Alex Becker – Iron Blueprint
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- Last Updated Date: 02-06-2024
- Course Size: 16.19 GB
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Curriculum (Google Drive Proof)
Alex Becker - Iron Blueprint
01-How To Use & Resources
02-Week 1 - IRON Mind
03-Week 2 - IRON Structure
04-Week 3 - IRON Product
05-Week 4 - IRON Funnels (7 Day Unlock)
07-Week 5 - IRON Sales (9 Day Unlock)
08-Week 6 - IRON Ads PT1 (12 Day Unlock)
09-Week 7- Iron HYPER Scale and Optimization
10-2020 BONUS CRITICAL Content
11-Week 8 - IRON Kill Box
12- Week 9 - IRON 2020 Content
01-How To Use & Resources
- 01-IRON Essential Reading List.pdf
- 01-Instruction Manual.mp4
- 03-Iron Essential Documentaries-Interviews-Videos.pdf
- Alex Becker 2019 Reading Archive.xlsx
02-Week 1 - IRON Mind
- 01-How To Have Sucess (CRITICAL).mp4
- 02-Essential Mind Resources.mp4
- 03-KEY - Finding Time To Learn.mp4
- 04-What It TRULY Takes To Win.mp4
- 05-Foreward To Iron Section.mp4
- 06-IRON Body.mp4
- 07-IRON Time.mp4
- 08-IRON Focus.mp4
- 09-IRON Self.mp4
- 10-IRON Purpose.mp4
- 11-IRON Creativity.mp4
- 12-What's Next- Watch Before Moving To Week 2.mp4
03-Week 2 - IRON Structure
- 01-The True Secret To Ads.mp4
- 02-The Big Mistake Behind Bad Ads.mp4
- 03-Bussiness Reductionism.mp4
- 04-Creating A Blue Ocean Product FOR Ads.mp4
- 05-Designing For The Market Needs.mp4
- 06-Retainment For Massive Ad ROI.mp4
- 07-Baking Muffins.mp4
- 08-Ad Isolation.mp4
- 09-Picking The Right Funnel and Price For The Markets.mp4
- 10-Putting It All Together For The Ad Hurricane.mp4
04-Week 3 - IRON Product
- 01-The Importance Of PRODUCT.mp4
- 02-Keys To A Great AD Product.mp4
- 03-The 5 Qualifiers.mp4
- 04-But They Have A Better Market!.mp4
- 05-Pricing By The Market.mp4
- 06-True Customer Success.mp4
- 07-Customer Success Tactics.mp4
- 08-2k and 5k Course Templates.mp4
- 09-Result Emphasis.mp4
- 10-The All Important First Week.mp4
- 10-The Course_Module Strategy.mp4
- 11-CRITICAL - Asking For Negative Feedback and Seeing NEEDS.mp4
- 12-CRITICAL - Obstacle Deletion Course Design.mp4
- 13-Action Based Refund Guarantee Strategies.mp4
- 14-Finding_Hiring Coaches and Breaking Out Of Your Niche.mp4
- 15-What Now.mp4
- 16-Great Products, TERRIBLE Experience.mp4
- 16.01-Product Experience and Membership Software (Kajabi).mp4
- 16.02-Elements Of A Great Checkout.mp4
- 16.03-Writing A Course Like Sales Copy (Critical To Completion).mp4
- 16.04-Intercom_Usage Email Tactics.mp4
- 16.05-Making A GREAT Facebook Group.mp4
- 16.06-My Video Set Up.mp4
- 16.07-Keys To A Good Video.mp4
- 16.08-Editing Videos.mp4
- 16.09-My Kajabi Product Theme and Page Templates.png
05-Week 4 - IRON Funnels (7 Day Unlock)
- 01-The Big Misunderstanding About Funnels.mp4
- 02-The Straight Line Funnel Concept.mp4
- 03-2k Or SC Funnel (Picking The Right Funnel For The Job).mp4
- 04-Intro To Diamond Excercise.mp4
- 05-DiamondFiles.pdf
- 05-DiamondFiles.ppt
- 05-Executing The Diamond Map.mp4
- 06-On Hyper Optimization.mp4
- 07-Use Warning (Please Watch To Not Get Lost).mp4
- 07.01-Intro To 2k Funnel.mp4
- 07.02-2k Emails.docx
- 07.02-Sharepage.mp4
- 07.03-2k Opt In.mp4
- 07.04-2k Thank You.mp4
- 07.05-2k Email Delivery.mp4
- 07.06-2k Starting Emails & Pre Training.mp4
- 07.07-2k Closing Emails.mp4
- 07.08-2k Sales Page.mp4
- 07.09-2k Testimonial & Replay Page.mp4
