Zone Pitch Deck.mp4
    • 07-Pitch Deck Investment Fund Secrets.pptx
  • 11-Partnerships & Discounts

    • 01-Real Estate Excel Model 20% Discount.mp4
    • 01-Real Estate Excel Model 20% Discount.pdf
    • 02-Fund Admin - 10% Discount @ Strata.mp4
    • 02-Fund Admin - 10% Discount @ Strata.pdf
    • 03-Pitch Deck - 10% Discount @ Sketchdeck.mp4
    • 03-Pitch Deck - 10% Discount @ Sketchdeck.pdf
    • 04-506(c) Fund Syndication Software - 10% Discount @ eVest Technologies.mp4
    • 04-506(c) Fund Syndication Software - 10% Discount @ eVest Technologies.pdf
    • 05-FINRA Licensing - 10% Discount @ Kaplan.pdf
  • 12-Fund Accounting

    • 01-Fund Accounting - 4-Step Framework.mp4
    • 02-In-House Accounting vs 3rd Party Accounting.mp4
    • 03-What If You Don't Call All the Capital.mp4
    • 04-Financial Statement (Balance Sheet).mp4
    • 05-Financial Statements (Statement of Operations).mp4
    • 06-Financial Statements (Partner Capital).mp4
    • 07-Financial Statements (Cashflows).mp4
    • 08-Financial Statements (Schedule of Investments).mp4
    • 09-Why You Need to Know Fund Accounting (and Then You Can Hire).mp4
    • 10-Capital Calls & Distribution.mp4
  • 13-Online Marketing (506c Funds)

    • 01-Intro to Online Marketing.mp4
    • 02-Mental Triggers & Marketing Psychology.mp4
    • 03-Basic Marketing.mp4
    • 03-Basic Marketing.pdf
    • 04-Advanced Marketing - Funnel Strategy.mp4
    • 05-Advanced Marketing - Optimization.mp4
    • 06-Advertising.mp4
    • 07-Should I Hire Someone To Do This For Me.mp4
  • 14-Venture Capital

    • 01-Venture Capital Overview.mp4
    • 02-Venture Capital Deals & Terms.mp4
    • 03-Venture Capital Strategy Examples.mp4
    • 04-Sid's Rise in the Venture Capital World.mp4
    • 05-What Makes A Perfect Deal.mp4
    • 06-Leveraging Your Fund & Equity Investments.mp4
    • 07-Full Stack VC Format.mp4
    • 08-Do You Ask For Money - If so, How Much.mp4
    • 09-Raising VC Funds with Institutional Investors.mp4
    • 10-How to Get Your Portfolio Founders to Love You.mp4
  • 15-Private Equity & Small Business Acquisitions

    • 01-Private Equity Overview.mp4
    • 02-PE Strategies & Examples.mp4
    • 03-The 3 Types of Leverage.mp4
    • 04-Finding Deals & Managing Deal Flow.mp4
    • 04-Finding Deals & Managing Deal Flow.pdf
    • 05-Cann License LOI Template.docx
    • 05-Making an Offer - LOI's & NDA's.mp4
    • 06-Due Diligence.mp4
    • 07-Financing & Deal Closing.mp4
    • 08-SPACs.mp4
  • 16-Forex & Futures

    • 00-Important Updates.png
    • 01-Terry's Origin Story.mp4
    • 02-Why Forex.mp4
    • 03-Forex Leverage w Lot Sizes.mp4
    • 04-Futures.mp4
    • 05-How You Make & Lose Money In Forex.mp4
    • 06-Who Loses Money When You Win (Zero-Sum).mp4
    • 07-Does More Leverage = More Risk + Scaling For Beginners.mp4
    • 08-International Accounts.mp4
    • 09-#1 Commandment of Forex.mp4
    • 10-Terry Trading LIVE.mp4
    • 11-The Power of an Auto-Trader.mp4
    • 12-When To Get Out Of A Trade.mp4
    • 13-Secret Sauce - Combining Micro & Macro.mp4
    • 14-Where To Learn More.mp4
    • 14-Where To Learn More.pdf
  • 17-Real Estate

    • 01-Intro to Real Estate Module.mp4
    • 02-Real Estate Oceans.mp4
    • 03-Real Estate Markets.mp4
    • 04-Real Estate Approaches.mp4
    • 05-Real Estate Teams.mp4
    • 06-Real Estate 3(c)(5) Exemption.mp4
    • 07-REIT vs Real Estate Funds.mp4
    • 08-Real Estate Excel Model.mp4
    • 08-Real Estate Excel Model.pdf
  • 18-Hedge Funds

    • 01-Intro to Hedge Fund Module.mp4
    • 02-Hedge Fund Strategies.mp4
    • 03-Hedge Fund Structure.mp4
    • 04-Hedge Funds Overview & Increasing Exposure.mp4
    • 05-Licences, Loopholes & Ponzi Schemes.mp4
    • 05-Licences, Loopholes & Ponzi Schemes.pdf
    • 06-Why Hedge Funds are Different.mp4
    • 07-Why Hedge Funds Fail - A Lesson from the Past.mp4
    • 08-Hedge Funds Incubator Concept.mp4
    • 09-Hedge Fund Lawyer Interview.mp4
    • 09-Hedge Fund Lawyer Interview.pdf
  • 19-Impact & Legacy

    • 01-Passing Money Down To Your Offspring (G2).mp4
    • 01-Passing Money Down To Your Offspring (G2).pdf
    • 02-Dealing with Naysayers and Raising Good Kids.mp4
    • 03-Sid's Charities.mp4
    • 04-Paul's Mindset on Charities.mp4
  • 20-Best Friday Interviews - Q&A's

    • 01-Q&A with John Pennington.mp4
    • 02-Q&A with Sid Krommenhoek.mp4
    • 03-Q&A with Adam Campbell.mp4
    • 04-Q&A with Jeff Sekinger - How to utilize 0% credit cards.mp4
    • 05-Q&A with Securities Attorney.mp4
    • 06-Q&A with Aaron Wagner.mp4
    • 07-Q&A with Dan Young.mp4
    • 08-Q&A with Jason Newby - Made over $10mm in Crypto (April 30, 2021).mp4
  • 21-BONUS - Access To Live House Flip Training Course (12.5 Hours of Real Estate Training)

    • 00-BONUS - Access To Live House Flip Training Course (12.5 Hours of Real Estate Training).mp4
    • 01-Getting Started

      • 01-How To Get The Most Out Of Live Flip.mp4
    • 02-Bridger's LIVE Wholesale

      • 01-How To Make Money Wholesaling!.mp4
      • 02-Day 1 Homework.mp4
      • 02-Day 1 Homework.pdf
    • 03-Build Cash Buyer List (Step #1)

      • 01-Why You Need To Build A Cash Buyers List.mp4
      • 02-Find Cash Buyers Through Real Estate Investment Clubs.mp4
      • 02-Find Cash Buyers Through Real Estate Investment Clubs.pdf
      • 03-Find Cash Buyers Through Craigslist.mp4
      • 03-Find Cash Buyers Through Craigslist.pdf
      • 04-Calling Cash Buyers.mp4
      • 04-Script Questionnaire for Cash Buyers.pdf
      • 05-Getting Cash Buyers Through Bandit Signs.mp4
      • 06-Cash Buyers - Homework.mp4
      • 06-Cash Buyers - Homework.png
    • 04-Find The Deal (Step #2)

      • 01-How to Find Deals.mp4
      • 02-Finding Deals Through Craigslist.mp4
      • 02-Finding Deals Through Craigslist.png
      • 03-Finding Deals Through Bandit Signs.mp4
      • 04-Find Deals Through Personal Cards.mp4
      • 04-Find Deals Through Personal Cards.pdf
      • 05-Find Deals By Calling Real Estate Agents.mp4
      • 05-On The Phone Walk-Through.png
      • 06-Screenshare - Finding Deals Through Online Auctions.mp4
      • 06-Screenshare - Finding Deals Through Online Auctions.pdf
      • 07-Find Deals By Calling On Properties.mp4
      • 08-How To Find Deals - Homework.mp4
      • 08-How To Find Deals - Homework.png
    • 05-Value The Home And Submit An Offer (Step #3)

      • 01-How To Value A House or Deal.mp4
      • 02-Screenshare - Evaulating A Deal Online.mp4
      • 02-Screenshare - Evaulating A Deal Online.pdf
      • 03-House #1 Walk Through.mp4
      • 03-House #1 Walk Through.pdf
      • 04-House #2 Walk Through.mp4
      • 05-House #2 Phone Call.mp4
      • 05-House #2 Phone Call.png
      • 06-House #3 Walkthrough.mp4
      • 07-How To Value And Submit An Offer - Homework.mp4
      • 07-How To Value And Submit An Offer - Homework.png
      • 08-Bonus Screenshare - Evaulating A Deal Online.mp4
    • 06-Put The House Under Contract (Step #4)