- 07.10-2k Downsale Offer.mp4
- 07.11-2020 IMPROVELY - Split Testing A 2k Funnel Opt Ins.mp4
- 07.11- 2020 IMPROVELY _ Split Testing A 2k Funnel Opt Ins.png
- 08-Intro To SC Funnel.mp4
- 08.01- Download SC Funnel Templates.png
- 08.02-SC Funnel Opt In.mp4
- 08.03-SC Funnel Thank You_Video Page.mp4
- 08.04-SC Funnel Scheduling.mp4
- 08.06-SC Funnel Emails.mp4
- 08.07-2020 IMPROVELY - Split testing SC funnel (opt in and video conversions).mp4
- DiamondFiles.key
- 01-You Must Be The Master Of Your Realm (Your Niche).mp4
- 01- You Must Be The Master Of Your Realm (Your Niche).png
- 02 - The Perfect Opt In Formula.png
- 02-The Perfect Opt In Formula.mp4
- 03-Designing Opt Ins_Funnels With CUSTOMER CONTEXT (CRITICAL).mp4
07-Week 5 - IRON Sales (9 Day Unlock)
- 01-Copywriting - It's Not A Template.mp4
- 02-Understanding Long Form Selling.mp4
- 03-Why Most Webinars Fail.mp4
- 04-Selling Wants VS Needs.mp4
- 05-How To Use My Decks_Files.mp4
- 06-Advanced Story Telling_Persuasion Tactics.mp4
- 07-IRONDeck.ppt
- 07.01-IRONDeck.key
- 07.03-h-com.mp4
- 07.04-iron.mp4
- 07.05-hyros.mp4
- 07.06-Hyros_Presentation_New.key
- 08.01-Script Live Breakdown.mp4
- 08.02-2k Closing Script.mp4
- 09.01-Intro To SC Sales Video Script.mp4
- 09.02-2020 FINAL Updated SHORT Script Intro.mp4
- 09.03-2020 FINAL Short Script.mp4
- 09.04-2020 SC UPDATED MEDIUM SCRIPT (2020 CONTENT).mp4
- 09.05-SC Script Live Breakdown.mp4
- 09.06-The Key To CEO Closing On The Phone.mp4
- 09.07-SC Script PHONE CLOSE Script.mp4
- 09.08-LIVE-close2 - alexbecker.mp4
- 09.08-LIVE Phone Closes-close1 - alexbecker.mp4
- 10-What Is This-.mp4
- 10.02-IRON Script Demo_Breakdown.mp4
- 10.03-HYROS How The Script Works.mp4
08-Week 6 - IRON Ads PT1 (12 Day Unlock)
- 01-Improve Readability.mp4
- 01-This Is Where The Fun Begins.mp4
- 02-Finding Our UBER Promise.mp4
- 03-Our Ad Script.mp4
- 03-Our Ad Script.pdf
- 03.01-IRON-B2B ADS (SC Ads).mp4
- 03.02-H-Com Ads (Broad 2k Ads).mp4
- 03.02-igqushort.mp4
- 03.03-45ad.mp4
- 03.03-bleep137k.mp4
- 03.03-igqushort.mp4
- 03.03-newad4.mp4
- 03.03-trooper.mp4
- 03.04-ad7.mp4
- 03.04-jobs1.mp4
- 03.04-newaddd2.mp4
- 04-Setting Up Proper Tracking.mp4
- 05-Setting Up Adwords Conversion-Site Tracking.mp4
- 06-Ad Targeting and Scaling.mp4
- 06.01-Placements.mp4
- 06.02-Keyword Targeting.mp4
- 06.02-Keyword Targeting.pdf
- 06.03-Intent Audiences.mp4
- 06.04-Retargeting-Viewed Your Stuff Audiences.mp4
- 06.05-Similar Audiences.mp4
- 06.06-Auto Audiences.mp4
- 06.07-Ad Layering (2020 Bonus).mp4
- 06.08-On Using Demographics (DON'T).mp4
- 07-Making Our First Ad.mp4
- 07.01-Ads and Hot Dogs.mp4
- 07.02-Initial Ads 2020 - How It Works.mp4
- 07.03-Initial Ads 2020 - Goals.mp4
- 07.04-Initial Ads 2020 - $10 A Day Placements.mp4
- 07.05-Initial Ads 2020 - $20 A Day Aff+BROAD KW Audiences.mp4
- 07.05-Initial Ads 2020 - $20 A Day Aff+BROAD KW Audiences.pdf
- 07.06-Initial Ads 2020 - $20 Hyper KW Audiences.mp4
- 07.06-Initial Ads 2020 - $20 Hyper KW Audiences.pdf
- 07.07-Initial Ads 2020 - Organization Tricks.mp4
- 07.08-Initial Ads 2020 - $20 A Day Broad Keywords & Intents.mp4
- 07.08-Initial Ads 2020 - $20 A Day Broad Keywords & Intents.pdf
- 07.09-Existing Business Initial Ads (Sub $500 A Day).mp4
- 07.10-Analyzing Data And Killing Or Scaling Ads.mp4
- 07.11-From $300 To $500+ Per Day.mp4
- 07.12-3.mp4
- 07.12-Closing Retargeting.mp4