      • 01-Why We Need To Put The House Under Contract.mp4
      • 02-Analyzing The Deal On Site.mp4
      • 03-LIVE Phone Call! Negotiating The Deal.mp4
      • 04-Changing The Contract.mp4
      • 05-Submitting The Contract.mp4
    • 07-Market The House (Step #5)

      • 01-Marketing The House.mp4
      • 02-How To Create A Catchy Email Cash Buyers Want To Bite On.mp4
      • 03-Bridger Answering Emails Texts And Calls About The Property.mp4
      • 03-Bridger Answering Emails Texts And Calls About The Property.png
      • 04-Potential Buyer! Live Call With Mike To Learn Next Steps.mp4
      • 05-Marketing The House - Homework.mp4
      • 05-Marketing The House - Homework.png
    • 08-Close The Deal And Make $5,000 (Step #6)

      • 01-Meet The Buyer At The House.mp4
      • 02-LIVE Call, Asking Scott What To Do To Close The Deal!.mp4
      • 03-LIVE Close At The Title Company.mp4
      • 04-10 Days Later, Picking Up $5,000 Check.mp4
      • 05-Take $5,000 To The Bank!.mp4
    • 09-Legal Documents

      • 01-Intro To Legal Documents.mp4
      • 01-Intro To Legal Documents.png
      • 02-Setting Up Your Entity (LLC).mp4
      • 03-50 States Legal Forms & Purchase Contracts.png
      • 03-50 States Legal Forms & Purchase
      • 03-How To Put The House Under Contract.mp4
      • 04-Non-Circumvention Agreement.mp4
      • 04-Non-Circumvention Agreement.png
      • 05-Assigning The Contract To A Cash Buyer.mp4
      • 06-Review Of Legal Documents.mp4
      • 06-Review Of Legal Documents.png
    • 10-Bonus Videos

      • 01-Assignments vs Wholesaling.mp4
      • 02-Driving Deals.mp4
      • 03-Deal Flow.mp4
      • 04-Deal Flow MLS.mp4
      • 05-Deal Flow- Estate Sales.mp4
      • 06-Deal Flow - Auction Website.mp4
      • 07-Craigslist.mp4
      • 08-Bandit Signs.mp4
      • 09-The Assignment Process.mp4
      • 10-Go to a Trustee Sale (Mike).mp4
      • 11-Hard Money Terms (Mike).mp4
      • 12-Funding the Deal (Mike).mp4
      • 13-Find a good Title Company (Mike).mp4
      • 14-Deal Flow - Bank Websites (Mike).mp4
      • 15-Pre Forclosure (Scott).mp4
      • 16-Packaging Deals (Mike).mp4
      • 17-Networking (Scott).mp4
      • 18-Networking - REI Clubs (Mike).mp4
  • 22-Facebook

    • Facebook Files

      • 1725 N. Pine St Investment Presentation.pdf
      • AREIF Deck.pdf
      • Blue Oceans - Fillable.pdf
      • CFL-CrowdfundingCheatSheet-copy-2.pdf
      • Fund Finance Glossary.pdf
      • Internal Rates of Return and Preferred Returns What Is the Difference.pdf
      • Multifamily Analysis Tool v 4.05 Created by Dave Hibbert.xls
      • Pitch Deck.pdf
      • Pitch Deck Template.pptx
      • Real Estate Fund Deck.pdf
      • Sample Pitch Deck for Your Fund - by Kaego Ogbechie Rust (
      • Understanding Master-Feeder Accounting.pdf
      • forming a real estate fund.pdf
    • Facebook Videos

      • 01-Live Q&A Module 1.mp4
      • 02-Live Q&A (Module 2 Frame).mp4
      • 03-Live Q&A With John Pennington About Weekly Markets.mp4
      • 04-Weekly Live Q&A Money Raising.mp4
      • 05-New video for the backend course.mp4
      • 06-New video in the backend course 2.mp4
      • 07-Live Legal Q&A WIth John Pennington.mp4
      • 08-New Mastermind Trader Announced! Live Q&A This Week.mp4
      • 09-Deal Review Q&A LIVE Call.mp4
      • 10-This weeks Q&A!.mp4
      • 11-Live With Adam Campbell.mp4
      • 12-LIVE Q&A and Announcements.mp4
      • 12-Live Q&A May 8.mp4
      • 13-Live Q&A May 15.mp4
      • 14-Live With Sid Krommenhoek.mp4
      • 15-Live Q&A Continued.mp4
      • 16-Weekly Live Q&A.mp4
      • 17-Friday Q&A.mp4
      • 18-Live Q&A With Aaron Wagner.mp4
      • 19-Live Q&A.mp4
      • 20-Live Q&A Legal Securities Attorney.mp4
      • 21-Live Q&A Today.mp4
      • 22-Coaching call.mp4
      • 23-Live Q&A with John Pennington.mp4
      • 24-Tuesday Strategy Coaching Call.mp4
      • 25-Live Q&A Friday July 17.mp4
      • 26-Strategy Call.mp4
      • 27-Live Strategy Call.mp4
      • 28-Live QA.mp4
      • 29-Live Difference between VC & PE.mp4
      • 30-Live Call.mp4
      • 31-Red Ocean Blue Ocean Analytics -- Live Weekly Q&A.mp4
      • 32-SPV’s, PEF, & Finance.mp4
      • 33-Structuring A Syndication Deal.mp4
      • 34-Replay - Caleb Guilliams.mp4
      • 35-Hedge Funds & Pitch Decks.mp4
      • 36-Live Q&A Friday Call.mp4
      • 37-Reverse Mergers, Direct Listings & Markets!.mp4
      • 38-Live Q&A With Jeff Sekinger.mp4
      • 39-Small Business Acquisitions.mp4
      • 40-Live Q&A.mp4
      • 41-Cap tables.mp4
      • 41-Investments Overview.mp4
      • 42-Search Funds.mp4
      • 43-Online Marketing Q&A.mp4
      • 44-Hedge Fund Strategies & Structures.mp4
      • 45-Networking Live Q&A.mp4
      • 46-Lincoln Archibald.mp4
      • 47-Live Call with Adam Cambell.mp4
      • 48-Real Estate Funds & Market Analysis.mp4
      • 49-Live Q&A Analyzing Deals.mp4
      • 50-Real Estate & Raising Money.mp4
      • 51-Live Call (Thursday Night) Framing your Thesis.mp4
      • 52-debt, fund of funds, & crypto.mp4
      • 53-Live Q&A Friday Call.mp4
      • 54-Election, Markets, Negative Interest Rates, Hyper Inflation.mp4
      • 55-Live With Zach Marrow.mp4
      • 56-Live (Part 2) on 506c funds and online advertising.mp4
      • 57-Black Card Announcement.mp4
      • 58-Live Q&A Black Card details.mp4
      • 59-Live Q&A Dec 4, 2020.mp4
      • 60-Live Q&A Networking, who can i raise money from.mp4
      • 61-Live Call 2021 Planning.mp4
      • 62-How to Frame A Deal.mp4
      • 63-You Might Not Need Series 65.mp4
      • 64-My Goals For 2021, End of Year Close, 2021 Planning.mp4
      • 65-Dan Young Interview.mp4
      • 66-Live Call Fund Structure.mp4
      • 67-Live Call and Q&A.mp4
      • 68-Friday Live Call.mp4
      • 69-Friday Q&A.mp4
      • 70-Live Guest David Cox.mp4
      • 71-Balancing family, wealth, relationships, and health.mp4
      • 72-Incubators, VC & Other.mp4
      • 73-Live QA.mp4
      • 74-Live QA.mp4
      • 75-Partnership Live Call - Syndication Pro Demo.mp4
      • 76-Live Call Deal Structuring.mp4
      • 77-Live QA.mp4
      • 78-How to Present Your Pitch.mp4
      • 79-Live Q&A and Call.mp4
      • 80-Jason Newby Q&A 9 figures in Crypto.mp4
      • 81-Live.mp4
      • 82-Live Iphone Giveaway.mp4
      • 83-Live Friday Call and Q&A.mp4
      • 84-Live Call and Q&A.mp4

The Fastest Way To Start, Grow, Or Scale ANY Business or Investing Strategy… Period.
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Launch A Fund That Beats The Ivy Leaguers 9 Times Out of 10
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Arrived Partners
These 3 came to us fresh out of college, looking for something “more”…
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Imagine where you will be in 1 year…
Eric & Chase
Eric & Chase started their fund last year, and joined IFS earlier this year.
Since joining, they’ve brought on lots of new capital, big investors, started on several big projects, and more.
They’ve also made huge changes on how they approach investors and altered their entire fund structure.

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