- 07.12-closingytfix1.mp4
- 07.12-resultsadnew.mp4
- 07.13-GDN Retargeting (2020 Bonus).mp4
- 07.14-2020 Bonus - SC Ad Targeting That Works.mp4
- 07.15-2020 Bonus - 2k Ad Targeting That Works.mp4
09-Week 7- Iron HYPER Scale and Optimization
- 01-Why Hyper Optimize and THEN Scale (WARNING).mp4
- 02-Ensuring The Straight Line.mp4
- 03-Hyper Optimizing The Opt In.mp4
- 04-Straight To Call SC Funnel Split Test.mp4
- 05-Basic Course Micro Optimization.mp4
- 06-The Easiest Way To Double Revenue.mp4
- 06.01-Finding What The Customer Wants.mp4
- 06.02-Dot Your I's.mp4
- 06.03-Removing Buying Obstacles and Adding Massive Benefits.mp4
- 07-Bidding_Growth 101.mp4
- 07.01-Affinity and In Market Audiences.mp4
- 07.02-Drilling Explained.mp4
- 07.03-Broadifying.mp4
- 07.04-Generating Audiences Ideas For Scale.mp4
- 07.05-Optimizing Ads For Specific Audiences.mp4
- 08-Understanding Campaign Dips and Fixing Them.mp4
- 08.01-Bad Aiding Ad Fatigue.mp4
- 08.02-What Now-.mp4
10-2020 BONUS CRITICAL Content
- 01-Long Term Advanced Email Marketing.mp4
- 02-Long Term Advanced Retargeting Strategies.mp4
- 03-How To Hire Tier 10 Support People (2020 Content).mp4
- 04-Scaling and Testing Ads Using Rapid Metric Feedback.mp4
- 05-Churn Prevention, Product Optimization and Lowering Refunds.mp4
- 06-Holiday Advertising Droughts and Promos Broken Down.mp4
11-Week 8 - IRON Kill Box
- 01-Understanding The Killbox.mp4
- 02-Remembering To Maintain The Straight Line.mp4
- 03-Different Business Different Killbox Strategy.mp4
- 04-The Low Ticket Downsale ($47).mp4
- 04-The Low Ticket Downsale ($47).pdf
- 04.01-The Low Ticket Downsale ($47).pdf
- 05-Low Ticket Upsale Funnel.mp4
- 06-Supplemental High Ticket Products.mp4
- 07-Intro To Promotional Strategies.mp4
- 07.01-Creating A Repeatable Promotion Schedule.mp4
- 07.02-Using Retargeting Like An Email List To Maximize Profits.mp4
- 07.03-#Hero Nation Weekly.mp4
- 07.03-Promoting Low Ticket Offers--.pdf
- 07.03-Promoting Low Ticket Offers-.pdf
- 07.03-Promoting Low Ticket Offers.mp4
- 07.03-Promoting Low Ticket Offers.pdf
- 07.03-Sharepage.mp4
- 07.03-freetrialad.mp4
- 07.03-newyearsYT.mp4
- 07.04-Promoting Supplemental High Ticket Offers + Re-Promoing Your Core Offer.mp4
- 07.05-Promoting Your HIGH HIGH Ticket Offer.mp4
- 07.06-Promoting Your Mastermind.mp4
12- Week 9 - IRON 2020 Content
- 01-The 5 Year Effect 1 A Good or Bad Hire.mp4
- 02-Infinite A Player Hiring.mp4
- 03-2020culturedeck.pdf
- 03-The #1 Key To Hiring (Culture Attraction).mp4
- 04-Customer Support and Success Managers Hiring Sheet.docx
- 04-Hiring Hacks (Cloning, Personality Testing, KEY Questions).mp4
- 05-Where To Hire Certain Roles-.pdf
- 05-Where To Hire Certain Roles.mp4
- 05-Where To Hire Certain Roles.pdf
Alex Becker – Iron Blueprint
The IRON Blueprint
The IRON blueprint is a non-public teaching the place I clone the precise funnels, copywriting and advertisements I take advantage of to scale my companies to your online business.
This group is ONLY for profitable enterprise house owners already making a considerable earnings. If you need to know extra you possibly can schedule a name with me right here. Approval required.
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Alex Becker – Iron Blueprint Course
Alex Becker – Iron Blueprint Download
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